Can I come and see my Nephew and Niece?

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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, I woke up and saw it was Robbie, I went downstairs and gave my phone to Freddie "Fred it's Rob" I rubbed my eyes, getting Preston off Freddie, feeding Preston the rest of his bottle.

Freddie looked at me and smiled "Rob wants to see them." I sighed, shaking my head. "Look i'll be here, you don't have to be." I nodded.

"I will get my clothes on and go over to the bean." I smiled, walking upstairs getting my clothes on. "Ring me when he's gone." I walked out the door, walking over to dodgers, knocking on the door, seeing Sienna.

"He's moved out of hollyoaks." She sighed, I shook my head, trying not to cry. "He left this morning. Sorry" She shut the door. I walked to the bean, putting my head on the table, getting my phone, ringing Dodger. But he didn't reply. I walked over to the loft and drank some alcohol.

"Another one please Adam." He shook his head. "It's a pub innit, so get me a drink." He shook his head mouthing something to Grace before walking to me. "What did you say?!" I shouted.

"You've just had twins, you're coming with me. I'm going to get you sobered up." He smiled, taking my hand, pulling me up. "Silly girl." I forgot about my babies because I was so upset that Dodger left, that was no excuse!

"I'm such a bad mum." I cried. "Dodger left, so I start drinking. My babies should come first before any men!" I put my head in my hands as soon as we got into Adams and sat down as he poured me a glass of water.

"You're not a bad mum, you're grieving. It's usual. Why aren't you with them and whose with them?" I took a sip of water before thinking.

"I should be there!" I got up "I can't trust my babies around Robbie and Freddie what if they do something bad, ring social services on me, oh man."

"No sit back down, you're not stable enough to go home yet." He shook his head, walking infront of the door so I couldn't walk out.

"Adam move!" I shook my head. "What I do is none of your buisness. I need to see them."

"No look, i'll get my dad to go over there and stay with them, make sure nothings sketch." He showed me his phone of him ringing Glenn "Hi Dad it's me Adam, you busy?"

"Yeah I'm with Grace and Maxine, why?" Glenn said on loud speaker.

"Oh don't worry about it. Bye." He put the phone down. "It's okay, it'll be fine i'll try get someone else to go and stay with them." I worried, scratching my neck.  "I'll ring Jesse." I nodded,smiling. He started ringing Jesse. "Hey Jess it's me Ad, you busy?"

"No not really, why?" He replied.

"Well i'll explain it later, just go to the McQueens House and look after Brooke and Preston." He talked quickly "Go now!" Jesse started walking to our house whilst on the phone to Adam.

"Uh, there's a problem. There's a note." He looked down on the floor and saw the note, picking it up.

"W-what's wrong?!" I shook my head "No, this can't be happening!"

"What does it say Jess?" Adam looked at me, hugging me tight so I couldn't move.

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