Please be okay Dodger.

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"Yes thanks to you though!" I rolled my eyes. At that moment Dodger came out with the firemen. "Dodger!" I got up and ran to him. "Dodger!" I tried to make him take my hands but he got pushed away in a stretcher. I saw Jason on another stretcher I was so confused. "Robbie is more messed up as I thought, trying to kill Jason too!" I shouted.

"What do you mean thanks to me?!" John Paul raised his eyebrow.

"Thanks to you we are here in this fire." I rolled my eyes. "I broke up with Robbie because of what he did to you and you didn't even tell me he did that thing to you with Finn!" I shouted whilst coughing.

"Don't bring this up again." He rolled his eyes,shouting back.

"Don't tell me what to do you're not my dad." I walked into the other ambulance as Dodger got drove off. John Paul got into the ambulance with me but all the journey we just ignored each other.

----------At the hospital----------

I sat in the hospital bed, I couldn't stop coughing. I saw Robbie walk into the hospital. "No!" I shouted. "Get him out the hospital." I cried. "He doesn't belong here if he did this to his brother." 

"Hey it's alright." John Paul awkwardly gave me a hug. Then all of the family came in.

"Awe honey, it's alright Nana is here!" Nana came over and hugged me then Mercedes,Prince and Hunter joined in.

"Shouldn't you be at school lads?" I coughed.

"Well we wanted to see our cousin." Prince laughed, kissing me on the head, Hunter squeezing me so tight I could hardly breathe.

"Thanks boys." I laughed. Then the police came into my room. "Oh no."

"Hello Amy McQueen we have more information on the fire." The policeman stood up tall.

"I don't want to hear it." I closed my ears.

"Please Miss McQueen.You need to know." He continued.

"She said she doesn't want to know!" Prince shouted at the police.

"Prince McQueen that is a warning." The police shook his head. "Don't do that again." Prince rolled his eyes. "The fire was deliberate. If you know who it is tell us." Prince looked at me.

"Who was it Aims?" Prince called me by my nickname.

"I think it was him!" I coughed and pointed out. "He kidnapped me from my own home and tied me to a chair." 

"Robbie Roscoe?" Mercedes shook her head.  Prince walked out of the room to find Robbie.

"Prince!" Myra ran after him. The police went after Myra.

"Robbie Roscoe we will need to take you down to the station!" The policeman took him by his arm.

"For what?" He raised his eyebrow. "I'm here for my brother Jason Roscoe. He was in a fire earlier this morning." 

"You messed up idiot, setting the house on fire with your brother inside and my cousin!" Prince punched him.

"Prince McQueen, I am arresting you for assaulting Robbie Roscoe. You may not say anything But, it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." The police put the handcuffs on Prince.

"No!" I shouted "No what's happening Prince is getting arrested?!" I cried.

"Hey it's going to be alright." Hunter put his arms around me.

"I need to go with him!" I shouted getting off the bed. Then Dodger walked in.

"No you need to stay here." He hugged me and walked me over to the bed again. I was having a breakdown.

"I need to see him!" I shouted. "Prince was like my best friend!" 

"You will see him!" Dodger said trying to stop me from getting up again.

"Please." I sniffled.

"You will be out of hospital tomorrow don't worry, you'll see him tomorrow!" He hugged me.

"Hunter can you go see him for me please?" I tried to smile but how could I, my best friend, my hero, my cousin just got locked up just because he was sticking up for me?

"Yeah sure." He kissed my forehead and walked out the room.

-----------------------------------------HUNTERS POINT OF VIEW------------------------------------------------

I walked to the police station and asked to see my brothers solicitor.  "Hello can I see Max Beaumont please, it's for Prince McQueen I am his brother."

"Yeah sure just take a seat." The receptionist pointed to the seats. I was so freaked out in this place. I had never been to such a place in my life it stunk as hell! Then Max came through.

"Hey Hunter." He smiled. He knew me because of my dad,Shane.

"You know my brother is in here right?" I frowned.

"Yeah." He rolled his eyes.

"How long until he gets let out?" I looked at him.

"With a clean record, he will be in here for at least three weeks." He smiled. "Not too long that's for sure."

"Good, our cousin doesn't need anymore stress at the moment so I will try keep him out of trouble." I smiled before thinking about something. "When can I see him?" 

"Tomorrow." He replied.

"Okay, thanks." I tried to keep what I called bad feelings and mixed emotions somehow I thought it was best if he got arrested, because then he wouldn't be involved in stealing things so he would of ended up in prison anyways. I walked outside and walked back into the hospital.

--------------------------------------------------BACK TO AMY------------------------------------------------------------

"Hunter!" I coughed, still feeling bad.

"Hey it's alright he'll be out in about three weeks." He smiled.

"But he didn't even do anything, he shouldn't even be in there!" I closed my eyes trying not to get mad.

"Come on time flies by it would only feel like yesterday that you were squeezing each other tight saying you'll never let anyone hurt each other." Myra squeezed me tight. 

"I am going to see him." Nana said grabbing her hand bag and walked to the police station.

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