Danger Danger!

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I got to hold my baby boy, Dodger held my baby girl. I looked over to Dodger. "You would've made a good father too these.." I sighed. "A better one than Freddie." I looked away, trying to hold back tears when I heard a big bang and everyone screaming and shouting, everyone was rushing into rooms. "What's happening?!" I whispered to Dodger. He looked outside the door.

"Oh no." He quickly got back in and locked the door and put everything up against it. I looked at him terrified. "It'll be okay, you'll be okay, the babies will be okay, I'll be okay." He said kissing my forehead. I still didn't know what was happening. 

"Dodge.." I shook my head. "Please tell me.." I looked at the babies making sure if they were crying or even moving. "For the babies sake!" I said putting them down in a cot next to me, standing over them. 

"It's Freddie.." I shook my head what was Freddie, was he shot or was he the gunman? "Urhm I will be back in a second." He started moving all the stuff from the door. I shook my head pulling his shoulder back. "Please I got to save people, just put everything up against the door, lock the door it'll be all alright!" He smiled before turning away. I pulled his arm and faced him towards me before kissing him. 

"Please, you ain't no superhero. This is real life. I need you. The babies need you!" I started tearing up. "Well if you're going I'm going end of." I said looking at the babies. "Please don't go. We need you." I wiped my eyes. Come on McQueens never cry. Number one rule is to never show you're scared. 

"Fine then I won't go." He said putting all the stuff back before locking the door. "You're right you three need me, even though I ain't the real dad I can adopt them, If I could that'll be up to you." I sighed, all I could think about was Freddie even though I heard bangs every minute. I screamed the first three times then Dodger covered my mouth the babies started crying, it made me sick seeing I couldn't do anything.

"We can't talk about this now!" I closed my eyes. I was so scared I was wondering when this would all stop. "We need to ring the police." I got out my phone and started ringing the police. "Hello, there is a gunman at Dee Valley Hospital." I looked at my babies, making sure they were safe. Ten minutes later of shooting, the police turned up. I couldn't stop crying. The police started shouting. Two minutes later they were unlocking every door, making sure everyone was alright, they pushed my door open. 

"Were you the ones who called us?" I nodded,standing up. "Well all I can say is that four people were killed, fifteen are in a really bad state." I couldn't think of anything else but my family, what if my family were in here. What if Dodgers family were in here. "Dodger Savage?" Dodger stood up and nodded. "Are you Dodger Savage?" 

"Yes, Yes I am." He nodded he looked at the police officer before looking behind him, at me giving me a really awkward look. "What's happened?" He put his hands in his pockets. 

"I'm so sorry." The police officer said. Dodger looked confused. "We believe that one of the dead people was your daughter,Nico." Dodger shook his head and shouted. 

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