Girl or Boy!?

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I went straight to bed I couldn't deal with anymore stress. I was finding out if my baby was a boy or a girl the next morning. I ignored everyone and just went to sleep.

--_--_-- Next Morning--_--_--

 I woke up I felt the baby kick. I got up and put some clothes on. I walked downstairs and everyone was sat at the dinner table waiting for me to get up.

"Good Morning lazybones."Mercedes gave me a hug. "Ready to find out if this Miracle is a girl or a boy yet?" She laughed.

"Yes, Yes I am." I nodded.

"Get in the car then." Donna laughed. I got in the car with the other three before Donna started to drive to the doctors. I got out when it was ready for my appointment and walked to the counter with the two girlies. 

"Hey it's Amy, to see the midwife." I nodded. 

"Okay take a seat and she'll be with you in a few minutes." I smiled before sitting down. Mercedes nudged me. 

"You'll be okay you know!" She chuckled.

"I know." I nodded. Aunt Jasmine nudged me. 

"You know it's every mums dreams to have a girl, But you don't want a girl they are bitchy, nothing but trouble." She laughed. "But i'll be fine with it either way if its a girl or boy." She nodded.

"Amy McQueen?" The midwife came out.

"That's us." Mercedes and I jumped up. 

"Hello, so you want to know the gender of your baby?" The midwife nodded getting the monitor out.

"Actually, I want all my family to find out at the same time so can you put the colour of balloons in a box girl- pink  boy-blue." I smiled.

"Yeah of course!" She scanned my stomach. "Yeah so you'll have to get out the room for a second." The midwife went to a room and got the colour balloons and put them in a box, then handed it over to me. 

"Thank you." I smiled. 

"No problem,glad to help" The midwife smiled.

"Ready to go home?" I asked Mercedes. 

"Yes are you?!" She raised her eyebrows. 

"Yes of course." I nodded. "Aunt Jasmine, can you drive us back to the village please and you can stay for a while just so you can know what the gender is." 

"Okay fine, just for you." Aunt Jasmine nodded, Donna smiled. So we booked our tickets after packing and was on the next plane home. I knocked on the door and hid behind a wall with them three but when someone answered we jumped out and shouted

"We're home!" I laughed. It was Freddie who answered the door. "Urhmm Freddie what are you doing here?!" Then Cleo came behind him. "You and him?!" I shouted at Cleo getting angry. 

"Hey stop it, it's not good for the baby!" Mercy tapped my shoulders, then pointed at Cleo. "And you with your cousins baby father!" Aunt Jasmine shook her head. "Where's the rest of the family huh?!" 

"Urh.. Urh.. they are at the dog." Cleo frowned.

"Right goodbye hope you enjoy him whilst you can." I smiled before walking off. We surprised the full family by being back home. 

"Oh my, getting big you are now." Mum said patting my stomach.

"So we have found out the gender.. well not really.. the gender is in this box.." I smiled. "I don't even know yet." I laughed. Then someone special came up behind me and hugged me from behind. I turned around.

"Oh hey you.." I didn't know what to say as I felt so guilty. 

"Hey you glad to see you back!" He replied. 

"I've missed you so much." I frowned.

"I missed you more." He kissed my cheek. "So are you ready to see what are you having?!" He laughed taking the box off of me putting it on a table. 

"Yeah." I laughed,walking behind the table. "Everyone in 3."

"2." Everyone joined in.

"1." Then there was a massive bang outside. Someone screamed. "Everyone on the floor, hide. It's a gun shot!"

I sat down trying to be calm. I couldn't keep my cool and I started crying. 

"Hey stop,stop you'll be fine!" He pulled me in for a hug. He got my phone out and some ear plugs so I wouldn't hear the gunshots. After half an hour the gunshots stopped. 

"Right guys it's time too see the baby reveal!" He tried to make everyone forget about it and helped me up. I fake smiled and stood up with help. I slowly pulled the box open and loads of coloured balloons came out the box.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What do you think she is going to have---A bitchy girl---Or--- A Charming boy--- Comment--- And who do you think is comforting her?

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