Urgh leave me alone.

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I was having so much fun with Dodger talking about things that we both like and dislike and what we do when we are bored until my phone buzzed.I rolled my eyes "Would he just leave me alone like for a second." 

"Who is that?" He looked up at me as he was just about to show me a picture of what dog he wants.

"Guess." I rolled my eyes opening the message not knowing what to send back as I didn't have anything to say to such a horrible vile human being.

"Robbie?" He said searching for the dog in google images.

"Yeah.He said please forgive me it was a mistake. I don't know what to say." I started to text before deleting it still not knowing what to say.

"Just say you're over him and you wish him the best in life in what he does and that he needs to leave you alone." He said smiling.


I walked upstairs sitting in my bed before I got up and punched a wall and broke down in the middle of the floor,Jason heard me as he was standing right outside the door as he was going to go to the bathroom.

"Hey dude. What's up." He said running over to me pulling me into his arms. 

"I messed everything up with Amy." I said crying in his arms.

"How?" He hugged me tight.

"I told her about John Paul." I said screaming. Freddie came into the room. 

"What the hell, I heard you're bringing the John Paul thing up ,again!" Freddie said looking at me.

"Yes!" I said kicking myself.

"It's alright,it's out now no need to feel bad, Just remember you are not the one who raped him Finn did, yes you did do something stupid but not as stupid as him." Jason tried to make me calm down.

"But still,I was involved I am homophobic. I teased him about his sexuality." I said standing up.

"Where are you going?" Jason said standing up with me.

"Out." I said going downstairs.

"Don't do anything stupid!" Freddie shouted.Whilst I walked out the door and slammed the door after walking out

****************************************Amy***************************************************After I had sent the text I laid back into the sofa, shattered waiting for Dodger to say he was going to go home. "I have had so much fun with you." I laughed.

"Yeah same." Dodger said smiling at me.

"I am so tired." I rubbed my eyes putting a pillow down before lying on it. "I kinda feel like Robbie is going to come here though!" I panicked.

"No,no he won't and I will make sure of it." He smiled hugging me. "I'm going to sleep on the sofa so there is someone downstairs in case he tries to break in." 

"Really, you don't have too you know." I sighed. 

"I want too." He smiled. "Anything to help my new best friend out. Anyways you said you were tired so you can go get some sleep." 

"I can't sleep there's too many drama to think about. How am I going to sort this?" I tried not to cry.

"Hey,hey!" He came over to me.

"I just don't know what to do." I sniffled.

"It's alright it's alright. I will help you." He hugged me putting his chin on my head.

"Robbie won't leave me alone!" I screamed.

"He will once I have finished with him." He laughed.Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." He walked over to the door and opened it.

"Wait!" He raised an eyebrow not believing what he saw.

"Well hello brother." The man stood at the door waiting to come in.

"You're a ghost right?" He felt his arm. "Will I thought.. what.. how.." He shook his head.

"Nice to see you too." Will smiled.

"I thought Nico pushed you off the hospital roof." He thought in his head.

"Who is it?!" I shouted.

"It's no one." He shouted back.

"Are you not going to tell your girlfriend?" Will laughed. That was when I thought if it was no one then why is he still talking to someone so I stood up and walked to the door.

"Hey!" I smiled. "Who are you?" 

"He's-" Dodger turned round and looked at me before he got interrupted by Will.

"He's the pizza guy is that what you were going to say?" Will shook his head before putting his hand out. "I'm his brother Will." 

"Nice to meet you I am Amy." I smiled before shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." He smiled.

"Come in." I pushed Dodger out the way so he could come in. He walked in and sat down on the sofa.

"So I heard from a bird you're having troubles with one Robbie Roscoe." Will laughed.

"Wow. Mercedes does need to keep her trap closed." I rolled my eyes.

"It wasn't Mercedes it was this fella over here." Will laughed looking at Dodger.

"I'm-" Dodger tried to talk when I stopped him.

"Dodger. Oh my goodness." I yelled. "Why don't you tell the whole world." I rolled my eyes having just about enough of Dodger.

"It was just one person calm down!" He shouted back. 

"Oioi. Don't shout at girls Dodge." Will laughed.

"Shut it." Dodger rolled his eyes. I turned on the TV to break the awkwardness. 

"Okay so are we ignoring this." Will turned off the TV.

"Will. I need to talk to you outside." Dodger got up and pulled Will out the back.

---------------------------------------------DODGERS POV----------------------------------------------------------------

"Will please do something about that Robbie Roscoe.PLEASE." 

"What do you want me to do. I am not going to kill him!" Will shouted.

"Urgh. We need to make him learn his lesson and tell him to stay away from Amy please help." 

-------------------------------------------------------BACK TO AMY-------------------------------------------------------

Robbie walked in through the front door and picked me up and put me over his shoulders and walked to his house.

"Robbie what are you doing put me down now!"

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