Girls need their personal space!

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"Okay I have to go now." He smiled before giving me my phone back, unlocking the door. He smirked at Mercedes before walking out.

"What are we going to do now?!" I sighed.

"We're still going,come on!" she grabbed her phone and rang a taxi. "Let me get that for you!" She picked up my suitcase and dragged it downstairs. "Gosh woman what do you have in here?!" 

"Enough." I said laughing,walking down the stairs waiting for the beep to tell us that they're there. After a good five minutes of waiting we heard a beep. We walked outside I got in the taxi as Mercedes put both the suitcases in the boot. Then Mercedes got in.

"To the airport please!" I said smiling. The driver started driving and we saw Freddie on the way past. He saw us and he held up his phone to show me he's got a track on my phone.I looked at Mercedes. "He's going to come after us." I shook my head.

Half an hour later we got at the airport.

"£200 please, woah wait. Mercedes, I didn't notice it was you all this way. You can just have this one, just this one for free" A man said out the window.

"Well if it isn't Darren Osborne." She laughed.

"In trouble again or do you just need a holiday." He laughed.

"I'm not in trouble it's more she's in trouble." She laughed again. 

"Yeah I'm pregnant, not my boyfrie-- ex boyfriends either." I sighed. "Dodger and Freddie." I rolled my eyes.

"You should go on the Jeremy Kyle Show to get a DNA test." He joked. I laughed as I always watched Jeremy Kyle on YouTube and I was nothing like them..Not exactly. "Anyways I should get on, I have a new job." He smiled as we got our suitcases out of the boot.  

"Bye." Mercedes and I said as Mercedes slammed the boot shut.

"Bye!" He waved off, driving.

Mercedes texted Aunt Jasmine for the postcode as we were checking in, getting scanned and then waited. 

When we got on the airplane we sat down and fell asleep straight away, I couldn't go through more stress that I'm already under.

It was an hour flight before we got off. We finally had the postcode and we got drove to the postcode. 

"This is a good house." I said dropping my jaw. " A very nice one."

"Just get inside before you freeze the person inside you!" She laughed as we knocked on the door. 

A very short woman answered the door. 

"Oh hey is my Aunt Jasmine there?" I smiled. She moved out the way so we both walked in. 

"Hey honeys!" She squeezed us both. "I missed you both so much!" I felt the baby kicking again.

"Well Aunt Jasmine you're a great Aunt." Mercedes smiled.

"You're pregnant or is Amy or is any of the other too many to count McQueen sisters?" She rolled her eyes. She didn't like how our mum had too many kids.

"That's enough, now. I'm pregnant." I rolled my eyes, I didn't like her talking about my mum like that.

"Awe boy or girl?"She hugged me.

"I don't know, look really quick do you know how to take a track off your phone?" I quickly gave her my phone.

"Are you in trouble?!" She looked at me then at the phone. "I don't though sorry but i'll fiddle on with it." 

"Give it here." The little woman said walking over.  So then Jasmine gave her the phone. She looked at it and deleted the track. Before giving it back to me.

"Oh my." My jaw dropped. "You're a life saver." I smiled hugging her tightly. "So what's your name?!" 

"My name is Donna." She smiled.

"I'm Amy and thi-this is Mercedes." I smiled and cried with happy tears. 

"How long do you think you will need to stay here for?" Jasmine smiled.

"Until after the baby is born and once she is 16 we'll move back to Hollyoaks." I rolled my eyes. "I am quite happy with a home birth all I need to have is a Midwife." 

"Well you've already found one." Aunt Jasmine laughed.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Hasn't Mercedes told you, I am a Midwife." Jasmine laughed.

"Are you kidding me." I laughed. Going from scared to happy in literally one second is impossible for anyone in the McQueen family but I think it has actually came possible for me.

"No, not kidding." She laughed,pulling me in for a hug. "You're going to be just fine, the both of you." She smiled.

"Okay so what shall we do now." Mercedes said as she felt awkward because she ain't the hugging&kissing type of person she is the most weirdest person ever.

"I think it's time to find out what gender this one is." I pointed at my stomach.  "Where's the nearest hospital?"

"It's like half an hour a way." Jasmine laughed. "Not kidding about that either." 

"That's alright." I rolled my eyes. I was getting annoyed easily but I didn't want to take it out on anyone. Probably my mood swings.

"We'll need to book an appointment though." She sighed. "I'll phone them up right now." She picked up her phone and started to ring the hospital. "Will Monday do?" Jasmine looked at me.

"Earliest date." I sighed.

"Can we have the earliest date and time please?" Jasmine said on the phone. 

"Thursday at 10:00AM" Jasmine looked at me as I nodded. "Yes I will take that thanks." Today was Tuesday so it wasn't that much of a big wait.

"We should buy everything online of what we need, not clothes yet as we don't know the gender but you know like the Moses basket and stuff like that and the pram." I smiled at them both trying not to get frustrated. "You look on your phones I will go on the computer." I looked at the computer next to me before picking it up. We kept on showing each other rubbish Prams and Moses baskets when Mercedes found the best Pram ever and Jasmine found the best Moses basket ever then we ordered them.

"Have you guys had tea?" Jasmine asked Mercedes and I. 

"No we haven't." We frowned.

"This baby is quite hungry." I laughed 

"Don't you mean YOU are hungrier than the baby." Jasmine laughed

"Yeah I'm quite hungry.. " I laughed 

"We should go to Nandos.." Donna laughed.

"Great idea!" Mercedes,Jasmine and I shouted.

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