Dinner time diaster!

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We hopped into the car and straightaway Donna drove us four to Nandos which is probably the best thing, wouldn't wanna make a pregnant woman mad. When we got there we went straight in and picked a table. We got our food but then I let out a little scream as if Iwas scared but didn't want the whole of Nandos to know.

"Whats wrong Amy?" Auntie Jasmine looked at me. I shook my head and looked back at her. 

"Please god no." I looked at Mercedes before standing up, grabbing her arm before walking out with her.

"What on earth is wrong with you?"She looked at me. "Whats going on?!" 

"Did you not see him?!" I kept on walking in circles. "Robbie's in there!" Mercedes looked in the window.

"Amy,no he isn't." Mercedes shook her head. "Come on let's go back in!"

"No!" I shouted. "I don't feel safe in there!"

"Come on, you're scaring me." Mercedes looked at me pulling my arm. "If Robbie is in there we will protect you and the baby!" 

"No!" I slapped her, she was making me do something I didn't.. I couldn't do.

"You're lucky you're pregnant, and ill for that matter." She said ringing Aunt Jasmine. "Hey can you come outside please, we need to take Amy to the doctors."

"Why, whats wrong. Is it the baby?!" She panicked.

"No it's her. She is seeing people that aren't there." Mercedes started to feel sick.

"Okay, I am coming." Jasmine grabbed her stuff and walked out, Donna followed after her. I started crying, I didn't know what was going on.

"Why's everyone coming out, where." I felt so tired.

"We are going home."  Jasmine said as we all got back into the car.

"No, no I can't Fre-" I said thinking and panicking about Freddie.

"She means back to Aunt Jasmines don't worry." Mercedes interrupted.

Jasmine started driving to the doctors. I still didn't know what was going on. 

"This isn't your house!" I looked around being so confused.

"It's okay, come in with us." Jasmine got a hold of my hand and walked in with me as Donna, Mercedes followed behind. Me and Jasmine sat down whilst Mercedes and Donna talked to the doctor. Loads of people got called in after each other. We waited for ten minutes then they called.

"Amy McQueen?" The doctor called. 

"What's going on?!" I cried.

"It's okay come with me." Mercedes grabbed my arm and walked into the Doctors room, whilst Jasmine and Donna waited outside.

"So what's been happening?" The doctor said before writing down stuff.

"So today, we were at Nandos and Amy saw someone who wasn't there." Mercedes chatted on.

"No he was there, he really was!" I cried of anger as they wouldn't listen to me and on being on the urge of kicking a chair over.

"All we can suggest is taking a few tests to see if she has something wrong with her.." The doctor looked inside my eyes.

"Stop you creep. I don't want you looking at me like that." I sighed I didn't know what to do.

"Amy!" Mercedes gently tapped my leg to make me shut up.

"We can look into your eyes with a torch." The doctor stood up.

"Are you heck doing that to me!" I stood up and walked out the room.

"Amy get back here,now!" Mercedes ran after me and told Aunt Jasmine to catch me if I tried to run out the door. I really didn't want to be here.

"Amy, Amy come on lets go back in the room. They'll be done in a second." Aunt Jasmine calmed me down before coming into the room with me. I kept on wriggling around like a baby that didn't want their injections, but Aunt Jasmine held me down whilst they looked inside my eyes and saw something that was wrong.

"Okay we know whats wrong." The doctor sat down, Aunt Jasmine held me tight and Mercedes looked at the doctor. "She has a illness that's called CBS." She continued.

"What does that stand for and what is it?" Jasmine looked at me and then at the doctor.

"It stands for Charles Bonnet Syndrome, it's a illness. She is losing her eye sight so she thinks she sees stuff." The doctor wrote down. 

"Can she get rid of it, like be normal." Mercedes stared at the doctor.

"She can get laser eye treatment or she can wear contact lenses." The doctor was still writing down.

"Contact lenses will be better!" Aunt Jasmine raised her eyebrows. "Eye surgery is really expensive, do you think we have that kind of money!" 

"Calm down Ms. McQueen!" The doctor shouted.

"Can you give us contact lenses please?" Mercedes looked at the doctor.

"Yeah sure. They are special ones so the opticians will not have them." The doctor nodded.

"Okay okay." Mercedes nodded. As the doctor gave her the lenses."Can you put these in for me Amy?!" Mercedes looked at me, handing me over the lenses. I shook my head. "Well I am going to have to put these in for you." She opened my eye wide open and popped it in. I shivered as it was cold and it hurt as she literally poked me in my eye.

"Mercedes!" I shouted. "That hurt!" 

"Well you should've put them in yourself!" She rolled her eyes before sitting back down. "Are we free to go?" She sighed as she didn't want to be in the doctors as they always made her tired.

"Yeah of course if there's any problems just come back and we'll see to you." The doctor smiles as he opened the door for us. We walked out and got back into the car. "Well then.. there isn't something major wrong with Amy. But she is seeing people.. That's a little major." She shook her head before putting on her seat belt.

"Yeah we know Mercedes." Donna rolled her eyes as Mercedes thought she knew everything and they didn't. Donna drove back home.

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