Can my life get any worse?

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"Urgh is she trying wind me up?" I was in a mood because my cousin basically got arrested because of me. Then the nurse came into the room.

"Hey you're free to go!" The nurse smiled, cleaning up the room. I screamed 

"Time to see Prince." I jumped into my shoes and ran as fast as I could to see Prince.

===========================Robbie's point of view==================================

I was sat in the interview for the past hour when my solicitor came through the door and sat next to me then two other men and a women came into the room.

"Are we ready to start the interview?" DS Armstrong looked at me.

"Go ahead." I sat back in my seat being lazy.

"Sit up please Mr Roscoe." He glared at me.

"Oh sorry." I sarcastically said and sat up. DS Armstrong looked at the people to start the tape then started asking questions.

"Where were you on the night of 2nd September 2017?" DS Armstrong asked staring right into my eyes.

"I was with my brother in the price slice." I replied.

"What brother was this?" He looked at the criminal records and noticed all my brothers who had all been arrested apart from the one in hospital of course.

"Freddie." I replied.

"What time did you leave the Price Slice?!" He wrote everything down.

"About 3pm." I replied.

"Then where did you go?" He fiddled with his pen waiting to write it down.

"That was when I heard my phone rang and I noticed it was my mum calling me telling me that Jason was in hospital because of the fire." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay then youre done here don't leave the country!" He let me go so I walked out of the police station and bumped into Amy.

==============================Amys point of view==================================

I ignored him and walked into the police station, that was when I felt someone pulling my arm I looked back and it was Robbie. 

"Come on you know I didn't do this." He rolled his eyes.

"You need to let go of me." I looked at him. "I don't feel safe around you anymore."

"What am I going to do kill you?!" He laughed.

"I will scream and don't forget we're outside of the police station."I gave him the evils. "I didn't forget that you kept me hostage." 

"You won't tell them." He stopped laughing.

"She will now get off her or I will do something that we will both regret." Dodger came behind him getting his arm off of me.

"Thanks Dodge." I smiled walking into the station. 

"Hey we are here to see Prince, Prince McQueen." Dodger said it for me whilst I smiled. I closed my eyes waiting for what they were going to say but then I got the shock of my life. Prince came up to me and scared me I screamed.

"Shush, you're going to get me arrested again too soon!" He laughed.

"One minute you two can go wait outside I need to speak to the police for a second." I smiled looking at a police officer going past.

"No I am staying with you." Dodger said.

"No please." I smiled,doing the puppy eyes.

"Okay. Then." He said walking out with Prince.

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" I tapped a police officer on the shoulder.

"Yeah sure." He turned round.

"I got held hostage by the man that goes by the name Robbie Roscoe." I sighed trying not to cry since I loved him.

"Okay I will have to know his address." He replied.

"Oh it's erm..66 Christleton Avenue."

"Okay I will go see what I can do." He smiled before walking off. I walked outside the police station and acted like I had just been stabbed.

"Are you alright Aims?"Prince came over to me.

"I have done something that I have regretted straightaway!" I sobbed.

"Amy what have you done!?" Dodger looked at me like he knew straight away what I have done, he could see right through me.

"I have just told the police about Robbie.." I sighed trying not to fall on the floor, crying.

"It's going to be alright!" Dodger pulled me in for a hug.

"What has he done?!" Prince shouted.

"He held her hostage." Dodger looked at him before letting go of me and pulling him back.

"Prince stop, I couldn't cope with you being arrested the first time."  I smiled, still having tears dripping from my eyes. I started to walk to Robbie's the time us three got there the police were knocking on his door.

"Robbie Roscoe I am arresting you on the assault of Amy McQueen You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." The police put the handcuffs on him and put him in the car. That is what we all heard. Dodger and Prince both squeezed me tight, making me safe.

"I love you guys." I smiled trying to breathe since they were squeezing me that hard.After a few moments of squeezing me they let go.

"I love you too." They started laughing together.

"Come on let's go to yours." Dodger looked at me then at Prince.

"Okay come on then." I smiled,starting to walk. When we got there we saw a man at the door, it was Will!

"What do you want?" Dodger walked up to him.

"Bro I need to talk to you in private." He looked at him.

"It's fine we will go inside." I looked at Prince before going inside.

=============================DODGERS POINT OF VIEW==============================

"Bro I have done something terribly wrong." He started panicking. All I could think of was him stealing.

"What, you have been stealing again?"I looked at him.

"No the fire." His voice started to shake.

"What fire?!" I shouted.

"The one in the Roscoe's." He told me.

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