Why are you doing this?

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After he put me down I sat on the chair.

"What do you want?!" I rolled my eyes. "I don't love you, I love Dodger get over the fact."

"No you don't, you love me." He looked on the floor.

"Robbie, what we had it's gone." I frowned. At that moment I realized that he was walking over to me.

"No it isn't." He shouted.

"Yes it is." I tried to get up but then I realized that I was tied on the chair. "Robbie let me go." I was trying to act all calm.

"No, you're not going anywhere until you say you love me." He sat on his bed.

"Robbie.." I tried to think of what to say. "You need to know that what you did to my brother wasn't cool. I don't like you." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay then you can stay on that chair whilst I go out." Robbie walked out the room.

"Robbie let me go please!" I screamed. 

"No." He shut the door and locked it.

I looked at my hands behind my back. 'Come on I can reach my phone.' I told myself I could do it.

------------------------------------------------------DODGERS POV-----------------------------------------------------

After ten minutes of talking to my brother I walked back inside the Mcqueens household and realized that Amy had gone! 

"Amy!" I shouted hoping she would reply. I knew that if she had gone out she would of told me first as we were in her house so I decided to ring her.

---------------------------------------------------BACK TO YOU (AMY)-------------------------------------------------

"Oh no it's Dodger." I panicked. "Siri answer Dodgers call." 

"Answering Dodgers call." Siri replied but at that moment Robbie came in the room.

"Who are you talking too?!" Robbie shouted.

"No-no one." I tried not to make it look like I was on the phone to someone.

"Robbie?!" Dodger said on the phone which was in my pocket. I sighed. "What are you doing?!" 

"Oh it's your boyfriend." Robbie laughed.

"Robbie let her go now!" He shouted. "Where are you?" 

"You'll never know!" Robbie laughed then ended the call.

"Robbie please.. If you loved me you'd-" He interrupted me.

"I'd what, I'd let you go?" He sighed. "No never." He walked back out and locked the door.

----------------------------------------------------DODGERS POV------------------------------------------------

I ran to the Roscoe Garage as I needed to find one of the Roscoes.

"Jason!" I shouted.

"Nice to see you too Dodger." He laughed.

"No don't laugh. It's urgent." I shouted. "Where is Robbie?!" 

----------------------------------------------------BACK TO YOU (AMY)--------------------------------------------------

I was screaming until I heard the smoke alarm go off and soon later the whole room was full of smoke. I began to feel all funny I think it was the smoke getting into my lungs the chair tipped over.

"Someone help!" I screamed.

--------------------------------------------------------------DODGERS POV-----------------------------------------------

"Why do you need to know?" He rolled his eyes. "Going for round two?" 

"No he has kidnapped Amy!" I shouted. "Now tell me where the hell he is!" 

"Wait what.. He is at home." He replied, trying to say something else but I ran off to the Roscoes house with Jason running after me.

"Oh no!" I shouted before kicking open the door,putting my top over my nose walking all around the house trying to find Amy. At last I walked up to Jason and Robbie's room. I noticed the door was locked. "Amy are you in there?!" I shouted. 

---------------------------------------------------------BACK TO AMY-----------------------------------------------------

"D-Dodger.." I woke up to the smoke being all around me. I forgot that I saw the smoke. "Dodger whats going on!" I tried speaking up. 

"Are you anywhere near the door because I will be kicking the door down and I don't want it to fall on you!" He tried to calm me down.

"No. I am next to the window!" I gasped for air.

"Can you go to the window and open it to let the smoke out?" He shouted through the door.

"I can't I'm stuck." I cried.

"Hey you're going to be alright. I'll get you out in no time." He kicked down the door. I coughed as all the dust off the door came in my face. He untied the rope and picked me up before putting me over his shoulders. "You're getting out don't worry." He walked out then realized that Jason wasn't in the front garden. "Don't say.." He shook his head before ringing an ambulance. "Hello ambulance and fire brigade please its on 65 Christleton Terrace." He put me down carefully on the grass before going back in.

"Dodger!" My voice was all croaky but I managed to speak.

------------------------------------------------------DODGERS POV-------------------------------------------------------

"Jason?!" I shouted walking around the house. "Jason?!" I eventually found him. "Get out now!" I shouted pushing him nearer to the door.

"Where's Robbie?!" Jason shouted trying not to cry.

"He's not in here, I have looked everywhere!" That moment the house blew up. 

----------------------------------------------------BACK TO AMY----------------------------------------------------------

"Noooo!" I screamed as I knew Dodger was still in there. That was when the ambulance and the fire brigades came near me. "Please help him he's still in there." I shouted.

"Hello what you've got to put this gas mask on!" The fire brigade put the gas mask over my nose but I pulled it off.

"No you need to save him first!" I screamed. 

"The others will go in for him now put this on." He put the gas mask over my nose once again. I seen all the firemen run in. I hoped that Dodger would come out safe. Then finally a person I actually needed came running over to me it was my brother, John Paul. He had came back home for the holidays as he was living in Portugal.

"Amy!" He shouted whilst he ran over to me.

"John!" I pulled the mask off.

"No you need to keep that on!" John- Paul put it back on my nose and held it there.

"Dodger is in there." I cried.

"Is there something going on between you two?" He looked at me confusingly.

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