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Dodger knocked on the bathroom door. 

"Amy, everything alright in there?" He shouted.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said looking at the pregnancy test waiting for the results. Dodger opened the door. "Dodger!" I shouted hiding the pregnancy test behind my back.

"What's behind your back?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing, please go downstairs." I shook my head.

"Show me.." He went behind my back and saw the pregnancy test. "Oh.." 

"Dodger.. I am sorry.." A tear dripped from my eye.

"It can't be mine because we've never had it." He shook his head. "Don't tell me what I think has happened!" He raised his voice.

"Dodger your scaring me." I walked back. "Please we can talk about this.." 

"So it is then!" He put his hands behind his head. "You cheated on me?!" He shook his head. "With who?" He punched the wall.

"It was Freddie." I sighed. Dodger ran out the front door. "Dodger!" I shouted before I ran after him. "Freddie run!" I shouted.

"Why?" He laughed before Dodger punched him.

"That's why.." I shook my head trying to stop Dodger.

"Woah Savage, your last name says it all." Freddie laughed before punching him.

"Stop, I am pregnant!" I yelled.

"Yeah stop Dodger." He pushed him away.

"You made her pregnant,you made my girlfriend pregnant, why?!" Dodger said walking back to him. Joe ran over.

"What's going on here?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Joe you're going to be an uncle." Dodger sighed.

"Freddie!" Joe shouted. "What on earth. Can you actually get YOUR girlfriend pregnant or do you have to steal other peoples?"

"Bro calm. We both wanted it." He smiled at me.

"How can I calm. Robbie is getting out today he won't be happy!"Joe shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Freddie doesn't have to be in the baby's life." I walked away,walked home. All I could think of is ringing Mercedes. So I did.

"Merc. I need you where are you?" I cried.

"Hey,what's up?" She started getting worried about me.

"Please come home I'd rather tell you face to face." I sighed.

"Okay I will be right over." She hung up.

I started walking around in circles, I couldn't stop.Then I heard the front door open.

"What's wrong Amy?" She stopped me walking round in circles.

"I am pregnant." I cried.

"Hey, hey calm down. Couldn't be that bad." She kissed my forehead before bringing me in for a hug.

"I cheated on Dodger." I sighed.

"With who?!" She looked at me.

"Freddie. Freddie's the dad. Robbie is getting out today and Joe said he won't be happy and I don't know what to do." I mumbled.

"Well that's up to him, if he doesn't want to be in the kids life, he doesn't have to. You've already got a family for it and that's us the McQueens." 

"What about Sinead?" I sighed 

"Are they even still together?!" Mercedes looked at me, raising her eyebrow. "This is what you're, we're going to do.."  Then she got interrupted by a loud knock on the door. "Go upstairs I'll tell them you're not here." I ran upstairs as she opened the door. 

"Oh hey Fredd!" Mercedes smirked at him, being flirtacious.

"Hey, is Amy here?" He raised his eyebrow.

"No. She's went out to clear her head." Mercedes smiled.

"Where did she go?" He sighed.

"I honestly don't know she wouldn't tell me." I rolled my eyes. "Go look for her. Or ring her or something. I'm busy!" She mumbled.

"Okay, okay fine." He walked away before she shut the door and came running upstairs to me again. 

"This is what we're going to do." She started planning. "We're going to move away just me and you. We're going to pack now and move to Auntie Jasmines house.She'll know what to do."

I didn't know Auntie Jasmine, Mum and her fell out when I was younger. Something because my Mum was an alcoholic and Aunt Jasmine wanted to look after me and she thought she was trying to take her baby away from her. So I met her a few times but I don't really remember anything.

"Okay okay.. Wait.. No we can't do that!" I shouted putting my hand over my stomach. "What about the others they'll think we're missing." I shook my head. 

"That's the best thing. Then no one will know where we are, we'll tell Aunt Jasmine to just be quiet then pah they'll put missing posters and everything round the whole street, Freddie will get worried and he will be looking for you." She laughed.

"Mercedes." I shook my head. "You're messed up." 

"I'm not taking no for an answer it's our only shot so start packing." She pulled out a suitcase and chucked it beside me. I sighed before starting to pack after an hour later we heard another knock on the door. Mercedes ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Freddie what do you want now?!" Mercedes put her hand on her hip whilst I was watching through the gaps in the banister. 

"I can't find her. I know she's here. You would've been worried that she was missing. I know you. I know what you're like." Freddie came running in the house. "Amy." He shouted. "I know you're here!" He started looking in every room before shouting again. "Please I just want to talk." I ran upstairs before he could see me. But too late.. He heard me he ran up the stairs I tried to hide. Mercedes came running up after him. 

"Freddie get out!" Mercedes pushed him away from the room I was in but he barged past her into the room where I had a suitcase on the bed and still had some more clothes to pack. 

"What are you doing?!" He dropped his jaw. "No you're not going." He shouted. I looked at Mercedes. 

"You're scaring her now get out." She rolled her eyes and shouted back. Freddie slammed the door so it was only me and him in the room and he stood up against the door. I got up and walked to him. 

"Can you please let me out." I fake smiled. 

"No. You're not taking my baby anywhere." He shouted before locking the door. 

"Mercedes help!" I shouted.

"I'm trying to get you out of there." She shouted through the door.

"Freddie I'm scared please let me out." My eyes started tearing up. "I can explain."

"Tell me then." He started walking around.

"Well I was packing for my sister Porsche, She wanted to take my clothes because she likes my clothes and I like her clothes so we've swapped around. Isn't that right Mercedes?!"I said through the door.

"Yeah it is and I was packing because I was going to go with her but now I've changed my mind." She sighed. She knew one way or another Freddie was going to find out. 

"Okay but since I'm the baby daddy I want to know where you are every time just so I can see if you're safe." Freddie smiled. 

"What are you talking about?!" I raised my eyebrow tensing up as my baby had kicked for the first time.

"I want to put a track on your phone." He said going in my pocket,getting out my phone before putting a track on it. 

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