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"Nico..?!" He looked at her speechless. "What... you don't work here.." He shook his head. "I'm so confused." Everytime he opened his mouth nothing really would come out. "Please explain?" I could tell he just wanted to hug her but he didn't want too since he didn't want to think he was just seeing things like I was. She pulled him to a side and Dodger pulled me. 

"Well when there were guns shooting off everywhere, I got a cloak from one of the dead doctors and put it on before finding a really small room,getting into it trying to block out the gun shots and put him in a room where no one could find him. Don't worry I didn't strip him all naked Well I did get shot.. This woman saved me.." She laughed. "I put all my clothes on the floor. Maybe they thought I was dead..." Dodger stepped back. 

"Saved you how?" I sighed, rolling my eyes. I thought she was being a psycho. "Put you in a room and pronounced you dead to the police, since you were in a really bad place, losing loads of blood. What?!" 

"Well I got put into this room, I was the last one to be shot.. A black haired girl saved me and put me in a room and did surgery on me to get the bullet out. I nearly died.. She thought I did since  my face lost all of it's colour that's why she pronounced me dead." She shook her head. "I love you dad." She hugged him.

"Believe me.. I am happy you're alive but I can't do this.. I'm sorry." He stepped back and walked out of the hospital. I ran after him. 

"Dodger!" I shouted. "Dodger wait!" I caught up with him and pulled his arm. "Your daughter is alive.." I got so confused. "I don't understand why and what you can't do?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Do you know what my mum would give to have Tina and Carmel back?" I started tearing up. "Everything and Anything." 

"She's sick!" He shouted. I got offended since I wasn't alright myself. I walked back into the hospital. He tried to chase after me but I ignored him and he went away. I walked back into the room and sat on the bed. 

"Mum.." I sighed. "Dodger said I was seeing stuff that wasn't there." I tried to think if it was actually Freddie and I swear down it was. "I saw Freddie. He was the receptionist!" 

"Honey, that's because.. Freddie wasn't the shooter." She pulled me in for a hug. I was so confused. Dodger told me it was Freddie. All I could think was who was it? Why the hell would they shoot in a hospital?! 

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