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"I bet your family isn't as big as this. Five boys." Sandy laughed.

"Haha. Well." I tried to get my words out without them taking it the wrong way. "My mother is Myra and my sister is Mercedes. Shall I go on?" 

"Oh I didn't know that." She said looking at Robbie. She showed him the face that he was making the biggest mistake ever of dating a McQueen.

"Yeah I am not like them though, I am well mannered I am not a thief,murderer and the list goes on. You name it the McQueen's have done it. Not me though." I sighed.

"You sound like a really nice girl." Freddie smiled.

"Yeah I think she does too." Joe agreed.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"You'll have to keep Robbie under control then." Sandy laughed. 

"I've already saw his bad side." I laughed. "He had a fight with Dodger, thank god that Jason came in just in time." 

"Wait, what Jason broke up a fight?" Joe laughed. "Wow Australia has actually changed you. You normally ran away from fights." Joe said pushing Jason's head joking on with him. Jason started laughing and so did everyone in the house.

"He's such a life saver." I said laughing.

"Meh, what can I say." Jason laughed shrugging.

"Right I better be going.." I smiled. "Thank you for having me." I put my bag on. 

"Okay I will walk you home." Robbie smiled taking my hand.

"Bye." I smiled.

"Bye." Everyone said.

"Wow. Robbie is being a gentlemen for once." Freddie whispered to Ziggy and Joe. Whilst we walked out.

"Your family are so nice." I smiled

"Meh. They are okay but not the best." He said swinging our arms.

"Better than mine." I laughed. Robbie started to laugh.

"You don't even know half of the things that we've done." He rolled his eyes.

"Then tell me. It can't be that bad." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay.." He started. "Well firstly I sold drugs with one of my mates,I've stole things,I've ran over someone with a van,I've robbed the Price slice and arrested." 

"Did that person you run over die?" I tried to keep my cool.

"Yeah, wait are you related to John- Paul." He sighed.

"Yeah he's my half brother why?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Did you hear what Finn' O Connor did to him?" He looked at me.

"Oh my.. yeah I did. He raped him. He said two people was involved but didn't tell me the second person. Do you know who the second person is?" I was confused.

"Amy.." He tried to get his words out.

"It was you wasn't it?!" I said letting go of his hands.

"I'm so sorry." He tried to hug me but I pulled away and slapped him before walking off.

"Amy!" Robbie ran after me.

"No, we are done." I shook my head and walked faster when I saw Dodger. "Oh my." I said to myself not wanting him to see me but it was too late.

"Oioi. Look who we have here." He walked up to me.

"Dodger leave me alone I am not in the mood." I tried to walk past him.

"Did lover boy dump you or did you dump him." He laughed.

"I found out what he did to John Paul. Now please leave me alone." I had tears in my eyes.

"Woah did you not know what that boy is capable of?" He knew I was about to cry so he put his arms around me.

"Please I am not in the mood." I pulled back out of the hug. 

"Come on you can trust me." He forced hugged me knowing I needed a hug before bursting out in tears.

"I want to go home." I pulled away wiping my tears.

"Okay I will walk you." He smiled.

"No it's-" I got interrupted by him.

"No, it's not fine you're in a bad mood and you could do something stupid now start walking before I pick you up and walk you home on my shoulders. I know the McQueen's they all do something stupid when they are in a bad mood and end up in a cell and I don't want that happening to you." He laughed.I started to walk.

"Why are you doing this after I treated you like crap?!" I was confused. "Is there a catch." 

"No I am just a really nice bloke." He laughed.

"You can say that." I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Right I am home you don't have to walk me all the way in." I laughed.

"Well I can come in can't I?" He laughed.

"Of course." I said opening the door. "It's just me." I said walking in. Dodger walked in after me.

"Oh my.. does dodger ever-" Mercedes tried to get her words out but I interrupted me.

"Mercedes. No shut up. I have broken up with Robbie." I jumped on the couch. Dodger sat next to me.

"Have you been watching Mike Fox on YouTube or something because he's got a video all about how to ruin your relationship in less than 15 minutes." Mercedes laughed.

"Shut up Mercy. I mean it." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay okay.Just this once."She said glaring at Dodger. "Cash me ousside how bout that?" She kept glaring at Dodger.

"Urhm what?" He said rolling his eyes looking at her back not knowing what that meant as he was old school.

"You've never heard of it. How old are you?!"She rolled her eyes.

"Basically she's saying she wants you to fight her outside." I said glaring at her wanting her to stop talking as I opened a computer and started to write a story on it. 

"But it's raining." He said looking outside.I suddenly burst out laughing.

"That's you told." I said laughing not wanting to stop this is the funniest thing I've heard in my whole life and I just wanted him to say it over and over again.

"I don't really care." She went upstairs.

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