I can't believe it!

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I woke up to a knock on the door, I got my dressing gown on, walking down the stairs, peeping through the eyehole in the door, noticing the police officer. Slowly opening the door.

"Hello, are you Amy McQueen?" I slowly nodded. "There's a body down at the station, we need you to identify it as we can't get in touch with his mother." I shook my head.

"I have babies to look after." I sighed. 

"Please Ms." I thought about it for a while. Why couldn't they get intouch with Sandy, what had happened to Joe, Jason or even Ziggy. I know it wouldn't be Robbie's or Freddie's body dodger isn't a killer. I sighed, looking at the police officer, nodding. 

"Sure.." I quickly got my shoes on as I got into the back of the police car. They drove me to the station, taking me to the room. I took a deep breath when there was a man bursting through the door as the police officers tried to pull him out. I looked behind me, it was Robbie! "Rob?" I looked at him he had scratches all over his face somehow I was glad it wasn't his so my twins couldnt live without a father.I nodded at the police officers. "It's fine." I looked at Robbie again "Why are you here, the police has found a body, they want me to identify it. I thought it was yours.."

".. Fredds went missing, I can't find him." He looked at the body covered. "That could be Fredds." I shook my head, Dodger isn't a murderer. I didn't know what to do, Robbie nodded at the officer to let them uncover the body, I looked away, I didn't want to see. When I heard Robbie breaking down I knew it was Freddie's body. I turned back around and it wasn't Freddie's. I wondered why he was breaking down though, surely he should be happy it wasn't Freddie's. I just stood there watching him breakdown when I thought I needed to hug him so I did. 

"Robbie, it's okay it's not Fredds.." I looked at him, cupping his cheeks in my hands. "It's okay." He shook his head. 

"It's not okay.." He shook his head. "That's my Father, Rick." I looked down. He looked at the officers. "How did he die?" He wiped his tears with his grey jacket. 

"Rick Spencer died from stab wounds. Sir." He looked at him. "We are still trying to find a suspect, we found fingerprints on the knife, we will get back to you." They walked out to leave us alone for our final words to him. 

"It was Freddie. That's why Freddie is missing. It has to be." I looked at him, shaking my head.

"Rob, you can't assume that.." 

"Of course, why else is Freddie missing for then?" He got angry and started kicking the wall. 

"Come on I'm taking you home." I grabbed his hand, walking him home. 

"Freddie?!" Sandy called out. Robbie got mad and ran to his mum. 

"I don't want to hear that name in this house again do you hear me?!" He got into her face, Ziggy pulled him away.

"Wow, Robbie what's going on with you and fred?" Jason sat down on the sofa with his sandwich. "You do know we haven't heard from him in ages." 

"Freddie killed dad, Jase!" Robbie started breaking stuff. Sandy and the three brothers looked at me, I shrugged. 

"Um.. so the police had said, Rick died by several stab wounds." I twiddled with my thumbs as Jason ran after Robbie, pulling him for a hug.  "I had to identify the body as they thought it was Robbies, but Robbie ran in thinking it was Freddies." 

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