It was who?!

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I thought long and hard about who would it be, who would want to hurt us. Then I stopped thinking all who it could be is Freddie or Robbie. No one else hates me. "Mum.. who was it.." I looked at her before walking over to the babies, picking them both up, holding them both in my arms. 

"It was Freddie's father.. Fraser." She replied. I didn't know who that was why was he trying to kill us? What did we do to him. "He had a fight with Freddie and wanted to kill him but it ended up wrong.." I was so angry at Dodger I couldn't stand it! I texted him. 

Me: Dodger, you are on the market. Maybe if Nico is sick she's taking after you!

I breathed really loudly trying so hard not to cry. I needed to see Freddie. After all he is the father of my babies. We need to sort this out for our babies sake. But two minutes later I got a text from Dodger. 

Dodger: What's that all about?

I looked at it, stopping for a minute trying to take it in and trying to think of what to text back. Is he that sick and lowlife to actually blame a hospital shooting on someone that didn't even do it!

Me: You blamed the shooting on Freddie, It wasn't Freddie. It was Fraser. How could you?!

I rang Freddie a few minutes later he picked up. I couldn't say anything for a while so I put it on loud speaker. "Hello?" Freddie broke the silence. 

"Hey.. It's me." I looked over to my mum knowing I had someone with me so I wasn't at all scared.

"Oh hey.. long time no speak." He replied. 

"I have gave birth..." I looked down at my babies trying to see if they looked like Freddie. 

"Oh and now this is the first time I'm hearing about it?!" He was mad you could tell by the tone of his voice. "Girl or boy?" I tried not to laugh. 

"Urhm well." I looked down at them both. "Well kinda. Both." 

"What do you mean?" He was so confused. "You mean you've had twins?" 

"Mhm. Do you want to see them?" I looked at my mum,handing them over to her whilst I had a rest before Freddie came. 

"Yeah I will be over in a minute!" He ended the phone call. Two minutes later he walked into the hospital and into my room. I walked over to him. 

"You can't just act nothing happened before.. With your dad and the gun an all." I shook my head. "I'm here for you." 

"I am just living day by day, not being scared of anything. I knew my dad wouldn't shoot me. I think he has a mental illness." He nodded. "Now show me my babies." He smiled. I walked over to mum, taking the babies off of her. 

"They don't have names yet. I was kind of hoping you'd help me." I smiled handing over the girl to him. 

"Well we could call this one Brooke." He smiled at her, kissing her forehead. "You can name the boy." 

I looked at him and thought of all of the boy names that had popped into my head. "Michael?" I laughed.

"No helllll no." Freddie laughed. "We are not calling him Michael we aren't having any old fashioned names." 

"Preston?" I looked and smiled at Freddie. 

"That's a lush name, so yeah!" He smiled then he had a phone call from a girl. It wasn't Cleo it was a girl called Lindsey. "Okay I need to take this. This is my new girlfriend that's calling me." I nodded. I understood I couldn't be jealous of her. He handed me over Brooke before walking out the room for a few minutes before walking back into the room.

"Mum can you go to the Midwife and see if she could hand me the birth certificates?" I smiled looking at the babies. Mum walked to the receptionist and asked for my Midwife then came back into the room as we waited for a good five minutes for the Midwife to come with the certificates.

"This has been a long day. Shouldn't you be getting some sleep it's twelve o 'clock at night." I laughed whilst she handed me over the birth certificates. 

"Preston and Brooke Roscoe." I signed them whilst I read their names out before giving them to Freddie so he could put his name on the birth certificate. 

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