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"It says, Freddie and I have moved to South Africa with the twins. I'm sorry we did this but we thought that you couldn't cope since Dodger left. - Robbie" He said as he followed the letter. I shook my head. I got my phone, calling the police. 

"H-h-i." I couldn't get my words out. Adam took my phone off me.

"No my babies!" I screamed, getting out of Adam's hug, running out of the house, dropping to my knees, screaming. "My babies need their mother!" I looked up at the sky, mum always looks up to god whenever she needs help.  I heard someone running up behind me, I didn't look I just cried and cried, until he ran down to me and pulled me into his arms.

"Amy! Amy! What's wrong?!" I pulled away.

"Dodger left. They have my babies!" I screamed.

"But i've came back for you Amy. I am right here. Dodgers me." I looked at him, breaking down.

"I need to get my babies back!" I screamed as Dodger picked up my keys, opening the door, putting me over his shoulders. I had cried for too long to the point my eyes have just given up. 

"Stay here!" He put me down on the sofa before walking out, locking the door behind him. I had fell asleep. 

A few hours later*

I heard the door unlocking. "Who is it? Robbie is it you?" I cried. Then the person opened the door, I looked down at my twins. "Babies Mummy has missed you so much!" I kneeled down, wiping my eyes. "Please don't tell me it's all a dream." I closed my eyes and opened them again, making sure. That Brooke and Preston was actually infront of my eyes. They were! Dodger came in and shut the door as I picked up the car seats,putting them on the sofa before taking them out. "How did you get these back dodge?" I smiled, cuddling them both in one in one arm and the other in the other. He ran upstairs, that's when there was another knock at the door. "Dodger get the door!" I sighed. "I have the babies." Dodger paced himself down the stairs, opening the door. 

"Dodger Savage I am arresting you on the attempted murder of Robbie Roscoe, you do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." I watched Dodger putting his hands behind his back.

"Dodger.. no you didn't why are you doing this." I shook my head. "Stop!" I shouted. One policeman took Dodger as the other stayed in the house.

"May I talk to you?" He looked at me. I slowly nodded.

"What's going on?!" I looked confused.

"Well.. Robbie Roscoe and Freddie Roscoe dialed 999 when Dodger Savage tried to stab them both." He sighed.

"No, they took my babies away from me, Dodger was just getting them back he didn't do anything!" I shook my head.

"Dodger may be out next week it depends if he has a good lawyer or not. I think you need some rest you look tired." He nodded. 

I sighed, nodding. "That's because I have been trying to get these back for a few days without any sleep, thank you for giving me information." I smiled.

"We'll update you on the case. Goodbye for now, If you have any questions don't hesitate to ring us." He smiled before leaving the house, closing the door behind him. Mercedes walked through the door. 

"Why was there police here?" She looked outside, watching the cars drive off. "Who's in the car with them?" I sighed. 

"Dodge is Merce." I tried not to cry. "They think Dodger tried to kill both Robbie and Freddie." I sighed. 

"But he didn't right?" She looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"All I know is Dodge got Preston and Brooke back, Robbie took them away from me." I sighed. " I haven't slept in days and now Dodge needs a good lawyer to get him out of jail." 

"Aims, just go to bed, I will take care of everything." She smiled, looking at the twins. 

"You sure?" I sighed, getting up. She nodded. "Thank you thank you!" I smiled, walking up the stairs, falling asleep in bed.

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