Suprises and heartbreaks

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The last couple months have Flown by and soon we will be starting Our junior year high school. My dad has business trip back to New York I cant tell you exactly how pissed off at him that he wasn't taking me with him. But he did agree to let me stay with the McIntyre's for the three weeks while he was gone. It was the best three weeks I spent every minute Joey. we spend more and more time at auditions and practices the New Kids really started taking off. It was a Friday afternoon Rae Rae and I decided to head over to the mall well Joey and the boys went to an audition. " you have to come to the audition with me you never not go with me! I need you,I...I need you there!!" Joe sat there with a pleasing look in his eyes. " I know Joey Joe but I need to get some school clothes and Rae is leaving for vacation I won't see her before school starts" "but!!!" " please Joey I'll be back in a couple hours and we can do whatever you want after, please Babe, Joey?!"
" well have fun I'll miss you there" " thanks Joey Joe, come on girl I got daddy's credit card let's go do some damage" and we ran out. Jordan walks up to Joey " hey man what the fuck was that?" " she said she was going shopping with Rae." " that's weird she always comes to auditions with you and this is the big one doesn't she know that?" " I didn't tell her!" " what Joe are you serious how could you not tell her! What if this goes well then what?" Just then Danny walks over " what the fuck is going on here?" " Joe is upset Leesa went shopping with Rae and isnt going to the audition but he didn't tell her" " Joe what the fuck why" " how am I supposed to tell her if this goes well I'm leaving after how she feels like her father Abandoned her!" " now how the fuck you think she is going to feel if you didn't tell her huh think about it. If you give a shit like you say you do you need to tell her and soon!!"
Boys all pile into a waiting car and head off to studio to meet with record executives. It was about a 5 minute drive to the studio just about 30 minutes later while at the mall I began to have anxiety and I couldn't explain why " girl what is wrong with you why are you so pale do you need to go home?"
" I don't know I just all of a sudden feel so nervous like something was gonna happen and I can't explain it" "let me call my dad and we can cash out our stuff from Victoria's Secret real quick and we will get out of here I'll have him take you back to Joeys."
"Thanks girl" " yea let's get outta here"
We waited outside for about 10 minutes till Rae Rae's dad picked us up and dropped me off home at the McIntyre's. I walked into the door Kay took one look at me rushed over and help me upstairs to Joeys room and told me to lie down and take a nap that I wasn't looking good. Couple hours later Joey came home and came upstairs. I Felt a tap on my Shoulder "Lee Lee wake up I need to talk to you" "mmmm Joey what's wrong how was the audition?" "OK I have to tell you this I should've told you this earlier but I was scared""scared of what Joe what's going on?" " I don't know how to tell you this Lee" " Joey what is it your scaring me!!" " Lee the audition today was with Record executives we are waiting to hear a call back and if we do it means that I need to leave to record our album and then start to tour." " Joe Joe that's great why wouldn't you tell me?" " because I didn't know how to tell you I don't want you to think I'm abandoning you I didn't know how to tell you and I don't know how I'm going to do it without you" "Joe Joe your not doing alone I'll always be her for you!!" " you mean it " " always" " Lee" " yea" " can I tell you something important " "mmhmmm" " I love you Lee, like I mean it I really love you! You don't have to say it back.""Joey I love you too" "whaa... did you say what I think you just said""yes I love you too. He jumped up wrapping his arms around me and hugged me he looked deep into my eyes I can feel his lips on mine. The phone ringing interrupted us as Kay called out for us to come downstairs.
We both ran down they stairs "yea ma" " Joseph I need you to call Donnie,Danny,Jonathan and Jordan and ask them to come over this evening that was Maurice on the phone he asked that we all meet him here this evening." " ok what's this all about?" "I don't know he just asked that you all are here tonight." Joe and I looked at each other I felt a pit in my stomach, why did I have the feeling I am about to loose my best friend? Joe ran off to call the guys  and I sit on the couch Kay comes and sits next to me " Leesa honey are you alright?" " yeah I'm fine why do you ask"" because your face drop the minute I said that Maurice  is coming and that boys needed to come here." " no I'm fine really""now I have 9 children I can tell when something is up"" I just...." " if its the call your worried he's going to forget you if they leave arnt you?" "Ma it's just...""sweetheart let me tell you something what you and my son have is special, so special in that even some adults don't have it and other people search a lifetime for just remember that. I am always here for you too you are the 10th child in my eyes you hear me!" " yes ma'am" " now give me a hug and go with Joesph" I lean over and hug her It's nice to know I will always have Kay in my corner. "Ma thanks""anytime sugar" I ran off to find Joe who was just finishing up calling the guys I lean on his doorframe "hey Joe" " hey LeeLee""sooo..""sooo" " this is really happening isn't it"" come on babe you don't know if that is even what it is""what else could it be Joey""it could be something else" by then I'm sitting on the bed next to him tears in my eyes. "Leesa look at me""no""Leesa why are you crying?""Im not I have something in my contact""bullshit""seriously, I'm going to go and fix it" I run out before he could say another word. I hear the click of me locking the bathroom door and I fall to pieces, I feel like the most selfish person in the world here him and the guys worked their asses off and they might be getting the biggest opportunity and the only thing I can worry about is protecting my heart. What would I do without him.
I sat in that bathroom for 2 hours til Maurice and the guys all showed up. They were all in the living room talking when I walked out I did my best to clean up and make it look like I wasn't crying but we all knew by the puffiness and the red eyes what I was really doing in that bathroom. "Hey Leesa""hey Maurice ""babe""Joey" he walked over and grabbed my hand and walked me over to sit next to him and Danny on the couch." Ok we got word from the executives at Columbia congratulations boys you got the deal, we leave next week to record the album and then a 16 week US tour!" Everyone was cheering and hugs I just sat there and Let it sink in he was leaving me for god knows how many months. " No!!!!!" I got up and ran out the front door "LEESA!!!!" Joey yells and goes to go after Donnie grabs his arm " Joe let me talk to her ok just give her a minute"" Ok I guess, Donnie please get her!"" I will" Donnie opened up the door and ran after me " hey Lee wait "" no leave me alone!" " tough shit I'm not, seriously what the fuck was that about ""don't worry about it don't you have a record label contract to celebrate?""yes I do but no one is celebrating without you""I want to be alone!!""well that's not going to happen soo either you tell me what is wrong or I'm going to sit here til you do" "if I tell you will you leave me alone?""maybe""fine, how would you feel if you were me your father is the never home one of the only people That cared about you is leaving your best friends are leaving and you never know when you're going to see them again, tell me how would that make you feel. I'm truly happy for Joey and all of you but I can't see him leave I just can't It will destroy me!"listen to Lee you think this going to be easy on any of us it's not especially Joe, let me ask you since you moved here how many days have you guys spent apart without seeing or talking to each other?""1day" " see and you know what he was doing that day, he was at my house bitching how he couldn't talk to you drove Mark so fucking crazy that he left." " I didn't know that""well now you do don't you think you should go back in there and talk to him we can take the party somewhere else.""Donnie I love you thank you!" I lean over and gave him a hug and he wiped my tear that escaped my eye. " let's go shorty someone is waiting for you."
We walked back into the house " Joey guys I'm so sorry." Everyone excuse themselves leaving me and Joey alone, " Leesa what was that?" " Joey i'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm so I just can't .... I cant stand to see you leave. What am I going to do without you!" Lee I don't know how I am supposed to do this without you with me" tears falling from both our eyes ""Joey" " I'll call you and text you everyday and I'll be home as much as I can."" Promise ""promise!""do you want to go and celebrate with the guys?""nah they can I wanna stay here with you, your not leaving my side for the next week." Kay popped her head in "everything ok in here"" yes mom""well I'm going to bed you kids behave""we will night ma""night."
" so what you wanna do""I don't know Joe In so beyond tired from today""do you wanna go lay down upstairs and watch a movie?""yea that sounds good." We head up to his room " ok what you wanna watch Lee?"" I don't know Romeo and Juliet""the new one or the old one?""new one." Joe put on the movie and we laid watching til I fell asleep with my head on his chest.
The next week flew bye and before I knew it the car was here to pick up Joey and take him to LA to start his album. Everyone said their goodbyes and gave Joey and I a minute alone. There we were on the start of a completely new chapter in our life his as a pop star and me living without my best friend. "Leesa, look at me please!" I couldn't look up as the tears escaped my eyes." Lee look at me please only have a minute." As I look up I feel his lips on mine and his hand tangles in my hair as he deepens the kiss. We break away when Maurice says he needs to finish up because they have to get to the airport. "Well Joey Joe guess this is it huh?""yea guess so you know I love you right"" I know I love you too Joey I ..I just don't know how am I going to make it without you""I will call you as soon as I land remember we will make it work.""ok""I guess I better go""yea""I love you always please remember that!!""I love you too bye Joey""bye Lee". He kissed me and with that he was gone. Off to start a new life but will that new life include me.

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