New house, new expectations

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The guys all left pretty late that night, there we were finally alone our first official night in our house together. I go in and start to clean up the mess that they guys left around the livingroom and kitchen, they are seriously like little pigs, and Joey headed into his office to go knock out some emails and things that he needed to get done since the guys would be leaving soon for Miami. About a hour later Everything was cleaned up and I headed upstairs to bed, I walked in to see Joey in the bed watching TV "Babe where you been?""cleaning up after you guys"" come to bed it's been along day""don't I know." I walk into the bathroom to go change into something to sleep in and crawl into the bed. I curl up into Joe's side and lay my head on his chest " so Babe whatcha think""of what?""the house, us finally together everything?"" Bae I love the house it's like you pulled everything I ever wanted in a house out of my head and made it a reality, truth is I had my doubts about this at first if I was ready to do this but as long as I'm with you that's all that matters."as long as we're together Lee we will get it figured out!""I know we will." Joe leans down as I lean up and places a soft kiss on my lips. "Sooo baby feel like breaking in the bedroom?""you really have to ask" We both giggle as he pulls me up to meet his lips, I feel his hands run down my back til they found their way to my ass, as Joey continues to place soft sensual kisses on my lips and down my neck. Just then Joey flips me over on the bed and I feel his body on me, "I've been waiting all day to get you alone baby!" I feel his hot breath on my neck as he removes the tee shirt I was wearing. I feel his body grind against mine as I work to get his basketball shorts off, once I get them off his erection springs to life and I feel him push in. We made love for hours that night without a care in the world, we were together in our own house and no one was there to tell us no, no sneaking around we were free to be together anywhere or anyways we pleased. We finally fell asleep in each others arms in the wee hours of the morning just to have my alarm on my phone go off at 5am so I can get up and out for school. " Babe why your alarm going off so early ?""I have school you know""can't you just skip it today and stay here in bed with me?""no I can't I have a politics test if I'm gonna graduate early I need to be there""but....Babe I don't have any work to do today and it's such a long drive up and back can't you stay home once""sorry baby I gotta go I'll be home by 5 though""ok" I leaned down kissed him and headed down the stairs to leave I just had to let Gucci out fast before I left.
It seriously was such a long drive to make everyday but if I just stuck it out I be Done in February instead of June. School brought a distraction from the everyday in a sense but honestly no one in that school could even begin to relate to my life, not many seniors are engaged let alone engaged to a person that is in the public eye and tours roughly 290-300 days a year or have they never lost a child, has bought a home with their fiancé a hour a way from the school. Most kids my age are worried about prom and college applications not planning a wedding, moving in a new house and preparing for their boyfriend/fiancé to leave for weeks on end to record another album which in turn turns into months away on tour. As much as I try to relate and fit in at this point I'm just on another level, except my bright spot at school my true ride or die Raeanne she gets it mainly because she is experiencing it now with Donnie just not to my degree.
I closed my locker and turned to hear my name being yelled from down the hall and Rae comes darting up " hey skank omg how was the move?""nerve wrecking at best""sorry I wasn't there I had to stay with RJ, Donnie did say the house is gorgeous""girl it is,why don't you come back with me Friday the guys will be in New York for the night I really don't want to be there alone." Just as I finish getting the sentence out my mouth I hear a voice that is nothing more than fingernails down a chalkboard to me " oh Leesa, Raeanne y'all actually showed up to school" I look over to see Shelly " Shelly, so I see you finally got a nosejob to work for that horse face of yours""I've never had anything done I can't say the same for you too did you two get buy one get one boob Jobs" Rae just sits quietly she is naturally non confrontational me on the other hand will fuck you day up with a smile on my face if need be " no Shelly we just happen to take care of ourselves and work out, oh and by working out I don't mean laying on my back either""really nice comeback coming from someone who's neck looks like they we're strangled, or maybe your famous lil singer boyfriend likes it that way, maybe I'll have to look him up and see""I can promise you if you come anywhere near Joey I will break your ass hear me don't get it twisted, you know my past and reputation and crew I have not a problem rocking your ass"oh yea you thought you were a banger after you lost that bastard kid, tell me how do you feel knowing your the reason your baby is dead!" And with that I blacked out and old Leesa was back before anybody even myself knew it I hit her in the mouth threw her to the ground and smashed her face into the concrete til you couldn't recognize her face anymore and til Raeanne manages to pull me off her. "Bitch this ain't over, never speak on my child again!" I spit on her and walked out with Rae jumped into my car and peeling out of the parking lot.
"Jesus Christ Leesa what the fuck was that?""she isn't going to A. Talk about my Brookie B. Make any indication she is going anywhere near Joey and C. Talking about trying him out, she is lucky that's all she got!""I have never seen you like that please don't do it again""I can't control it I'm like the hulk I get pissed and my eyes go green and here she comes""whatever the case how are you going to explain this to Joey""I'm not telling him""I think he will know"how he going to know he doesn't go there or anything?"" Well you have a cut on your cheek from where she tried to scratch you you knuckles are all busted up from you slamming her face into the ground and you broke one of your nails off on her face and I'm pretty sure it's still stuck in there."" When we get to my house if Joey is home i need you to distract him well I go clean up fast""girl I don't like this""listen I'm sorry ok I just blacked out when she talked about Brookie ok it's not like I run around beating up people""well you used too""ok that's a low blow you know why""I know I'm sorry""it's ok" we made it almost to my house and my phone went off it was a text from Joey
Joey: where the fuck are you
Me: driving
Joey: can you explain to me why your dad just showed up here looking for you saying you beat the shit outta someone
Me: because I did
Joey: what the fuck Leesa care to tell me why
Me: bitch talked about me, Rae and you
Joey: I don't give two shits if she talked about me
Me: she talked about Brookie and I snapped
Joey: do you understand she is talking about going to the media
Me: let her ass do it and I'll finish what I started
Just as I finished sending the last message I pulled into the front gates of our Neighborhood and swing my car into our driveway and walked into the house a few seconds later to see Joey sitting on the couch with a pissed off look on his face " so apparently some things don't change""excuse me""you heard me some..things...never... change!!"" Now that's not fair bitch had it coming" bitch had it coming did you ever for one second in you lil fit of rage stop and think about the consequences of what you just did""she talked about Rae she talked about you and mostly talked about Brook. Consequences don't be shit to me" at that point we are both screaming at each other and Rae goes into the back to call Donnie and pick her up. " you realize your dad is on the way to this girls house to try to smooth things over, for someone who is so fucking intelligent that your going to graduate early if they don't kick you out you sure do some dumb shit"" you know what I'm going upstairs to wash up and get that bitches blood out of my nails." I turned and walked upstairs and didn't even bother listening to whatever it was Joey was still talking about. I stepped into my bathroom of this big expensive gorgeous house Joey just bought for us and looked around and let out a sigh and thought to myself well Lee you fucked up again" I turned on the tub and threw some bubble bath in and bath bombs and slid in. I was in the tub for a little bit when there was a tap on the door and Joey pokes his head in " hey listen I'm sorry I yelled at you""it's ok, come in" Joe walks in and sits on the edge of the tub "listen I really should learn how to control my temper, where Rae?""Donnie picked her up a minute ago""is she mad at me""she isn't mad more like shocked""I didnt mean to flip like that""I know you didn't, but you need to learn to let shit go babe you can't fly off then handle when something's is said something you don't like""I can handle something being said about me but when she talked about giving you a try, and I'm the reason Brook is gone and she talked shit about Rae and you know Rae doesn't stand up for herself I lost it"" first of all she couldn't try me even if I wasn't with you, as for Brook I understand why but your better than that and Rae doesn't need you fighting on her behalf."" I know I sorry""Well your dad managed to keep your ass outta trouble but your now not allowed back at school so your going to have to finish online. I hope this is the last time""it is" Joey leaned over to kiss me and my evil ass though it would be funny to pull him in the tub with me. He falls in with a splash "seriously Lee" " what I thought you like it when I'm wet""well now who's the pervert now""you want me to stop" as I kiss on his neck, I feel his hand between my legs I let out a gasp as I feel his hand move " you like that baby?!"" Oh my god" I can feel my body start to shake and then I feel Joey stop " no why did you stop" I say with a little whimper "come here" Joey grabs my hand and helps me stand and before I know what hits me He lifts me up and pushes me against the wall and he tries to slide his soaking wet shorts down with one hand. As fast as he gets them off I feel him slam into me and I let out a scream "you like that don't you""yes"I can feel myself getting closer as he continues to slam into me, a few more thrusts and Joey releases, we both slide down the wall leaning on it for support"Dayum""right" "so much for you coming up here to clean up""yeah well you like me dirty""that I do" he let out a little laugh and kissed me on the nose. " ok so you gonna help me clean up this mess"""umm" "Joesph " there was water everywhere wet clothes the bathroom was just destroyed. We got the mess cleaned up and headed downstairs it was a little after 6 " Joey I'm hungry""after sex munchies?""that and it's dinner time""we'll make something""umm I don't know how to""what do you mean I don't know how too""what did I just say I don't know how to cook""seriously""yea well what can do make""pop tarts""pop tarts""yes I never had to learn how to cook, mr domesticated what can you cook then?""instant Mac and cheese""that's it, all your mom does is cook and that's all you can make""exactly mom does all the cooking and when we're on tour there is Kraft services and when we record there is room service and restaurants so tell me again""ok I get that but Danny knows how to cook and he is doing all that shit with you""yea well he is also older than us and Betty started teaching all them from little so tell me again Miss Poptart about cooking." And he raises his eyebrow at me " well crap what we gonna do, wanna go out to eat""no""pizza""no" " just wanna go upstairs and fuck and go to sleep we'll worry about tommorow ""umm yes!" And with that he smacked me in the ass threw me over his shoulder and off to bed we went.
We woke up to the morning to having Joey have to drive back to Dorchester for a meeting so I decided to go with and spend the day with Kay. We pull into the driveway just as Kate was heading out to work. Joey came in for a few but then had to rush for a early morning breakfast meeting and I got to spend the day with one of my favorite people Kay. I walked over and sat at the kitchen island as she was in the kitchen doing dishes "hey Ma can I ask you something""of course sweetheart what's up""ok so we're in that big huge house and we came to a problem last night""and that is""neither one of us can cook!" Kay laughed"well that is a problem""so I was hoping you could teach me to cook cause if you don't I think we will both starve to death" and I laughed, " well that's the truth because lord knows I tried to teach him how to cook once and he burned water""how the hell do you burn water?""I don't know" and she shakes her head and laughs. We spent the next 6 hours in the kitchen and by the time Joe had came back I was confident in the skills that Kay taught me that we may not starve to death once we went back home. We stayed for most of the evening and it was about 9 o'clock when I seen my dads car pull up home I thought to myself that he normal gets out of work at like 5, I snuck around to the side of the house to see that he wasn't the only one that got out of his car, I see this little petite blond woman get out that passenger side of the car and my father grabs her hand, just as a I was intently spying(yes I admit I was spying on my dad) Joey sneaks up behind me "what you looking at?""shhhh I think my dad has a date or something" just then Kay comes up behind both of us " that's Kassy he been seeing her for a bit""seriously Ma and you didn't tell me""not my place to""you just did""your father is grown he raised you and you are a wonderful young woman, I think it's his turn to live his life again don't you""I suppose your right""if it helps I've met her she is a lovely woman, she goes to church with us on Sundays." "I guess your right"" so Babe if your done spying on your dad do you wanna get going we got a drive to make to get home?""Yea let's go." So we said our goodbyes and headed back home, I must have not realized how tired I was because I fell asleep on the way home and the only thing I remember is Joey carrying me out of the car and up to bed.
The last few weeks flew by and it's now 3 days before thanksgiving, we headed back home to Dorchester for a few days so we could have thanksgiving with the family since the boys leave thanksgiving night to head to Miami, I've been working my ass off finishing school online and started to put in my college apps in. I always dreamed of going NYU but now there is a different agenda in mind, it's funny how one twist in events change everything you ever thought about how you wanted you life to be, Joey was my twist in events. NYU isn't even a option anymore fashion merchandising is what I always wanted to be now it's changed into Law school. I took my LSAT's last week and scored a 165 which would allow me to go to any Law School I choose Harvard including.
It was the day before Thanksgiving the guys were at a meeting with management my father was with them working out terms on a new contact and Kay,Alma and Betty all thought that it would be a good idea with me being "a soon to be married woman" I learn the lovely task of grocery shopping, at this point I thought we were surviving on HotPockets,Lucky Charms and takeout just fine, apparently it doesn't work that way. So we wandered around Costco each one of them trying to give me their little tips and tricks but honestly I appreciate it but I was so bored til we happen to walk down the baked isle and what does my eyes fall on chocolate syrup oh this is gonna be fun I snap a pic well they weren't paying attention and text it over to Joey with the caption maybe later I wasn't prepared for what I got back
Joey: maybe later huh, I don't think you could handle me if I got my hands on you with that 😺💦💦💦 I love my chocolate
Me: oh please, such talk no action 😂
Joey: Really, no action huh you weren't saying that last night when I had you bent over moms sofa well everyone was sleep did you
Me: lucky for you I was in the mood
Joey: lucky for me if I recall you were the one screaming my name and to give it to you harder!! 😍💯
Me: didn't hear you complaining much
Joey: why would I
Me: so should I buy it
Joey: Yea and book a hotel you done fucked up now😍😍
Me: I fucked up we will see
Joey: you will see and as a side note thanks for the fucking hard on in the middle
of my meeting with management the guys and your dad of all people
Joey: I'm not sure but I think Donnie caught on because he just laughed at me and shook his head
Me: I'll make sure your 🍆🍆 is well taken care of later 💦
Joey: seriously thanks Babe, you better behave or imma leave this meeting and come kidnap you from that damn Costco and we will see how you explain to everyone why your walking funny at Thanksgiving
Joey: Shit they caught me not paying attention I gotta go, just be prepared when I get you tonight ❤️😘💋
Me: it's so on!!😘😘
So I quickly tossed the syrup in the cart and buried it. We quickly finished up and headed back home to get back to cooking we were just about home when Donnie texted
Donnie: ok I snuck a peak at Joeys Phone eewww seriously
Me: shut up
Donnie: well you succeeded in giving him a hard on if that was the mission
Me:DONNIE !!!🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Donnie: matter of fact he has been in the bathroom for awhile I bet you he is jerking off in there
Me: omgee!! Shut up
Donnie: I think we should go check on blue eyes, what you think 😂😂
Me: stop seriously 😳
Donnie: whaaa
Me: leave him alone!!
Donnie: too late😂😂😂
We this isn't gonna be good. I threw my phone on the couch and went to help "the moms" with prep for dinner tomorrow til the guys came home. The guys got home about 6 and we all had dinner at Kays then everyone went on their way. " alright well I'm gonna go up to bed guys I have to start the food at 4, love you""love ya to mama." Kay went up to bed and as soon as Joey heard her door lock latch I feel him press his lips against mine and then whisper " so you think you were funny today huh, let's see who has more fun now!" Just the way He said that sent a chill up my spine. "Get in the car""where we going""get in" there was a look in his eyes I've never seen before a look that darkened his normally ocean blue eyes. I did what I was told and got into the car " I told you you were in for it" as I felt his lips crash onto mine and I felt his hand between my legs, that instantly made me wet. We sped up 441 and he screeched into the parking lots of the days inn. Joey ran around my side of the car and helped me out as soon as I'm out he backs me up against the car "now it's time for me to have fun" and with that his lips crash on mine devouring me, he grabs my hair pulling it back to expose me neck as he kisses and sucks on it. "Omg" he pulls back long enough to unlock the hotel room door and pick me up so my legs are around his waist and carry me in. I feel my body tossed onto the bed and he rips off the shirt right off my body, at that point I couldn't control myself I rush to get his pants unbelted and off. I feel Joe crawl up my body and the click of cold metal on my wrist and my yoga pants being ripped off and the cold rush of the chocolate that was being poured over my body. He continued his teasing assault on my body concentrating on the spots that make me weak knowing I couldn't do anything about it. My breath quickens as he makes his way between my legs, a few minutes later my orgasm slams but he continues licking and sucking between my legs til I let out a scream that caused the neighbor to bang on the wall. Joey leans up and unlocks the cuffs attached to my wrists and places a chaste kiss on my lips, and lays next to me and looks over as I laid there in just a haze and out of breath. " hey you ok?" And he lets out a little laugh "I...I think so wow!""I told you you where in for it""you weren't Kidding""never underestimate me". I leaned up and kissed him " you know I love you my Joey Joe""JoeyJoe you haven't called me that in forever."" I know but you'll always be my Joey Joe you know that." We snuggled up in the bed and just laid in each others arms enjoying the time together we both know that is Joey leaving tomorrow. "Babe you think we should head back I have to help Ma in the morning with the food?""maybe we should""ok" so we both got up and cleaned up "hey killer as much as I enjoyed your little 50 shades moment what am I supposed to wear home you ripped up my shirt""shit sorry here take my hoodie" he tossed me his hoodie to put on and we headed back to Kays in a few hours I had to be up to help her cook for 30 people.
We got back about a hour later and headed to bed in Joeys old room and it seems as if I just fell asleep when the alarm goes off and Kay is at the door that we need to start cooking. I come down to see that Betty,Alma and Marlene were all ready there cooking up a storm. It was along day of cooking and a house full of people but every time I would look up and see Joey rolling around on the floor with all the kids with them climbing on top of him I realized that man there is going to be the best daddy and I can't wait til I am able to give him that. We all had dinner at about 5 but then the boys and Maurice had to head out to Miami to be in the studio in the morning, these are the times I dread I know he loves what he does and I wouldn't want it any other way but I miss him being there and now I will be in that big house alone.

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