Books babies and tour dates

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So the week quickly flew bye Shelly was currently in jail awaiting trail they charged her with multiple counts of stalking and we were granted the temporary order of protection. Joey left yesterday to start the tour and today is my first day of classes. Rae was staying at the house in anticipation for us leaving next week. The twins are home with her. Joey had went out and got a military trained Rottweiler for additional protection for the house. Diablo was enough to even scare Biscuit first time he seen him but to me he is already my baby. He is already very aware of the twins and Izzy and is incredibly gentle anytime they are around.

It was 7am when I left and headed to U Mass campus and the nerves kicked in my heart was palpitating and I was sweating oh my god can I do this. I swung Joey's Jag into the parking lot and took a deep breath. I know what I needed, I reach for my bag and grab my phone. He picks up after the fourth ring " Hey sweetbaby aren't you supposed to be in class""830 Babe I'm nervous""sweetbaby you will kill it, just remember who your father was you have it in you, he is with you today and I'm with you always.""thank you""you got it ""Ok I'm gonna go I love you my Joey Joe...always""I love you too""bye""bye." I took a deep and stepped out of the car. As I walk to my first class into to law I see everyone looking at me, then all of a sudden Stacy comes running up " oh my god Leesa I didn't know you were here""Stace I forgot you were coming here" she hugs me "What class you have""Intro to Law in Seton Hall""Me too""Stacy why is everyone looking at me""Lee you don't think word gets around everyone knows your Joey McIntyre's fiancée, you rolled into school in a $80,000 car and the ring on your finger looks like it weights your hand down. Did I mention you are the only person on campus that showed up in a Versace outfit even the professors can't afford that""Geez I'm sorry""no just letting you know that's why""So everyone must think I'm some rich stuck up bitch""sweetie don't worry about other people, come on let's go." We walked into a massive lecture hall with a class of about 40 people I reach down and pull out my laptop and pull up a page to start to taking notes, the professor entered a few seconds later he was a round little man with a thick black mustache and a obviously balding head " Law if reason free from passion, good morning class I'm professor Gibbons" and then it happened my phone goes off, I pull it out it's Joey " what""hey baby, what you doing?""I'm in the middle of class what's up?""Just wanted to say I love you""I love you too but I gotta go" I quickly hang up but it was to late " Miss Engert I presume, Yea Professor I am so sorry my fiancé had a emergency I had to take it""Miss Engert I got the memo on you this is the only time we will be seeing you""Yes I have a obligation the terms of my studies have been worked out with dean McMahon.""Yes I well versed in that you will leaving because you will be traveling with a very high profile band""Yes sir""Why don't you tell the class who that is I'm sure everyone will love to know why the rules don't apply to you""Ummm with all due respect Professor Gibbons I don't see what that has to do with this class""answer the question Miss Engert""New Kids on the Block ok my fiancé is a member of the band""and who might that be""Joey McIntyre sir""Ok Miss Engert, ok everyone can you tell me what I did there?"" Interrogated her" Stacy calls out "and what should have Miss Engert done" someone else calls out " Not to answer without a attorney." I finished class and hurried out to the car to FaceTime Joey who was rehearsing before they went to sound check at 2. It rang two times and Joey picks up "Hey sweetbaby you done with class""just finished""How was is""I got singled out""what you mean""Professor decided to use me as a example on interrogation""are you kidding me""wish I was if I wasn't singled out on campus already""what you mean""Joey everyone knows me as this stuck up spoiled rich girl who is engaged to a singer, no one even gave me a chance""we both know you are so much better than that, never apologize for the fact of who you are or who you love, if they don't like it they don't deserve to know you"" Joey Joe I love you, thank you I needed that""anytime baby, I got to let you off here though so I can get back to rehearsal""yeah I got to be to my next class Tort Law 101 in 15 minutes""is that you last class""no after that I have economics and political science""damn baby what time your classes end 4 o'clock, can you call Rae when you get a second and check in please""will do, I'll call you when you get out I should be done with sound check""ok Babe love you""I love you always""bye""bye sweetheart." I hung up grabbed my bag and headed back in. The aggravation building as everyone stares and whispers, I get it I'm not the norm here but really. I trudged through just keeping Joey in my head on what he said and my beautiful babies and bestie waiting for me when I get out of here. After this week I won't have to see any of the people again. It was a little after 4 when I finally was done and headed to the car. I through my bag in the back with a thud and turned my phone back on, once I turned it on I found a video message from the guys wishing me luck, that just made all of today's crap not even a thought I have the best people in my life's fuck the rest.

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