Oh baby

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Joey and figured I may not being going to the first week of tour but in the long run we will be together. We're due in 28 days for Victoria and JJ, Doctor Peterman scheduled us to be induced on July 4th our actual due date and tour starts on September 12th the day after my birthday and a week before classes start. Unfortunately the first week of school I can't be on tour with Joey and the guys. The babies will be 2 and a half months once we get on the road. Harley decorated the babies lil rooms on the bus, they were stunning. As crazy as it has been I got to be with my best friend and my brother as they brought their daughter into the world and I just can't describe the feeling of watching my goddaughter/niece come into this world. Isabella Lynn Wahlberg was born on June 1st and from the start even though they aren't together as a couple Donnie and Rae made it work and they are amazing.
Life was pretty damn good if I could say so. It was July 1st Joey and I headed back home to pick up Kay she is coming to stay a couple weeks with us to help with the babies when we come home. She was absolutely over the moon to be grandma to the twins. We pulled into the driveway from picking Kay up pretty late It's was 1130 at night and poor Joey had to try to get Ma out out of the Rover because she is so short (she"s only 4'11) she has trouble getting in and out, then there's me I can't seem to do to much of anything I can't get in or out the Rover without Joey, I can't get up from the couch or bed or chair, I'm just a huge uncomfortable whale. In the end it was worth it for the twins to be here. I already made it passed the point most woman make before they deliver. We set Kay up in her room and she called it a night, the next day was the final ultrasound for the babies before we go in to have them.
We woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and coffee, we went downstairs to see Kay in the kitchen she had made her blueberry and strawberry waffles they are literally like my favorite thing ever she makes, I haven't had them since Joey and I had moved. I sit at the island and she hands me a plate. Joey sat down with his plate next to me a second later, I dig in and take out a bite and must have let out a little moan, let me tell you when I say they are good they could make anyone moan when they try them. Joey leans over and whispered " if you wanna moan like that we can go upstairs, I promise I can make you moan""Joey""Leesa""seriously""what""we have the ultrasound soon""we can be quick" I all of a sudden feel Joeys hand between my legs, as his fingers tease. My breath starts to quicken " umm Joey I ....I need you help reaching....something in the closet can you come up stairs and help me?"" Sure sweetbaby!"" I grab his hand and we both run, well I waddled to the bedroom, before We even make it to the room his mouth is on mine. We get to the room he locks the door behind him. Just as we are about to get it in we hear a knock on the door "hey you guys we gotta get ready to leave come on""FUCK!!?" Joey says. "Apparently not" And I giggle, he didn't find it amusing but I kinda did. We got ready fast and headed out to make the hour trip to doctor Peterman's office. We pulled in behind the office to my surprise I see a smiling face waiting at the backdoor when I stepped out the car, "Daddy""princess" I walk over and threw my arms around his neck, "what are you doing here?""I came to see my grandbabies and my baby""didn't you have court today?""yes I have Stephanie covering my case, I realize after you had moved in with Joey exactly how much of your growing up I did Miss because I was so determined to give you the best of everything, I missed out on actually being there with you and how much it truly did effect you. I don't want these babies to come in this world and only see me every now and then because I'm always at work. I want to be able to spend weekends with them take them to the park, I want to be in their little life's."" Daddy!" A just hugged him he would never understand what him saying that meant to me. " alright guys let's get in there and get the show on the road. We all walked in and I laid on the table, Joey holds my hand as I feel the all familiar feeling of the warm jelly on my stomach and the wand moving around. When all was said and done both babies are healthy and in position and ready to go, Doctor Peterman says now all we have to do is wait. We all left and headed out my dad headed to the office and we headed back home.
We got home a little while later and I headed upstairs to take a nap these little ones were taking a lot out of me. I woke up a short time later to hear Joey obviously pissed off saying " you muthafucking thing, what the hell" I sit up to see him sitting on the bedroom floor trying to put The bassinets together," you ok Joey Joe?""Yeah did I wake you?""Kinda""I'm sorry, I was trying to get these damn things put together before the babies get here and they have to sleep in a dresser drawer""baby it isn't that serious, we have nurseries you know""but sweetbaby you already know you have a longer recovery then most woman and I don't want you to have to keep getting up and going down the hall""seriously as sweet as you are, we have mom here your here, why don't you come and lay with me we still have a few days before they are going to be coming.""I guess your right" Joey came and laid down his head on my belly, rubbing it as I sit and play with his curls, we only have a few more days of just us til we go from couple to a family.
I woke up the next morning with the strangest stomach cramps, they didn't really hurt but if I didn't know better I would have thought I was getting my period. The guys had a couple of radio shows to do to promote the album and tour and Kay was spending the day with Betty so I had my buddy my Harley was spending the day with me, you know just hanging out. I love that he can be as sweet as hell but have the same warped sense of humor I have. I missed just being able to hang out everything has been so nuts and with Rae just having Izzy we haven't really got to see eachother other than FaceTime because it's to hard for her to make the trip with the baby and Joey doesn't want me to drive that far to pick her up. Jon drove over with Harley and Joey and him headed over to the station together and I got to hang with Harley. "So Lee how you feeling?""fucking huge""but your absolutely beautiful, you only have a few more days""thanks I know, but it's been so long I've been this huge that I can't even paint my own toenails""really your worried about your toes""yes I haven't did my toes in 4 months, Joey can't paint them right so when these babies come out I'm going to end up have krispty crunchy toes" as soon as he said that he chocked on the iced coffee he was drinking""did you really just say that""yeah....owww" and my hand shot to my stomach."Lee are you ok""yeah Just Braxton Hicks"" you sure?""Yes Harley I'm fine"" ok well since you are so adamant on not having busted looking toes when you go in on Saturday where is the nail polish you want I'll do your toes""on my vanity in my walk in, thank you""no problem you spoiled brat" and he laughed and ran up to get it, just as another one of those cramps hit, "shit" that one actually kinda hurt but as fast as it came it left again. I had a blast with Harley but soon enough the guys were back and so was Kay. Those cramps came on and off through they day but I didn't worry about because they weren't regular and Doctor Peterman said I didn't show any signs that the babies were on the way when we were there yesterday. Joey and I headed up to bed that night about 9 Joe had to drive Kay back home to a doctors appointment and I had Jordan coming to babysit me. I was having a hell of a night trying to get comfortable and I didn't want to wake Joey up so I slide outta bed and headed downstairs. I laid on the couch for a couple of hours eventually falling asleep. I felt Joey gently shake me awake to let me know he was heading out and that J would be here in about a hour. I got up and let the dogs out and grabbed a glass of juice and headed up to shower. Jordan must have came when I was in the shower sand he let himself in. I come down to find him sitting on the couch on his phone puppies in his lap stuffing his face. " Well morning J""morning preggers""whatcha doing?""not much hanging with the puppies." Shit there it went again, these cramps are starting to hurt. Jordan looked over to see me grab my stomachs and he stands up " hey you ok?""Yea....yea I'm ok" I walk over and sit next to him and he puts his hand on my belly and starts talking to the babies "hey guys it's uncle Jordan, I can't wait for you to come out" just then Victoria kicked and I giggled "you feel that J""yes""that's your niece saying hi""oooh serious" he laughed and blushed. "Yes it it""no shit!" We sat on the couch watching Poetic Justice and it was about halfway through the movie and it happened, I got up and walked about 2 feet away from the couch and that pain hit harder and worse than before and it didn't go away "0wwwww shit" I yelled, Jordan flew up and ran over, "Lee..Leesa" I feel his arm on my shoulder then suddenly, a gush and another pain. "Oh my god Jordan my water just broke" at this point Jordan was in a panic " oh shit what do we do""Jordan my bag it's upstairs in our closet get it we gotta go, fast these babies are ready!" He runs tripping up the stairs and in minutes we are on our way to Boston General. We made it in 10 minutes as Jordan rushes me in and they rush me up to labor and delivery. Jordan called Joey and the guys from the waiting room well the nurses got me settled and hooked up to the IV's and fetal monitor. Doctor Peterman came in and checked me a few minutes later I was 4 centimeters dialated. Joey ran into the room about 10 minutes later and ran up to the bed "sweetbaby what happened?""my water broke I'm 4 centimeters dialated, Doctor Peterman just left Victoria and Joey are going to be here soon." He leans in and I feel his lips on mine and another contraction hits worse then the others. Over the next few hours the contractions became stronger and more frequent, lasting longer, I was in tears I didn't know how much more I was going to be able to take. Doctor Peterman came in it was  5:30 to check and we were told I was 10 centimeters and it was time to start pushing. I pushed for 30 minutes and at 6:05pm Victoria Rae McIntyre was born weighing in at 5 pounds 10 ounces, followed by her brother Joesph Daniel McIntyre was born at 6:10pm weighing in at 6 pounds. Both babies were here and healthy and Joey and I couldn't be more in love.

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