Maybe we should plan a wedding

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We got back home a couple days later and first stop when we got in as of course Ma's. We haven't seen her in almost 3 months and we miss her as much as she missed us. She is going to trip when she sees the twins when we left basically just kinda sitting in their bouncy chairs because they were to little to do much now they are scooting around everywhere and are sleeping through the night. Their personality are shining through and they are right after our personalities JJ is really Joey Jr. he is sweet, even tempered and kinda just rolls with it, Victoria let's face it is me reincarnated she definitely has a flair for the dramatic, she is loud and stubborn but is also very lovable when she wants. We walked into the house and headed into the livingroom Kay had her back to the doorway, " did someone order a set of twins and a daughter in law and son?" All you seen was the rage she was cleaning with drop and she turned. " Joesph,Leesa your back""Hi mama""Hi Ma" she walked over with tears in her eyes and threw her arms around Joey and then to me, "where is my Victoria and Joey?" As she says that Kate and Steve walk in with them. "Oh my goodness look how big they have gotten!" Give me my grand babies!""You may wanna sit mama they have gotten heavy especially JJ." Kay sits on the couch and Joey hands her JJ and I sit next to her with Victoria as she sat with her little pride and joys, her eyes now seem to have lit up more having the babies there. " Do you guys have time to stay or do have things to do?"" We're all yours Ma!" I put a blanket down and put the babies down to play and Kay was in her glory just watching them. Nibbles is bouncing around trying to play with the babies "Joesph put that dog in her crate she is to hyper with my babies"" mama she is fine the babies love it"" Joesph what did I tell you""yes mama""damn Ma I wish he listen to me that way". Joey looks back at me "I do""Bullshit""language""sorry Ma". We spent the day at mom's but soon we headed back home Rae wasn't expecting us to be home til tomorrow but I wanted to surprise her and I missed home and my puppies. It was about 9 when we pulled in the driveway and went in. I walked in to see Izzy asleep in the swing in the living room and Rae asleep on the couch. "Babe should I wake her?"" Yea unless you wanna scare the shit outta her and have her think someone was in the house." Joey brought the kids up to bed and I grabbed Izzy and brought her upstairs and put her in her crib. I gently tapped Rae "Rae...Raeanne" her eyes flutter open, "Lee""Hey were home""Welcome back you weren't supposed to be home til tomorrow""Sorry your gonna have to sneak out your boyfriend" and I giggled, she sat up "we missed you""I missed you and Izzy girl too""How was it""long,tiring,awesome, memorable"" Well sounds eventful""it was""you look exhausted"" I so am I could sleep for like a million years""go to bed I'm sure Joey is tired""I'm not surprised if he isn't already in bed""go we'll talk in the morning""KK love ya""love ya back." I leaned down hugged her and headed upstairs all 3 dogs in tow. I opened the door to find Joey laying half on and half off the bed, "what the hell are you doing?""I landed""I see that, well move your ass so I can lay down too""I forgot how comfortable our bed was""right""we have so much unpacking to do""I know we can do it tomorrow, sooo""so what""so are you to tired to ummm break the bed back in?", Joey cocks his eyebrow and I smile. " what's do you think!!" I giggle as he pulls me down on top of him. "Well sweetbaby we did it""I know""next up making you my wife""that's all I want is to be Mrs. Joey freakin McIntyre"" look at me" I feel him lift my chin to look at him " you already are and always will be there will never be anyone else""I love you My Joey Joe""I love you sweetbaby". I lean down and place a kiss on his lips, he tangles his hand in my hair and deepening the kiss, I open my mouth letting him him explore my mouth, our tongues tangle with eachother. His one hand tangled in my hair the other slide to my ass. The pressure between my legs builds and I grind down on him trying to find relief. Joey flips me against the bed my hands above my head pinned as I feel his erection grinding against me. His hot breath on my neck sends chills down my spine. My back arches as his mouth finds its way to my breast. I quickly work at getting his pants slide down. I feel his fingers working at the waistband of my shorts, I lift my hips making it easier for him to remove them. I feel his hand between my legs, his hand works my middle. It wasn't long til my body started to shake for the impending orgasm, just when I thought I couldn't hold out anymore, Joey stops and pushes in. It wasn't long til we both let go as our orgasms hit together. As we both lay there in eachothers arms with my head on his chest listening to his breathing slowly return I couldn't picture ever not being here with him. We both fell asleep a few minutes later.

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