How could you

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We left outta of Rae's about a half hour later I think Joey was sick of Donnie and Jordan agrivating him. I reach over and turn on the radio we hear
Soft lips are open
Them knuckles are pale
Feels like you're dying
You're dying
Your sex is on fire
With what's to transpire
Hot as a fever
Rattle of bones
I could just taste it
Taste it
We both sat at the same time Kings of Leon I love this song. I don't know what came over me if it was today and the song on but I had the urge to get Joe in the best way, I start to play with his hair and run my hand up and down his thigh and start kissing his neck " mmmm Babe what are you doin?"" What you want me to stop"" I didn't say that" I kiss his neck as I work his belt on his pants. Joey struggling to concentrate on the road, swerving a couple of times to avoid other cars. Before he could try to say another word I get his belt undone and the zipper of his pants undone at this point Joey is out of breath and struggling to stay on the road, I undo my seatbelt and sink down in my seat to I'm right in Joeys lap. Joey find a old warehouse and pull around back of it, He turns up the stereo on the car and I climb onto his lap in the drivers seat. At that point he can't keep his hands and lips off me, I ease onto Joey and he slams into me"shit" I bite my lip to not scream as he continues to ram me. When he finally let go the look on his face was just priceless as we both regain our composure Joey looks over at me " baby you ok your lips bleeding?""oh yea I'm ok" he reaches over to the glove box and he grabs a napkin out, " here baby put that on it" I took it from his hand and turned down the mirror in the sun visor I blot at my lip " shit Imma have a fat lip I'm never going to be Able to put anything on that""I'm sorry baby""why you sorry you didn't do it""well I kinda did in a way""not what I ment""I know what you ment, not that I'm complaining or anything but wow what got into you""you got into me""again not what I'm getting at""I don't know just wanted to finish what we got intruded in on." Joey let out a little laugh and started the car and we headed back out to go home. "Bae""yea hun""I'm kinda hungry"" ok what you want""Taco Bell""there's one on the way home we'll roll three the drive thru""thanks baby""yeah, you want to stay at your dads or go back to moms?""moms, dad has a lady coming over"" lady like he is drawing up papers for her or is he making sure the carpet matches the drapes" Joey, eww and yes he is on a date, her name is Michelle""ok I'm glad he is going out and meeting people"""well I'm not""why""because it's always just been me and him""aaaannddd""and what""it's always been you and him what?""that's it's it's always been me and my daddy""ok and he doesn't deserve to be happy""I didn't say that""you didn't have to""you wouldn't understand it's always just been me and him you grew up with a mom and a dad and 8 other siblings I didn't have that." " baby I hope you won't be mad when I say this but you are sounding like a selfish spoiled brat right now."" Excuse me""yes he spent all his grown life raising you working endlessly to give you the world and now that you have grown up we are moving out and getting married it should be his time but all you want him to do is be at home alone. We are starting our lives together let him live his!"" You don't understand""then make me understand"" it's been me and my dad for almost 17 what if he forgets about me?" A tear dropped my eye "oh Babe he loves you he would never forget about you, but don't you think he deserves to be happy?""yes""he did his job he raised you and you turned out to be a awesome person let him be happy""I know I just""What""I'm scared""scared of what""loosing my daddy""you won't and who knows you may like her but anyways come on it's one date""I suppose your right"" I'm what can you say that again" Joe laughs because I will never admit when I'm wrong and he is right " your rrrr""come on say it""right ok your right."   We pulled up to the Taco Bell drive thru "Welcome to Taco Bell May I take your order?" " one second please""whatcha want babe?"" nachos and a cherry icee""seriously""yup""ok we're ready to order""go ahead""can I get a nacho Belgrade and a cherry icee can I also get a number 2 hard tacos please and fire sauce""total is 17.50 pull to second window." I was looking out my window lost in my own little world when when I see a flash and a scream "oh my god it's Joey from New Kids on the Block ahhh" I look over "that must be his girlfriend quick take a pic" with all the craziness Joey pulled out " shit!" And he slams on the steering wheel "Babe""what""excuse me""what Leesa""you ok""no I'm not Maurice is going to kill me, you fucking had to get Taco Bell you couldn't eat at home" by that point he is screaming at me and tears start to fall from my eyes. "FUCK!!!" I reach over and try to put my hand on his shoulder he pulls away " you know this is your fault!""Joey stop""STOP stop what saying the truth Maurice is going to murder me""JOEY STOP YOUR SCARING ME!""scaring you, scaring you what scary is my career is on the line and without it I can't pay for that big ass expensive house I just bought your ass""I'm leaving" I reach for the door handle and step out, " where you think your going?""home""how you doing that""walking""get back in the fucking car""no!" "You know what fine I don't need this you fucking drama queen" I start to walk back and of all things it starts to rain here I am in the cold and the dark now it's raining and I have to walk. I grabbed my phone out my purse and called the first person I thought who could help me, the phone rang 3 times "Hello""Donnie""shorty""Donnie I need your help""Lee are you crying what's wrong?""I...I need you to come get me I'm walking up 441" "what are doing walking up 441 at night in the rain?""Donnie please come get me I'm scared" tears streaming down my face. "I'm on my way don't worry I'll be there 5 minutes. Donnie jumps in the car with Jon and start to speed up 250 to get to 441 as fast as they can. Donnie screeched onto 441 and found me about 10 minutes later. Jon and Donnie both jumped out the car and ran out I was soaked, crying hysterically and scared to death and it wasn't from the cold and darkness but from the one person who was supposed to love me and protect me unconditionally Joey. "Lil bit Lil bit what happened, what's wrong?" I couldn't speak when I seen them I just broke down, Donnie took off his jacket and wrapped it around me and Jon lead me back to the car. No one spoke Jon and Donnie looked back and forth at each and glancing back at me as if the both knew it had something to do with Joey before I could even say it. We pulled into Alma's house about 15 minutes later and Donnie and Jon walked me in practically having to hold me up, you can see the worry on both their faces " MOM!!!!" Donnie yells as we come through the door "what Donnie, told you not toooo" Alma walks in and her face drops" Lee, Donnie what the hell happened""I don't know mom she called me crying walking up 441 she isn't talking just crying""go go get her some blankets in the closet Jon please Donnie go get her some dry clothes." They both ran off " Lee sweetie what happened, where's Joe?" As soon as she said Joe I cried harder, and she knew he was involved just didn't know what happened. Donnie brought me some of his clothes and walked me over to the bathroom to change as Jon came with blankets and Alma made me some hot tea. I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch still in tears " Lee honey tell us what happened" just then Mark walked through the door and seen me and without even knowing why wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, as he hugged me he mouthed to Donnie "what's wrong" and Donnie mouthed back "I don't know." I started to calm enough to be able to tell them what happened and you can see the rage show in Donnie,Mark and Jon's eyes. My phone was going off on the kitchen island and Alma picks it up and answers it's Joey all I can here is Alma say that I was there. I laid my head on the couch and must have passed out because next thing I know I hear tires screech into the driveway and a car door slam, Alma looks out the window "that's Joe" Donnie and Mark go flying out the door with Jon right behind them, " Where is she?""why do you care" and with that Mark shoved him to the ground "fuck man, where is Leesa let me see her""No Joe you aren't going to see she is in there with mom safe and asleep no thanks to you!""listen I didn't kick her out the car""no you just terrified her to the point she felt safer to walk up the interstate in the dark in the rain""listen I over reacted I know, just let me see her""no Joe get in your car and go home, she is asleep and safe, she is staying here with us""I want to see my fiancée"" Go home we will figure this out tomorrow""I'm not leaving without her!" Mark yells " GET IN YOUR FUCKING CAR AND GO HOME SHE ISNT GOING WITH YOU, SHE IS UPSTAIRS IN MY ROOM SLEEPING AND THATS WHERE SHE STAYING, YOU CAN GET IN YOUR CAR AND GO HOME OR I CAN JUST FUCK YOU UP NOW!!" " now isn't that convenient for you Mark she is asleep in your bed, don't think I don't see the way you look at her, swear if you touch her""no I ain't gonna touch her because after tonight if she left you she be smart but she loves you she is going to take you back even know your sorry ass don't deserve her," Mark turned around and walked into the house, Jon just shook his head and followed Mark in. There stood Joe and Donnie who are as close as brothers just staring at each other waiting on each other to say something, finally Donnie speaks and it's not what he says it's how he says it, it as if he is shooting venom at Joe " Go home I'm going to to take care of her because you couldn't control your anger and mouth and you broke her more than you can even understand, more than anything you have done to her, more than backstage at that concert more than anything. She is broke and it's because of you, hope it was worth it." Donnie turns and walks in and locks the door. Joey pulled out and went home without me, tears came to his eyes as all he thought of is "why did I loose my temper and fly off the handle at her, she didn't do anything." I sleep til about noon that next morning I woke up to find both Donnie and Mark sleeping next to the bed, Mark did indeed carried me upstairs the night before and put me in his bed after I feel asleep on the couch. I reached over to grab my phone next to the bed I look at it to see about 20 texts and voicemails from Joey. At the point Donnie woke up " Lee""yea""how you doing?""I'm ok""you wanna talk about it?""no, I just want to take a shower""ok go for it then you can raid me or Marks clothes for clothes""kk" I got up and hugged Donnie and went into the shower. Donnie went downstairs where Mark and Alma were sitting having coffee " morning mom""Donnie, is she still asleep?""no she is in the shower I told her she can get some clothes from either of the our closets""that's fine, sooo how we gonna handle Joey""Mark I really don't know""I just rather fuck his ass up and call it a day, I can't believe he do that to her""I know but in the end it's going to have to be Lee that makes the final decision on him and her, she loves him but I don't know at this point if that's going to be enough""I don't""You seen her last night she was legitimately scared and it wasn't because of being alone in the dark walking up 441 whatever happened in that car terrified her,""you don't think he hit her son do you?""I don't think he ever would mom but I don't know, she says she doesn't want to talk." I walked downstairs a few minutes later wearing Marks clothes " hope you don't mind I borrowed some clothes Marky""naw they look better on you than me anyways" Alma handed me a cup of coffee " how you feeling sweetheart?""been better" " I have to be at a photo shoot in a hour Imma head out, Lee I'll have my phone on you need me call I'll leave the shoot and fuck him up""Aw Marky I love ya thanks""love you too" he gave me a hug and a kiss and left. "So Lee you want to talk""just then there was a knock on the door Jon was here with Danny and Jordan. They walk in no words was spoken just hugs. Alma excused herself she needed to go help Paul at the restaurant. We all sat in the living room not to much was said Donnie called the boys last night after Joey left to tell them the situation, Jordan broke the silence and said " ok we are all sitting her in silence and no one has any balls to ask her the big question I think that is in all of are thoughts, Lee did he hit you?""god no Joey would never do that!" So lil bit do you feel like you are ok to talk no him""Jon He shouldn't even be near her""Danny that isn't the answer, they need to talk""we all need to talk." At that point I stand up " guys this is my decision to make" just then the doorbell rings several times and knocking Jordan looks out the window"Joe" " I'm not ready to see him!" I ran upstairs and locked myself into Marks room. Jordan open the door, there Joe stood looked exhausted And heartbroken wearing the same clothes as the night before. "Jordan""Joe" Donnie walks up and Jordan steps aside " take a seat"" Donnie...Donnie where is she I have to see her""she doesn't want to see you""I have to, I have to see her and apologize, I fucked up""yea you did,what the fuck Joey" Joey walks in and sits on the couch and hangs in head in his hands a tear drops. " I don't know what happened we were cashing out at the drive thru and the girl who was working there recognized me and took a pic that's when Lee looked over and all I remember is the girl screaming "that must be Joeys girlfriend" and I snapped everything Maurice has told us, worries about making sure she is safe when I'm gone expecially now that there is a pic that can be posted of her everywhere, there is always the worry I have about Fresh everything came flooded and I snapped." I sat at the top of the stairs listening to the Boys " Joe you have her so terrified, you didn't see her when Donnie and I picked her up and how she was when we got her here, I always have pulled for you with her but this time your going to have to do it on your own, I will not sit back and pretend last night didn't happen, I got home and had to talk Harley out of coming to your house and smashing your face in. She wants to listen to you fine, but I'm not helping you, I can't I won't!" And Jon got up and walked out. Danny broke the silence after Jon left " I've sat back and watched a lot shit between you too and stayed out of it but not this time, not happening give me one good reason I shouldn't snatch you ass up and pull your spine out your mouth for what you did to her""do it then Danny that will hurt less than what I'm feeling now." I could hear the pain in his voice and it broke my heart, I stood up and walked down the stairs into the living room Jordan was the first to notice I was there "Leesa" Joe stood up and turned around, " Lee""Joey""baby I'm so sorry!""Joey I..." " I know saying sorry won't undo it, but I'm sorry I really am""Joey you... you scared me I've never seen you that way I don't know if...""no baby please don't finish that sentence please I know I screwed up I know I hurt but please don't do this!!" Joe full blown crying at this point as well as me. " please baby can we go somewhere just you and me to talk please" Donnie stood I don't think that should happen "why do you honestly think I hurt her?!""At this point Joe I just don't think it's a good idea""no Donnie I'll go""really babe""yea""Lee you sure""yes Danny." I walked over and hugged them and headed out the door with Joey. He opened the car door for me letting me and jogged around the car and got in and cranked it " ummm you want the stereo on?"" That's fine" he turned on the stereo and of course all I heard playing was

I shouldn't have walked away
I would've stayed if you'd say
We could've made everything okay, but we just
Threw the blame back and forth, we treated love like a sport
The final blow hit so low, I'm still on the ground
I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall
Shattered in pieces, curled on the floor
Super natural love conquers all, remember we
Used to touch the sky
And lighting don't strike
The same place twice, when you and I
Said goodbye I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift,
But we let it drift in a storm
Every night I feel the angels cry

Tears started to fall as I look out the passenger window " so umm we're do you want to go?""don't matter" a tear fell from my eye, Joey reached for my hand for the feel of his hand made me flinch,Joey noticed "baby I'm so sorry" I didn't say a word. We drove for Couple more minutes and he pulled the car in and parked where other the Savin Beach "our place".   Joey looks at me " baby please look at me" I look over tears in my eyes the only you can see in my eyes is hurt. " baby Please don't cry""what would you like me to do be just happy about what happened""no of course not and I know sorry isn't going to cut it but you have to know how much I love you""I love you too I just can't...""can't what""can't forget that, the things you said the look in your eyes, the fact you just didn't care""baby please I cared I was pissed I know it doesn't make it right but you have to understand I never ment to hurt you." Just then my phone goes off, I look down it's a text from Kelly
Kelly: party tonight you in bitch?
I look up at Joey and the hurt in his eyes and for half a second I wanted him to feel how I feel and I knew what I had to do
"Who was that?""Kelly""thought you were done with them?""what does it matter""Leesa""Joey"" can we just go home we can go back to moms order a pizza and watch a movie together like old times, we can even watch A walk to Remember your favorite"" I don't know Joey, maybe we are better off taking a break""you don't mean that""Joey I...""baby please let's just go home you and I let's go upstairs and just sit hang out and talk like we used too"" I don't know""please I need you I can't do it without you""do what""anything, I can't even breathe without you"I looked up in his eyes for the first time since the fight and I seen sincerity, love and hurt " let's go home!" " really""Yes."

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