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"I'm pregnant,we're pregnant!" Those words literally just came out of my mouth, I don't know what to think it's almost surreal. I feel Joey pick me up in his arms and swing me around and place a tender kiss on my lips but for some reason it almost feels like A out of body experience, I'm going to actually be a mommy. I snap out of my state when Joey says my name "" " oh yeah sorry""you ok we're did you go?""sorry it's just I'm kinda shocked I didn't think we get pregnant that quick""well when we are fucking like 3 times a day everyday that I'm home""I know that, it's just real now""your not having second thoughts are you""god no baby" and I lean over and kiss him. Joey grabs my hand and we walk out of the bathroom, the happiness was overwhelming evident on Joeys face his eyes had a new kinda sparkle to them and they actually even seemed bluer. We walk down the stairs to the Suprise Jordan was sitting on the couch playing with Gucci and stuffing his face with the lasagna "J what you doing here, and eating Joeys lasagna I made for dinner?" He shovels another bite of lasagna in his mouth " that's good by the way, well I felt bad I missed yesterday and I wanted to come and say I was proud of you in person." " aww J thank you and I walked over and hugged him. "Joe why you look so happy,just get laid?" And he laughs, Joey looks at me and I nod "No I didn't just get laid Lee is pregnant""Lee you are?""Yes!!" Jordan jumps up and hugs me and puts his hand on my belly,I'm gonna be a Uncle!""apparently" he hugs me again and kisses me on the cheek then hugs Joey. " J you can't tell anyone yet, we literally just found out like 10 minutes ago"" ok""well I say do you wanna stay for dinner but apparently your ahead of the game"" yeah I'll eat another piece though", I turn to make plates and J jumps up "Lee wait sit I'll make plates""I'm not crippled J just pregnant""no it's ok go sit me and Joey got it!" I cocked my eyebrow "go""fine" and I went into the living room and sat on the couch Chanel curls up in my lap. A few minutes later J comes in and hands me a plate and him and Joey come and sit. I was a nice quite lil meal the 3 of us had but soon Jordan left, I was getting tired and had to head back to Dorchester in the morning to help Kay with some stuff and Joe had a press junket to do with the boys which meant he be gone from first thing in the morning to late at night. I go to go in the kitchen to clean up dinner to find it was already done, I let the dogs out one last time for the night before I activated the alarm and headed up to bed. I got upstairs to find Joey was already in our room and laying in bed waiting on me."Hey Babe where were you?""I went to do the kitchen but it was already done""yeah J and I did it""so I let's the puppies out and set the alarm.""come on come lay down what you wanna watch?""what I don't have to fight you for the remote tonight what gives?""funny no what do you wanna watch?""Grey's Anatomy"" alright now come get your ass in this bed." I changed into one of Joeys shirts and climbed into bed and snuggled up next to Joey, and before I knew it I fell fast asleep.
Joeys alarm went off at 5 that morning, I felt him kiss me on the top of my head and leave to head over to Jamaica plains to start the junket, I won't be seeing him til probably midnight easy maybe later. I wasn't in bed more than 15 more minutes after he left til I felt that all familiar gurgling in my stomach "shit" I jumped up and ran to the bathroom practically stepping on poor Chanel in the process, and it happened all I could think of was not again. I finished and cleaned up and jumped in the shower there was no going back to bed at that point. I went downstairs let the puppies out to potty and made some to go coffee, I figured mind as well get on the road. I checked my phone to find a text for Joey must have been right after he left
Joey: Just wanted to say I love
You more than anything in
My life. Have a good day with Ma
Be safe driving and I'll text as soon
As I can. I love you 💗💗💗

The cute little morning text that Joe sends every morning can always make me smile.
I let the dogs in and grabbed the coffee and got the dogs in the car to start my trip back to Ma's house, I wasn't feeling great myself but I couldn't cancel on Kay after everything she has done for me. I turned onto 441 heading home and much like that silly moment with Jordan there is always that one song that gets you to turn into the undercover pop star (granted not most people are engaged to a pop star)
So here my dingy ass is singing

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