Last night

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We pulled into my driveway about an hour later not expecting to find the boys and Raeanne. "Well look who decided to show up" Jordan says angrily . "Dude what's the problem I spent the evening with my girl?""problem is we had a fucking meeting this morning with the label, and you are out fucking around with her doing god knows what."" It was my girls fucking birthday and I'll be damn if I miss that for anything!!!""So your choosing some bitch over your career" At that point I was seeing red "fucking excuse me bitch, who the fuck you calling a bitch!!""you, bitch" and in that second Joey swings and makes contact with Jordans jaw. All hell broke loose Jon grabbed Jordan, Donnie grabbed Joey apart well Danny and Raeanne drag me into my house. All I can hear is them screaming at each other. Struggling to get passed Danny " fucking move Danny I gotta get out there!""no and do what?""he isn't going to fucking talk that way to me!"" No sit your ass down and calm your shit down."" Get the fuck out of my way Danny, I'm going one way or another " and do what, get in the middle of a guys fight brilliant idea babygirl." At that point I run to try to make it to the back door before he relized I ran, I had no idea what I was going to do when I got there but all I know is Joey is out there fighting and there was no way I wasn't going to be with him. I almost made it before I ran smack dab into Rae " Rae move"" no " "please I have to get to him." All of a sudden I feel Danny pick me up and carry me to my room "baby girl your not going out there let them figure it out" tears flowing from my eyes by that point from anger, frustration or fear I'm not quite sure which. "If you settle your little ass down and promise to stay here I will go find out what is going on." " Okay""promise ?"" Promise "
Danny walks out my room and I just crumble, I lay on the bed just sobbing, Raeanne rubbing my back trying to console me"Rae what if I fucked up what if I just fucking destroyed the band, his career?""Lee it will be ok they are like brothers they will clear it up""what if they don't what if I cost Joey the band he will hate me!!""There is nothing you can do that will make him hate you." A few minutes later the was a soft knock on the door " Lil bit" "Lee you gonna answer him""no""Lee it's Jon please open the door." As soon as I open the door Jon scoops me up in a huge hug, " Lil bit I so sorry Jordan can't control his anger he didn't mean it""I don't really care if he didn't mean it he should've said It I didn't do anything.""I know you didn't he knows that too"
At that moment there way a knock on the door and Jordan peaks his head in " Leelee?!" I look up "Jordan"" listen I'm so sorry your not a bitch I was mad and I said what I said to piss Joe off I didn't mean to hurt you"" thank you but you did""I'm so sorry you know I love you like a sister girl""I love you too J, look at your lip" "oh that I'll be ok "" no come on down to the kitchen I'll get you some ice. We both walk into the kitchen and I put some ice in a bag and put it to his lip. "Thanks Lee""yea, where is Joey?""at his house ""thanks" and I run out the door, I didn't make it halfway across the front yard as Joe runs up and just grabs I'm in his arms""Babe you ok""yea I'm fine""Lee you been crying ""I'm fine but look at you eye Babe that looks horrendous ""I'm fine" he reaches down and kisses me. " you wanna get outta here for awhile""yeah" we jump into my car and just drive no idea of where we going really didn't matter we were together. A little while later we pulled in Savin Hill beach. Joe ran around the car to open my door and we just walked the beach til we reached the spot of our first kiss on the Fourth of July. We just sat there no one spoke just sat holding each other and being together. A tear escaped my eye " Joe looks down at me " baby why are you crying?"" just thinking that tommorow night you will be leaving for I don't even know how long and I will be without you again "" you are never without me I'm always with you baby ""what am I going to do without you""I will be home as much as I can""I know" At that moment We just stopped talking and just stayed in each others arms, neither one of us had to speak we just knew we had to savoir our time together. We sat on that beach for what seemed likes forever. We headed back home and pulled into the driveway a little passed 6 and headed into the McIntyres. " where you two been" Kate stops dead sentence and looks at my neck "Leesa what's that?" My hand immediately shot to my neck"what's what?""move your hand"she grabs my hand away. "Lee,Joey what the fuck?""umm"Joe just sat there like the cat got his tongue "you too get in here for a minute" she grabs our hand and drags up upstairs. "Ok spill""spill what""Lee""well you know I was cleaning and the vacuum hose got me" Joey and I let out a little laugh. " ok first of all don't insult my intelligence second of all I really don't care but mom will have a stroke if she sees it, Joey turn your head!" He does "Jesus you too we need to cover them before mom sees it." She spent the next 30 minutes fixing our necks then we head for dinner. I went home a little while later and started to get ready for bed so I could get up early to take Joey to the airport. After I showered and put one a tank top and boy shorts I turned on my stereo and put on my Selena CD and climbed into bed I was just about to turn the light out when there was a soft knock on the window and Joey hopped in. " Joey what are you doing you should be sleeping you have to leave tommorow?!""I need to be with you, I'm going to be gone for so long I need to have you with me tonight""what if your mom finds out you left""don't worry bout mom she is asleep, please baby". He steps closer til our chests were touching and he lifts my chin up to look him in his eyes. Eyes that showed nothing but pure love and pure desire. Our lips meet as he kisses me with such love and tenderness that it would make you weak in the knees. His kisses became more intense as he kissed down my neck. A soft moan escaped my lips as he removed my shirt and his hands started to massage my breasts, as I pushed his grey sweatpants down. Just like that he picks me up and lays me on the bed kissing his way down my body "oh my god Joey!" Was all I could say as he kissed down in between my legs. He took his time til my body started to shake with that he crawled back up and pushed in slowly. We made love that night til the sun came up and fell asleep in each others arms as I could fall in love played on the stereo.

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