Leaving isnt really leaving

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The weekend quickly went by before I knew it I was at the airport with Kay watching a piece of my heart board a plane back to LA. " Sooo you really have to go?""you know I do baby I don't want to but I have to""I'm going to miss you""I'm going to miss you too Think of it this album should be done in about six weeks then I have two weeks off before the tour starts""really""yes really and then I'm all yours"promises promises."" Baby I never make a promise I don't keep you know that""I know. Over the loudspeaker we heard " last call for flight 249 to Los Angeles now boarding gate 22. " well I guess that's me""guess so""I love you Lee""love you too my Joey Joe" I kissed him with tears in my eyes, I watched him pick up his bag he had a tear in his eye wave and walk onto the plane. I was determined to keep myself busy for the next six weeks I have a surprise when he gets back and it's so on.
I drove back home with Kay when I got home I went up stairs and called Rae Rae right away, she picked up on the third ring
" hello" "hey""oh look who decided to call her best friend 3 days later " and she giggled " girl we gotta talk""like Ima need a tissue kinda talk or popcorn and soda talk?""giiiirl""so I take it it the popcorn and drink type of talk""girl yas!!!" "Ok then what you waiting for shoot!" " before I do do you want the whole story or the PG version "" girl what the fuck you think,spill it""OK so like after you left we were just kissing I mean like really kissing he picked me up and carried me over to the bed"" ok stop there a sec you didn't fuck did you?!""no, anyways we were laying on the bed and His hands were everywhere and I thought we were going to and he had such a fucking hard on that his jeans were so tight and then he just stopped."what do you mean he just stopped"" what did I just say he stopped and said he wanted our first time to be special"" awww""I know right but the thing is he spent the entire weekend teasing the shit out of me. Then that same night he snuck in my window to stay over and when he undressed damn near had a heart attack." " ok sooo does this mean you're ready to take it to the that point with him?""I think there's a problem"" what is it?" " I think I need to get birth control!" "Birth control you are serious aren't you!""I think I'm ready"" are you sure about this?""I think so but I can't just go tell my dad I need birth control they would find Joe locked somewhere when my dad got ahold of him and as much as I love Kay like a mom I can't go hey Kay I wanna fuck your son can you help me get birth control!""fair point what about talking to Kate his sister""I mean I can but I don't want it getting out to Kay I don't want her to think bad of me but I do love Joey I mean I really do, ugh this is just so confusing."" Ok so I am going to put this out here because you are my best friend and I want you to be careful and you might be mad but I have to say""what?""how can you be sure he isn't well you know anyone else well he is in LA. You said it yourself he went from 0 to 1000 just since he's been gone.""true but come it's Joey he wouldn't do that to me would he?""I'm not saying he would all I am saying is people change."" Great now I am even more confused""that wasn't my intention my intention was to have you think long and hard before you jump on and go for a ride your not ready or sure of""I will you know you really are the greatest friend right ""I try I'm going to go though I love you bitch""love you back bitch bye""bye" I hung up even more confused. I looked over at the clock 8pm Joey should be landing back in LA soon and he was supposed to call me when he lands, I jump off my bed and head downstairs to see my father on the couch relaxing " hey daddy ""hi  princess did Joey's flight take off?""yup couple hours ago.""you ok I know you too are close?" In the back of my mind I though you have no idea how close." Yea I'll miss him but the album should be done he said in like 6weeks and he be home for a couple of weeks before the tour starts."" We you got a couple minutes to sit and talk to your pops"" of course daddy what's up?"" Well the big 16 is coming up soon what were you thinking you want and what you wanna do?"" Honestly daddy what I really want I can't have"" and that is?""Joey here for my birthday."" I know. It you know he has a commitment to the label, if he breaks that he breaches the contract""I know daddy can you not be a lawyer for a minute and just be me father.""I'm your father first always and I know this whole this has been difficult on you but I want you to realize the truth of it.""truth of what?""the truth of the matter of the fact is you and Joeys relationship or whatever it is has the cards stacked against you. Your life's are going in two different directions and I don't want you to loose focus of the fact that you have a life outside him, and success changes people I don't want you to invest everything you have in something that the odds are so stacked against.""daddy what are you saying ""I'm saying think about it your still young""daddy I know what I want!""do you really?""yes daddy!!"" I hope so.""well are we done here I'm going next door to talk to Kate.""Ok don't be late""fine bye."
What is going on now my dad too . I walked next door and tapped on the door and popped my head in " Ma, Kate?" " were in the living room""hi ma, hey Kate" I walked over and hugged them. "Hey what's up Lee?" "Not much""Joesph call you yet?""no you""not yet""ok""Kate can we talk upstairs?""yea come on" we walk up into her room. " what's up Lee""shut the door""ok everything ok?""yea just shut the door." She closed the door "what's up""well I need your help and your the only person I can turn to""ok what's wrong ""umm I don't know how to say this""just tell me Leesa you know I'll help you with anything ""well...""well what?""I need birth control!!"" What now , what did you say I think I may have just heard you wrong, did you just say you need birth control??"" Ummm yes"" are you and Joey sexual active?""no but I want to be safe if I does happen.""Ok I'm going to regret asking this " are you and my brother at that level""truthful""I'm going to regret this, yes truthfully?"" We are getting close and I want to be prepared."  " well I'm glad you are thinking ahead and I'm not going to try to talk you out of it I know there is heavy feelings there between the two of you, I guess my next question is do you know what kind you want""the pill, but you can't tell Joey we talked about this""It's between you and me I promise.""thank you Kate"" yea no problem we'll go next week to get some for you ""ok" just then Kay yelled up " girls come here for a minute". We both came down the stairs. " yes ma" " Joey landed he is on the phone let me put it on speakerphone ""Joesph both girls Are here" hey, hi babe""hi Joey""I just got in but I wanted to let you know I made it safe.""I'm glad""I love you all I'm going to go sleep for like a million years""ok call me when you can babe""I will I love you no matter what just remember that""I love you too but what's wrong what's this about?""nothing Just saying, ok well I'll talk to you later I love you baby"" I love you too""love you mama love you Kate""we love you too" and we hung up. I sat with Kay and Kate for awhile. It was about 10 o'clock when I went back to my house and went to bed I had to be up at 6 in the morning for school the next day. I stayed tossing and turning all night these are the kind of nights I needed Joey he always put my mind at ease. I must have fell asleep about 3 or 4 in the morning. The alarm buzzed at 6 "fucking thing!" I picked it up and threw it. I got ready for school wearing white skinny jeans my adidas sneakers and one of Joeys hoodies that he left at my house. Before I knew it Rae comes bouncing in "girl how the fuck are you so up and awake?""I slept, why do you look like the walking dead?""up all night!""on the phone with Joey?""no smart ass just couldn't sleep, I talked to Kate by the way?""no you didn't really?!""yea she is taking me next week""I hope you know what your doing.""I do come on we gotta go I need a coffee before class" we walked down the block to the Dunkin Donuts and grabbed a couple of coffees and walked across the street to the school I had AP politics and Government first period and Ms Jenkins is the Hitler of Politics class. The next 3 periods crawled by til I had lunch with Rae. We assumed our normal table with Danilyn,Rachelle and the twins Steve and Bernard. I was so tired I really didn't want to talk all I wanted was it to be 3oclock so I can go home and sleep " So Lee what's the deal for your birthday next week?""dunno really not planning much""come on it's the big one six at least let's all go out to dinner" Danilyn suggested. I mean I guess my dad isn't supposed to be home that night anyways he is supposed to be at a conference""Ok good we will pick you up. The lunch bell rang and we filed out to class. 3 o'clock came and I headed home and went straight to bed.
The next couple weeks crawled by as I got ready to go out to Applebee's with the crew I wished I heard from Joey it's been a couple days since I talked to him he was basically living in the studio I was starting to think he forgot my birthday.
Danilyn showed up at 7 to pick me up and head to the restaurant. As she was driving she drove right passed Applebee's. " Yo where you going Applebee's is back there?""change of plans as we pull into Rogerson partyhouse. "What we doing here?""come on I gotta show you something fast." Danilyn grabs my arm pulling me out her car I almost fall because my heels get caught. I Swing open the party house doors "SUPRISE!!!!" a room full of people yell everyone was there Kay,Kate, my dad who was supposed to be away literally everyone was there except Joey and the boys. The night was awesome except Joey and the boys weren't there. My dad took the stage and what he said had brought tears to my eyes " Leesa this day 16 years ago was the most emotional day of my life. God gave me the most beautiful 7 pounds daughter and in the same instance took your mom from us. From that day on I swore I had to do anything in the world to protect you. It's been my honor to watch you go happy fun loving caring little girl to the most amazing caring intelligent young woman who has the world there for the taking. I love you my princess and with that being said daddy has two surprises for you. Just then music starts to play and 5 of the most incredible voices I haven't heard I what seems for forever started " Days are gone but my love lives on in this space and time
I remember playing the games, funny nicknames" and in that instant Joey walks out with the guys he didn't forget my birthday he is really here and my dad made it happen! Tears are streaming down my face as Joey takes my hand and leads me on stage. The entire place was silent. They finish the song "happy birthday baby!""Joey thank you and I lean in and kiss him. "Happy birthday Leesa" all the guys say. My dad takes the stage " princess I have one more surprise go look outside" so I grab Joeys hand and run out the door as everyone follows my dad got me a Mercedes SLK 230 that was white on white. " Oh my god daddy!!""happy birthday princess""thank you thank you thank you I love you!!!""here, why don't you and Joey take it for a spin" he threw me the keys and We jumped in the Car. " Joey pulled the car out of the parking lot and grabbed my hand and looked over " Happy Birthday baby, you look beautiful!""thank you but how?""what can I say I like to take credit but it was all you dad?""arnt you guys supposed to be in the studio? Won't you guys get introuble?""well the funny thing is management says we needed a attorney to finalize the contracts sooo""you got my dad to do it.""yes and he also got it so we have 3 days off in a row at least once a month""does that mean what I think it does""if you think it means I'll be able to come home more yes it is"Joe Joe this is amazing, so babe where we going anyways?"" To get your birthday gift that's where""your here that's all I wanted!!""but it's not all I have something for you"

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