Moving day

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I woke up early that next morning and headed downstairs, Joey was still asleep. When I can down I found that my dad was already up and had the coffee going " morning daddy""morning princess""your up early""yea I have to been to court early this morning my case is first one on the docket and you know how Judge Simms is.""I know so your not going to be here when we leave?""Can't punkin I'm sorry.""it's ok"" So you and Joey ready?""He is I'm not""what do you mean?""This is a huge step I've never done this""princess you will be fine, your ready I know you are. Your not a little girl anymore your engaged, going to be graduating in a couple months, your all grown up""daddy""and I couldn't be more proud""thank you daddy." Just then Joey came down and came over and kissed me "morning Babe, morning Mr Engert""morning Joey""morning Joesph""you want coffee babe""yea" I got up to make him a cup""what are you doing I can get my own coffee babe" " well guys I gotta get going to the courthouse goodluck today, princess I know you'll do great. I'll call you tonight." My dad kissed me and gave me a hug grabbed his briefcase and left. A tear dropped my eye" whatcha crying about?""imma miss my dad""I know but we're only going to be a hour away""I know""let's get settled and we will have him over""ok" Joe kissed me and headed up to get dressed, just as there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Jon standing there "hey lil bit""Jon""so you ready for today?"" I'm trying to be" Jon walked in poured himself a cup of coffee and sat in the living room with me " where Joey?""upstairs getting ready""Lil bit I don't know why your so nervous""it's just so new I've never not been without my dad even when he was mad at me and I was at Kays at least he was next door""I know but think of it this way, now is the time we're you and Joey can start you journey from just being a couple and living in your parents house to finally starting your lives together""I know your right""it will be a adjustment but if Joey is your forever then it's time.""Jon you always know what to say"" what can I say lil bit." We both laughed and my front door flys open and in flys hurricane Jordan " ayyy let's get the moving going" as he grabs one of my dads donuts sitting on the kitchen island and flops in the lazy boy. "You Just seriously stole my dads favorite donut, he will seriously prosecute your ass""no he won't he loves me, everyone does""keep telling yourself that." Just then Joey comes down. " ok well I heard the hurricane blow in but where is Danny and Donnie?"" " they are picking up the Uhaul" Jordan says between bites of another one of my dads donuts, I'm telling my dad he is going to kill you. I walked over and sat down on the couch next to Joey and took a look around this will be the last time we all congregate here. Danny and Donnie showed up a little bit later with the uhaul and the guys got busy loading up Joey and my houses. It was about 2 hours and both of our stuff was loaded and ready to go over to the new house, as I stand in the middle of my kitchen one last time, I look around and sigh. At that moment Joey comes up behind and wraps his arms around my waist and leans over and kisses me on the cheek "ready to go?" In that instance the doubt left I'm with Joey I know I'll be alright. "Yes let's go home!" I picked up the box that was sitting on the island and we left.
Joey drove with Donnie in The Uhaul Jon and Danny drove Joeys Escalade and Jordan road with me to the house. We didn't even make it a quarter of the way there before Jordan decided to pull the are we there yet, " hey Lee are we there yet""seriously Jordan""no but are we there yet""Jordan Nathaniel Marcel Knight I will throw you out of this car!""alright alright I'll stop, so you excited?""I don't know what I am, I haven't seen the house since Joe and I's first meeting with the contractor, Joe said he wants it to be a surprise when we get there.""oh you'll be suprised alright""what do you mean by that J""oops I said to much Imma shut up""like hell what that mean you've seen it?""Yea last week""am I going to be pissed?""I don't think so I'm not saying anymore you'll have to see it when we get there!"" Ugh your so agrivating""I rather be aggravating than listen to Joe bitch because I told you." For the next 30 minutes of the drive not to much was said I turned on the stereo and one of my favorite songs happen to come on I knew by the look in J's face he knew it too and before I knew the silliness in both of us that was inevitably going to come out did and we both started belting the song out but mind you I've never sang in front of any of them Joey included

My love is strong enough you know
Strong enough to let you go
But I always hold you inside my heart
And if you should ever change your mind
You can come back anytime
And when you do (and when you do)
You just run to the arms of the one who loves you
You just run to these arms and these two arms will keep you warm
When rain has failed your heart, never fear, I'm never far
You just run to the arms of the one who loves you

By the end of our silly little impromptu performance Jordan looked and me with shock in his eyes "umm when you gonna tell anyone you can sing?""ummm I'm not because I really can't""that was good Lee""stop it I was fucking around""whatever you say but that wasn't bad""thanks but what do you know about it""I may just know a little something I'm just about to record another album no big deal or nothing."" No none at all!" And we both burst out laughing. We pulled in a few minutes later and Joey and Donnie were already there waiting and Danny and Jon pulled in behind us. Joey Jogs up to my car "ok told ya I wanted the house to be a surprise now cover your eyes""really Joey""yes just do it come on""fine." I cover my eyes letting him lead me up the walk way to the house,"ok one sec Donnie cover her eyes well I unlock the door""no problem" I hear the keys jingling and the door getting unlocked a second later the alarm went off, " ok now open your eyes!" Donnie moved his hand and I stepped inside it was truly gorgeous, Joey had it decorated as if he pulled it out my dream. The vision of it brought me to tears, it was perfect. "So do you like it""Joey it's perfect!" And I leap into his arms, "Well a little helper helped with some things "little helper?""yup Harley""Harley""yea lil bit he loves this kinda stuff he wanted to do it""oh my god Jon, I can't believe this, Harley said he stop by later You can thank him then.""I will" I wipe a happy tear from my eye " oh one more thing lil bit come here" Jon grabs my hand and drags me into the living room and points to a painting over the mantle "Harley painted this for you""it's perfect" Harley painted a portrait of Joey and I from Valentine's Day. At that point the guys started to move everything in as I unpacked the everything only thing was that I was banned from looking in the backyard, Joey was adamant I not look back there til later. It was about 5 o'clock when we all finished and decided that the best way to christen the house in our true form was pizza and movie night. Jon ordered food well Danny picked the movie and then Harley showed up. Everyone was doing their own thing when Joey pulled me to the side " ok soon to be Mrs McIntyre you ready for your surprise in back?""Yes" so I followed him to the sliding doors off our kitchen that lead to the backyard "ok humor me close your eyes and count to 3""ok 1...2...3""ok open them" I opened my eyes and Joey flicks the back light on and what I seen was amazing he fenced in the pool off to the side was the biggest playground I ever seen and straight ahead I see a beautiful rose garden with a little bench sitting in the middle he grabs my hand "come here a sec" we walk over and there next to the roses and bench is a small water fountain with a plaque on it that read "Brooklyn Kay McIntyre our angel to precious for earth, Heaven is never that far. Tears fall from my eyes I look up at Joe to see a tear in his eye " so what do you think?""Joey it's beautiful""you really like it?""I love it!" I lean up to kiss him and the guys come out "what you doing out here baby girl?" " looking at the memorial Joey had made for Brookie back here. All the guys go silent as if in memory of her. We all headed back inside to finish the evening, as nervous as I was for this move in the end I truly ended up loving this house and as long as I have Joey with me everything will be ok.

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