Going pubic

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It was the next day and off I went to start dress shopping. I drove back home to drop the twins to Alma so Rae and I could start looking for a dress for Saturday's album release and my appearance to the media. I pulled up to Alma's around 2 to see Raeanne was actually at Alma's apparently it's baby day for Alma. I struggled to try to get both the car seats out of the car when I had to again grab my phone and I called Mark to come out and help me. He jogged out a second later and grabbed both the car seats without any struggle. "Thanks Marky""no problem""I wish I could carry them that easily" he laughed and carried them into the house. Alma walks up and hugs me " Hi Alma""Hi doll""thanks for watching them""my pleasure""we shouldn't be too long, I have to pick up Joey and Donnie at 8 from rehearsal""it's fine take all the time you need.""Thank you again" I kiss the babies and Rae and I head out.
"Where are we going to to look for your dress""I honestly was thinking of checking out Lit on Newbury"" so are you nervous for Saturday?""You have no idea""Why, I mean I get why but you'll do great""it's the whole think I am now going to have media looking at everything I do, fans don't like to see the guys with girls let alone being engaged to marry someone and have babies. I worry about the twins honestly"" the true fans will understand""I hope so, why aren't you going Saturday I know Donnie invited you?""I don't want boundaries to get confused this lifestyle isn't for me anyways""I didn't ask for it either but I wouldn't trade Joey for anything I rather sit back in the cut not inevitably end up on all the papers Sunday morning but I'll do it because I love him.""I couldn't do it you are so much stronger than me""it's not that I'm strong it's I love him to much." I felt the sting in my eyes as I said it, and a tear dropped""Why you crying Lee""just emotional I guess for Saturday""well let's crank the stereo and just be us for a minute""I like that" Rae reached for the stereo "how about this"

Can you imagine
What we could do alone?
Turn off the phone
I'll teach you passion
Come inside your happy home
I'll do you right
Oh baby please stay
Stay with me forever
Make love every day
We'll be makin' love
Let's do it together

"I love this song, it's my go too""go to""when I'm getting ready to go out and ummm spend time with Joey it's my song""so it's the song before the song""kinda yea it puts me in that mindset""ok anyways different topic I really don't need to know" we both giggled as I swing the Jag into the driveway of Lit."So how in the hell did you manage to get the Jag this car is like Joe's 3 child?""ummm" I could feel my cheeks flush "wait a minute never mind knowing you two it's probably something that belongs in some kind of porno""seriously....a porno...really""let's not mention the broken bed at my house and you screaming daddy oh and we have all seen the scratches on his back and both of you two necks.""sooo we physically like to express how much we love each"" is that what we call it now, you keep physically expressing your love your going to end up with 50 kids."" 50 kids no 50 shades maybe""ugh come on let's go find you that dress!" We walked into Lit and I feel the butterflies in my stomach from nerves it feels more like the butterflies are caught in the knots. If everything isn't perfect it could fall badly on Joey, I force the Bile back down and I feel myself start to sweat," hey are you ok you are sweating like crazy""yeah just thinking if I don't pull this off it could be horrible for Joeys career!"" Don't worry you will kill it!""Thanks" as we walked around the store nothing really caught my eye and then there it was my heart literally skipped a beat when I seen this dress, it was a long black  spaghetti strap dress with slits up the sides and jewels that trimmed the neckline. When we both seen it we both stopped and "that's it." The sales girl took the dress down and I went to try it on it was as if it was made for me, it fit like a glove. I stepped out of the dressing room " what do you think?""you look gorgeous Lee""really""absolutely, that's the dress""I know I love it, do you think Joey will like?""I think no one better go into his dressing room when he sees you""really""yes""ok imma get it, but now shoes""oh I got those I have those black Jimmy Choo's Donnie got me that would be like wow with that""great!" So we headed to cash out $900 later I got my dress and breathed a sigh of relief. We drove back to Alma's to get the babies Rae had to get Izzy home and I had that hour and a half drive to pick up Donnie and Joey from rehearsal, I just hope Donnie can squeeze his marshmallow ass between the car seats and yes I checked out Donnie's ass I'm madly in love with Joey but I'm not dead. I just started on the road to go pick up the boys and I get a text
Joey: Hey sweetbaby what you doing
Me: Driving to pick up you and Donnie I just left Alma's like 10 minutes ago
Joey: Your texting and driving
Me: No I pulled into Starbucks I'm in the Drive thru I needed a coffee I'm exhausted
Joey: Ok do you mind if Donnie crashes out at our house tonight
Me: Of course but why what's up
Joey: Him and Mark got into it plus we have to be here at 6 it's just easier than him having to drive all that way
Me: No problem tell him he is on baby duty then it's my fee 😂
Joey: I just did he said he do the midnight feeding for us so we can sleep a couple extra hours
Me: You seriously told him that I was joking
Joey: I know I told him that but he said he wanted to anyways
Me: As long as he knows I was Joking
Joey: He does
Me: Well I'm on the way I'll be there soon
Joey: Ok love you
Me: Love u too 💋💗

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