Valentines girl

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The last few weeks passed by Joeys body healed and Fresh kept his word and was not longer a problem for Joey and I. Valentine's Day was quickly approaching and Joey was starting to act very sneaky and no matter how hard I try I couldn't get anything out of him and trust me I tried EVERYTHING! It was a ordinary boring Monday a couple days before Valentines when I get a text from someone I haven't talked to in what felt like forever but I missed Raeanne!
Rae: Hey stranger
Me: Booooo!!
Rae: How you been, I hear you and Joey made up
Me: Yes!!! Hey listen I'm so sorry about everything
Rae: Don't worry about it I understand
Me: I've missed you, what you doing
Rae: sitting home with Donnie
Me: excuse me now what your sitting home with who!!!🤗
Rae: Donnie
Me: When this happen?
Rae: When you were ummm having your lil gangsta moment
Rae: your such a tard lol 🤦🏼‍♀️
Me: does Joey know and your a tard 😂💋
Rae: what you think he is sitting on my couch whispering with Donnie
Me: I'm gonna kill his ass for not telling me
Rae: take it easy on him he been dealing with a lot
Me: I know so do you wanna come over  apparently they are being buttheads we will do coffee and catch up 😊☕️
Rae: thought you never ask be there in 20
Me: kk just come in it's unlocked dad is at work I might be upstairs

I run upstairs threw my hair up and threw on one of Joeys hoodies and basketball shorts.With everything that has happened my father had a change of heart and he finally understood that what Joey and I have was something real and not just teenage infatuation and has finally let him stay at the house if we wanted and is trying to work on having a relationship with him if nothing more than for me. When Joey isn't traveling he spends most his nights here but we also stay at Kay's too because I will never forget what she has all done for me she is the mother I never got a chance to have I just kick myself about they way I behaved towards her.
Rae pulled up about 10 minutes later and I knew when I saw her she wasn't mad and somethings will never change she still my best friend I guess friendships go through things and the strong ones survive. She walked in like she owned the place tossing her purse on the counter and flopping on the couch and yells through the house "ay bitch where you at?" " in the bathroom be out in a second ""hurry up got some shit to tell you girl" I finish up and head out " ayyy bitch" and I gave her a hug, " ok what is the shit you gotta tell me?""more like show you""seriously ok what you gotta show me?""come here" she got grabbed my hand and dragged me out the from door when we got out "ok what" " look" and she pointed to the sickest convertible red mustang "Donnie got it for me as a early Valentine's Day gift " "oh my god that's insane, so you happy""totally" I hug her "that is so awesome I love you two being together "" thanks " we head back in "coffee"" you even gotta ask""right"" so what you have planned for Joey for Valentines?""I really don't know haven't figured it out yet ""what the fuck seriously it's in two days!""I know""well you better get on it""I don't know it's not like he doesn't have everything ""Just follow your heart""did you really just say that,since when are you all romantical""I don't know been looking at shit different since I've been with Donnie."" I was thinking of getting him this" I pull up a custom jeweler website and show her a necklace " I was going to have Brooklyn's footprints made into a charm and have Daddy's lil angel inscribed on back""oh I love that, how you holding up with that?""I'm getting there some days are harder than others""I get it""I got these in memory of her" and I show her the footprints of Brooklyn's on my wrist. " that is gorgeous"" thank you" we sat and chatted for about a hour then she got a call from Donnie saying he needed her help and headed out. Joey called saying he was tied up with business and would be back late, so I headed over to stay with Kay.
I knocked on the door and popped in "hey Ma""hey daughter, I'm in the kitchen" I walked in hugged and sat at the island well she was cooking "hey Ma whatcha cooking""my overgrown man child called wanting shrimp pesto for dinner""by overgrown man child I'm guessing your talking about Joe""how did you guess""because when he is home with you he turns into a 10 year old"and we both laughed. "So what's up""not much Rae just left""I'm glad you two linked back up I'll tell you you had us all really worried for awhile""I know I'm sorry Ma"" I know you are but you know I wasn't going to give up on you right""thanks Ma""I gave up on myself for awhile""I'm going tell you one thing though Joesph never once gave up on you""I know he seems to see the best in me""he does and you do the same, I see it when you guys weren't together both of you act as if a piece of you is gone he didn't find any enjoyment in life or preforming he just went thru the motions of life, you as much as you try to lash out and cut everyone out and try to prove that you are some big bad trouble maker everyone seen it in your eyes you were just lost without him. Do you remember after he left and he called and you were here you had your "friends" waiting In the car and no matter how much you wanted and tried to hate him the tears in your eyes and the way your voice would break showed exactly How much you needed him as much as he needed you, you hung up wiped your eyes when you thought I wasn't looking and put on a show for those people you called friends but we all knew better you just needed to physically see Joesph for it to click to you and you to realize it." " Ma "" don't for one second think that you don't matter to him or us for that matter, I know him leaving all the time hurts you especially when he had to leave that soon after Brookie but you have to believe me when I tell you he was suffering as much as you were, he had to go Maurice even tried to postpone the tour by a couple weeks but the label wouldn't allow it.""I realize it now and I hate that we argued like that when he left but at that point loosing Brook being hurt I couldn't understand why he would leave me""oh honey he didn't want to but that would've impacted his future""I just regret the whole thing""I know you do but we live and learn" Kay and I sat and talked and while later Joey texted
Joey: Hey Sexy
Me: Hey what's up sweetie
Joey: Not much driving 🏡
Me: Ummm genius should you be texted and driving
Joey: I'm at the railroad crossing and a train is going through it's gonna be a few
Me: Ah ok
Joey:I just wanted to let you know I'm on my way back to you
Me: Well I'm here do you want to stay here or go back to my dads house 🏠
Or we can just sleep at our owns house
Joey: Ummm what do you think I'm going to say to that
Me: I don't what you gonna say lol 😂
Joey: That's a negative hotness
Me: No shit
Joey: Well I really don't care where we stay you are already at my moms why don't we just stay there?
Me: Figured you say that I'm already upstairs Ma went to bingo with Kate. She left you 🥘 if you want to eat
Joey: Oh I'm hungry and I want to eat 🐱💦💦
Me: You seriously went there
Joey: Whaaaa
Me: As much as I love your romanticness it's a no go for you buddy
Joey: Why whatcha mean
Me: I'm on my period
Joey: Your fucking with me right you didn't have your period this morning when I was hitting it from the back
Me: I swear to god if you don't stop being a perv it's not like the bitch rspved and said oh Imma show up at 10:30 tonight so you can't get fucked tonight don't work like that buddy
Joey: I know that at BTW you like my perv ass
Me: that's beside the point
Joey: totally the point, well train is just about threw so I'll be home soon love u
Me: love you too
I plugged my phone up and put it on the nightstand and grabbed some of Joeys sweats and changed. I figured I put on untamed heart well I waited y'all know me and my romance movies. I must have dozed off because I woke up a little while later with Joey rubbing my back and that sweetheart seriously brought me home the complete period care kit Tylenol,tampons, and most importantly chocolate. Like seriously how many 19 year olds go in to buy tampons without asking. We snuggled in bed just talking and watching the movies like we did way back before life became complicated before the tours and fame and before the miscarriage when we were just Leesa and Joe.
I woke up in the morning to see Joey had already left so I walked downstairs to see Kay and Kate in the kitchen doing what else other than cooking I swear that's all she does. " morning" " morning you hungery?""little bit need coffee""well it's fresh made I made chocolate cherry coffee your favorite""thanks Ma" "So Lee what do you and Joe got planned for Valentines tommorow?""Don't think too much he hasn't mentioned anything after I'm done here I have to go pick up his gift I had to name drop to get it in on time.""what you get him""Kate if I tell you you gonna him""no I won't""I got him customized footprints of Brooklyn charm with Daddy's little angel on back, that footprints match my tattoo""aww Lee that so awesome""ok now I told you you have tell me what is he doing?""I honestly don't know he didn't tell me""really he didn't tell mom either""crap." So we finished up breakfast and I went to get ready and head out to pick up Rae she was coming with me to get everything ready for the next day. It was late that night when Rae and I finished up what we had planned for the boys and I was just to tired to drive so I crashed At Rae's and we had a sleepover.
We got up fairly early and grabbed some Starbucks and got ready for our nights with Joey and Donnie not together of course. First on the agenda was nails and pedicures, then hair and finish with our favorite activities Lunch and shopping. It was about 3 o'clock that afternoon when Joey texted me
Joey: Hey Love
Me: Hey baby
Joey: What ya doing, where ya at
Me: Mall getting ready to see you tonight 💋💋💋
Joey: Oh really
Me: yup
Joey: I'll meet you home at 5 I made 7oclock dinner reservations at Morton's
Me: Ok your house or my dads
Joey: I'll meet you at you dads
Me: Ok I'm gonna finish up here and drop Rae home so she can get ready to go out with Donnie
Joey: Ok yea Donnie is getting ready too
Me: They are so sweet together it figures our best friends would end up dating
Joey: your such a hopeless romantic
Me: Yea so it's the right day for it
Joey: True, ok were are going finish up here I'll see you in a bit
Me: Ok love you 💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️
Joey: Love you too sweetheart 💏
So we headed back and I dropped off Rae and went back home to get ready. I walked into the house not expecting to see my father home from work "Hi daddy""Hi princess Happy Valentines Day""Happy Valentines Day daddy""What you and Joey have planned tonight nothing much dinner I guess""Oh ok I came home because I wanted to give you this since I figured I wouldn't see you" and he handed me a beautiful wrapped little box. I opened it to find the most beautiful diamond stud earrings "Daddy they are beautiful""they were your moms" that was it the tears flowed ruined the makeup I got done and everything "oh daddy I love them thank you""I love you too princess now why don't you put them on and go get ready "ok" I kissed and ran upstairs, when I opened the door my bedroom was filled with roses and on my bed was the most gorgeous white Christian Seriano dress and a gift box sitting on top of it with a card it read " PUT THE DRESS ON, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND THE ROSES NOW OPEN THE BOX CANT WAIT TIL TONIGHT MY LOVE❤️❤️" I put the card down and unwrapped the most insane diamond choker that matched my moms earrings like wow, how did he know, did he know are him and my dad talking about it? So at 5 o'clock on the dot there was a knock on the door I open the door to see Joey standing there holding a dozen white roses dressed in the most amazing Valentino suit, he had a fresh haircut and was just amazing it was a sight that stopped my heart for a second. " baby you look amazing" and he hands me the roses and leans in to kiss me. "Joey thank you you look so handsome""thank you baby" you ready""Yea let me just grab my jacket" just then my dad comes up " hey guys how about a picture for your old dad before you go?""ok course daddy." So we took a picture and turned to leave " hey princess I hope that necklace matched your moms earrings" and Joey and him smiled at each other. " How did you know about the necklace?"" Because Joseph and I planned it he knew I was giving you your moms earrings and he wanted to get you something to match them" I felt the tears well I kissed them both and we headed out.
We pulled out and pulled into Morton's about a hour later we had to go through the back to a private dining area, Joey has to be more cautious now with the bands success comes fans paparazzi and chaos it's very difficult to be able to go anywhere in public specially together. Joey has no problem yelling from the rooftop about us me on the other hand I rather stay under the radar and Vic,Biscuit Maurice and most of all my big protector Danny agree Danny still has issues and regrets from finding me so me staying safe is a huge concern to him. Plus the label wants all the guys to seem available Donnie can't say anything about Rae and Jonathan can't talk about Harley. I honestly just want to be me and not be known or judged for being Joey McIntyres girlfriend. We spent about a hour and a half at Morton's before we got our check and we're gonna leave. Just as we were getting ready to head out our waitress with I was thinking looked familiar said " Your Leesa Engert right?""Umm Yea""it's me Krystina""from school""oh hey yea how you been""hanging in what about you""I'm good""well you look like a million bucks""thank you, how's the baby by the way""he is great we're getting by you remember his daddy Marcus right""yep how is Marc""he was killed 6 months ago""oh sweetie I'm so sorry""thank you it's been a Struggle working here and going to school and trying to pay for Daycare ""I'm sure we'll listen why don't you go down to my dads office on Monday I know he needs a assistant I'll let him know your coming if you want, he will definitely pay you better then here and they have a daycare downstairs for employees so Dante will be in the same building as you.""You would do that for me?" "Absolutely" "thank you" " no biggie oh my god I am such a blonde by the way this is Joey my boyfriend""I know who he is""Hi nice to meet you""you too Joey""hey Krys can you do me a favor""sure don't tell anyone were here""I won't say a word""great alright well we gotta be going""ok I'll talk to you later and thank you""no problem make sure you see my dad Monday and go give kiss to lil man you both deserve it." With that she left and I turned to grab my jacket out the corner of my eye I see Joey reach into his wallet and put 6 $100 bills on the table, I smile "Babe""she needs it more than I do"I kiss him"I love you Mr.Mcintyre that was the most amazing thing""she Been through a lot and what you are doing for her is pretty amazing too." I leaned up to kiss him again when she came back with Joeys credit card. We signed the slip and turn to leave she she sees her tip " hey guys hold up you must have forgot this" I look at Joe " nope didn't forget it Happy Valentine Day." She was crying by that point " have a good night hun see you at my dads office Monday" I winked at her and we walked out. We walked to the car and got in " Joey that was the most amazing thing I've ever seen"" she is struggling with a baby on her own she needed help what's the good of having money if you can't help someone plus I took a cue from you that was pretty awesome yourself.""She deserves it." I lean over and kiss him and we pull out we were driving about 15 minutes when Joey drove completely passed our exit, " baby you missed our exit"" I know our night isn't over yet""ok why what's up?""That reminds me put this on." He hands me a blindfold " umm what's this""a blindfold ""I know that why""just don't worry about it put it on""if I put this on your not going to shove me off a cliff are you? I let out a giggle ""of course not smart ass can you put it on please""fine it better not fuck up my hair""your hair is fine" We drove for about another 5 minutes til he pulled up somewhere and I felt the car stop. Joey ran around the car and helped me out. When we got out Joey walked me what I guess is like 20 feet "Ok count to 50 and take off the blindfold" so I started to count and by the time I was at 46 my nerves were just about shot "46,47,48,49 and 50" and I took off the blindfold nothing would prepare me for what I seen "surprise baby" " this house is gorgeous Joey but what are we doing here""well Babe I bought it for us""ummm what now""I bought it for us you like it?" I'm standing in complete shock as Joey looks at me for some kind of reaction. " Are you serious?""Yes it's all ours, do you like it" by them I snapped out of it a little bit " Joey it's gorgeous I love it""oh thank god" the house had marble floors a huge fireplace it was stunning. I take a couple steps into the foyer and Joey calls my name and when I turn around that's when it happened, I turn to see Joey on one knee "holy shit" "Lee you are my sun my stars my whole world, your everything I ever needed or wanted. You have been there supporting me from our first auditions to now the insanity of touring, we have been through everything that was supposed to tear us apart and come out the other side stronger. You are my best friend, biggest supporter and most importantly the absolute love of my life. You mean everything to me and I can't picture ever not having you by my side, Leesa Renee Engert will you marry me?" Tears are now flowing from both our eyes " yes of course a million times yes" he got up and placed the most stunning 7 caret princess cut diamond ring. I kissed him as tears flowed in our eyes. I could have never imagined that this night would happen like this.

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