Life without him

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As the car pulled away I just crumbled, I'm staying at the McIntyre's for another week before my dad gets back and now I have to be here without him. I run in the house and up the stairs to his room my heart feeling like someone reached into my chest and pulled it out. Tears streaming I lay in his bed cuddling his pillow wrapped in his blanket that still has his scent on it and cry and cry til I couldn't anymore and I fall asleep. I have no Idea how long I was asleep before Kay came in the room and shook me lightly " Leesa honey their is someone on the phone for you""I don't wanna talk to anyone Ma!""Leesa I really think you should answer it""I just want to be alone""Leesa I really think you need to take it it may be important."" Uhh ok ""thank you""hello""LeeLee"I popped up in the bed "Joey oh my god!!""god Lee I miss your voice already I called when we landed last night and ma said you passed out and I told her not to wake you. I miss you already!""I miss you too" " hang on someone wants to talk to you""who ""Joey you there?" I hear the shuffle of the phone being passed " hello""hello""hey baby girl ""Danny""hey I've been thinking about you since we left and wanted to make sure you were ok""truthfully I'm not""neither is he""what you mean""he just isn't him he is quite not talking just literally sitting there off starring off somewhere. He recorded what he needed to and he went and locked himself in his hotel room didn't even want to go with us to lunch.""Danny I don't know if I can do this""Lee I have never lied to you so I'm going to give it to you straight, If you let him know you broke he is going to fall apart. I need you to be strong for him this is his dream. I don't want him to fall apart and loose it.""I don't know if I can!""please""I'll try""thank you baby girl, you know we love you right""I know""we'll see you soon I'll give you back to Joey for a sec""bye Danny""bye"
"Babe""hey my Joey Joe""I'm yours""you know you always been my JoeyJoe"" really baby I've needed to hear that thank you""Joe I miss you already""I miss you too listen I gotta go we gotta back to the studio" I was fighting with everything I had not to let him know I was crying I wasn't going to ruin this for him"" ok will you call me later""absolutely as soon as we're done for the day""alright ""bye babe""bye my Joey Joe."
I hung up and a mixture of feeling flowed through me sad,angry,proud,lonely all mixed together.
Over the next couple weeks or so Joe kept his promise we talked all the time my father was back home from his trip to New York and Rae and I started school. As the days pass life seem to get more and more hectic I had so many things that I wanted to talk to Joey about and I just couldn't. As boys were in the studio more frequently his phone calls became less and less. At that point I didn't even know where me and him stood it was a Friday evening when me and Rae Rae were up in my room studying that there was a knock door, It was a very rare evening that my father was home even though he has been trying to be home more frequently even if it meant bringing work from the office home to do there so he would be able to spend some more time with me. I assumed it was just the pizza delivery coming because my father said he ordered me and Rae Rae some food, what I didn't expect was to get a knock on my bedroom door. When I open the door I never expected to see Joey standing there " OH MY GOD JOEY!!" And I immediately jumped into his arms Hey baby" " omg what are you doing here?""we have off til Monday so I flew down to be with you""I can't believe you're seriously here I've missed you so much." I didn't want to let him go. " ok and with that I'm outta here, enjoy Lee call me later I'm gonna give you two time" " Joe how, why , why didn't you tell me you were coming?""I wanted to surprise you, SURPRISE!" I did the only thing that my mind,body and heart most of all told me to do I kissed him, I kissed him like I would never see him again. A soft moan escaped his lips as I parted my lips allowing his tongue to explore my mouth. He picked me up and carried me to the bed never breaking our kiss. As he laid me down I felt his hands exploring my body. His erection pressing into my thigh. My mind was racing in every direction am I ready should we be doing this, is he going to leave me if I don't just as the thought crossed my mind he pulled back out of breath " Oh my god you have no idea how much I want you right now but we have to stop""stop did I do something wrong" " no baby no you did nothing wrong matter of fact you do everything right." He grabs my hand and places in on his erection straining again he jeans " you feel that you do that to me, I want you so bad but I want our first time to be special for you something you're never going to forget!" " Joey anytime I with you you make me feel special weather we're In sweats with the guys eating pizza and doing movies or your at a rehearsal and you make me feel like I'm the only person I the room and I'm the only thing that matters"" Lee it's because you are the only one who matters." I kiss him and we decide to head down and see Kay. She didn't even know he was coming home either. Told my dad I was going next door and I might be back late and we walked over.  Knocked on the door and peaked my head in " hey ma" " hey kiddo I'm in the kitchen come on in you know you don't have to knock. "Can you come here I got a surprise for you" I grab Joes hand behind me and whisper for him to be quiet" She wipes her hands and walking into the livingroom "Leesa what going on here what's the big deal" " well I was at home with my dad and something was delivered to my house, I think you may want it." I walk around the corner and Grab Joe and walk him in. " Hi mama" " Joseph!!" She gets up and hugs him a tear trickles down her cheek. " Joseph I missed you""I missed you to mama""why didn't you tell me you were coming?"" I wanted to surprise you.""And Lee you didn't tell me.""he just showed up at my house too.""how long you staying son"" I have to fly back out on Sunday." " you guys come in sit I'm going to finish cooking, Joseph I can't believe your here." She walks into the kitchen smiling ear to ear.
"So Joe Joe whatcha wanna do?""I have a idea?"" What." And he winked at me " Joe stop it" by that point I must have 10 shades of red. "Oh you know you like it!""Joey behave""I don't wanna I wanna be bad"" oh my god what if your mom hears you"" relax she won't and I just playing with you, but you are 5 different shades of red. Also I would do very very naughty things to you!" He winked and gave me a smirk well he squeezed my ass. I'm not going to lie the idea was making me hot. "Dinner is ready guys""coming ma" " I'll get to you come ""Joey." He laughed " come on moms waiting for us."
We Sat down to dinner with Kay everyone was gone for the night but her, ever time she wasnt looking or paying attention Joey would lick his lips and give me this look I've never seen before the kinda look that could make me do anything he wanted without a second thought. We finished dinner and spent sometime with Kay before she went to bed. " I better be getting back home it's getting late"" alright I'll walk you over." We walked back next door to my house and were standing on the porch " Ok well I guess I'll see you tomorrow your probably tired." " I am but I don't wanna waste a second with you"" I'll come over in the morning ok?""ok babe." I felt his lips on mine the feeling was making melt his kiss shot electrical shocks through my body. He pulled back grabbed my hand kissed it " goodnight baby "" night my Joey Joe" he walked off and I walked in leaning again the front door all I thought was this real did this whole night really happen? I climbed the stairs slowly to my bathroom got undressed and got in the shower, standing under the shower spray all I could do was this of the nights events and how it transpired. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize the shower ran cold. I jumped out and got ready for bed I put on my favorite song Always by Bob Jovi and was about to turn out the light when there was a tap on my window. I look out to see Joey outside on the tree limb outside of my window, I slide open the window " Joey what you doing?" " I cant say goodnight I had to see you""Joey get your ass in here before you fall!" " I had to see you I want to fall asleep with you next to me please don't send me home I promise I won't mess with you Please baby!" And he shot me the puppy dog eyes that could get me to do anything. " alright but be you know My dad's room is next door and he is still awake working on some briefs." "Ok" I reached up wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss, not a second later there was a knock on the door " Leesa open the door why do I hear voices " quick under the bed!" I open the door " daddy it's my stereo see""oh I thought Joey was in here you know I don't want him spending the night!"" Oh daddy your being silly you see no one is in here I'm going to bed now I'll see you in the morning daddy""ok night princess." I closed and locked the door Joe slide out from under the bed " so we're sneaking around now thats hot"" Joey!!" " I'm kidding come on let's lay down." He stripped to his boxers and climbed into my bed and I think my heart stopped for a minute he must have been working out his muscles were more defined and he had a tan. " you see something you like" he chuckled and winked at me"Joesph""using the full name I must be in trouble are you going to punish me"" you know what I am going to punish you""oh really what you have in mine?" I can see him shifting under the covers I don't think he was Joking anymore ""ok you want me to punish you go home Joey" just like that smirk fell "are you serious?""no but behave." I crawled into bed laying my head on his chest and I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

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