The new "normal"

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"Twins" "Yes twins" everyone was happy and a bit shocked to say the least, in The misted of the chaos the doorbell rings. I walk over to answer the door. " Merry Christmas Kiddo" " Maurice, Hey Merry Christmas, come on in!""Thanks""what are you doing here?" Just then Joey walks up behind me, " hey Joey""hey Maurice what are you doing here?""Well I have a Christmas gift for you guys if you want to step outside for a minute", we both step outside to see a huge Bus sitting in front of our driveway. " suprise, management and I thought with a baby on the way and a new tour starting we figured we didn't want to split you guys, so this way Lee can travel with you and there is room on the bus for when you have the baby and want to come with Joey.""are you fucking serious, omgee!!" I screamed and jumped up on Maurice "yes I'm quite serious""Thank you Maurice""no problem you guys"" but we should tell you it isn't just baby""what do you mean?" I look over at Joey and a smile crosses his face as he says "well Mo were having twins!" " twins? Wow I think we need to get a bigger bus!" He said with a laugh. " in all seriousness Lee, Joey congratulations!" Thank you" we both said and hugged him. "Maurice do you want to come in and have a drink everyone is here?""no Lee thank you, I have to be going""you sure""yes thank you." He gave me a hug and a feel him place his hand on my stomach and then hugged Joey and walked down the driveway to his car. We returned it and continued with the family celebration it feels like that weight on my chest has been lifed and I couldn't be more thankful to Maurice and management but reality hit if I was to go with Joey I have to give up my law school dreams. It was around 11 o'clock that night when everyone finally left and went back home and it was just Joey and I. We cleaned up and headed up to bed it's been a long day.
I woke up that next morning Christmas morning with a overwhelming sense of peace, everything is seeming to fall into place. I look over when I feel Joey stirring in the bed and roll over to face him,"Mmmm morning sweet baby""Morning my Joey Joe!" He leans over and places a soft kiss on my lips and smiles "Merry Christmas sweet baby!""Merry Christmas" "what time is it?""10 o'clock""ugh we need to get up and get ready to go to mom's""do we gotta get up, I just want to stay in the bed cuddled up with you all day""baby as much as I love that we have to be at mom's at noon." I lean over and kiss him " ugh fine" we both got up and got ready and hit the road puppies in tow. Just before we hopped on 441 I switched on the stereo and zoned, Joey was on the phone handling a phone call about their next press junket. I lean my head on the cool window and zone out, I didn't realize I started to sing

Lightning crashes a new mother cries
This moment she's been waiting for
The angel opens her eyes
Pale blue colored iris
Presents the circle
And puts the glory out to hide, hide
Oh now feel it, comin' back again
Like a rollin', thunder chasing the wind
Forces pullin' from
The center of the earth again
I can feel it.

I didn't even realize I was doing til I heard Joey say " Babe what the hell?""what""were you ever going to tell me you an sing?"" I wasn't because I can't""ummm Lighting Crashes is a hard song To sing and you sounded perfect""you have to say that""the hell I do""whatever" and I giggled and we just kinda dropped it. We pulled into the driveway with like 10 minutes to spare. We walked in to a already full house, " Joesph, Lee bout time you showed up everyone is here already"" sorry mama we woke up late." "Doesn't matter you guys are here now." We spent the better part of the day having the normal McIntyre Christmas Day dinner but soon I was tired, uncomfortable and just wanted to head home. It was 7 when we pulled into our driveway and walked in. "Ok now that's all done I can give you your Christmas gift""Babe I thought we were all finished?""well sweet baby you know I always got suprises""don't I know" I giggle not quite sure what it could be that he has been hiding. "Ok come here" he grabbed my hand and we walk over to the tree and he has sit in front of the tree as he goes behind it. He pulls out a little box and hands it to me "open it baby" I rip into the box to find what looks like a car remote, " Joey is this?""go look in the garage" I jumped up and grabbed his hand and ran into the garage to find the most sick black Range Rover with tinted windows and 22 inch rims. "JOEY!!" " Merry Christmas baby""holy shit you got me a Rover" "you like it?""I love it and I love you!" I jump into his arms and kiss him, " there is more look on the front seat""I open the door to find a envelope and open it, it was a receipt for U Mass and I read total balance $210,000 paid in full. My jaw hit the floor as he stood there with a smile on his face, for literally the first time in my entire life I was speechless. I just kept looking at that receipt and back up at him, I can feel the warmth of the tears fall from my eyes "Joey..I""Merry Christmas baby""I...." I just sat there stunned " sweet baby say something""I....""baby?!" I snapped out of it "Joey I love you thank you!!" I threw my arms around in neck, I didn't want to let go, I can't believe he had done this if the Range Rover wasn't over the top now he literally paid for my entire Law School education. I never thought in a million years I get as lucky, no lucky isn't the right word I never thought in a million years god would bless me with someone like Joey. I sat there for a moment in his arm the feeling of his warm body, his strong arms wrapped around Just was no better feeling, if I could spend a lifetime like this I would. " Oh there's another thing sweet baby""Joey""I spoke with the dean who is a old high school friend of Johnny's and he agreed to allow you to do your classes online and with a tutor so you can travel on tour with me, so I'm always near for when these guys are ready to appear," and he places his hands on my stomach. " Johnny also arranged to have Nikki Boatman to tutor you Well we are on the road, as his gift to you Johnny has now put her on payroll as well as paid to have her own Bus and expenses covered so she can be available when we start to tour."" I...I don't know what to say""say your happy""Joey happy, you have no idea. I was worried about being on the road with you and not being able to go to school, then being alone in this house pregnant with the twins and you just made it all better and you didn't even know I was worrying. I don't know what I did to deserve you!""baby I don't know how I got so lucky to have you, but now that I have you Im never going to let you go!" He places a tender kiss on my lips and we walked back inside. We spent the remainder of the evening cuddled together in front of the fire in the fireplace, the Christmas lights on the tree shining made it feel even more magical, like a fairytale I just couldn't believe that this was my life.
I must have passed out on the couch with Joey because I woke up in the morning with Joeys arms wrapped around and a slight snore in my ear. I smiled and slid out from underneath him and headed to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and slid in, the hot water falling on my body was instantly relaxing. I was totally unaware Joey had woken up and crept downstairs and made breakfast. After I got out the shower and got dressed I headed down to find Joey in the kitchen trying and I mean TRYING to cook looking adorable in my ruffled apron (it was a gag gift from Alma) and his boxers. " morning Babe""morning sweet baby""whatcha doing""making breakfast""do you know how to do that""well no... not really I can make eggos!" I had to laugh " so Eggos for breakfast I guess""yes""well thank you for doing this""no problem I want to make sure you eat my babies need to grow big and strong""oh they are I've put on 3 pounds this week!""That's the babies growing""Yea but I feel like a whale and I look like one""I think you look beautiful!""you always say that""and I always mean it!" I lean over the counter and kiss him "you know I love you Mr McIntyre!""and I love you soon to be Mrs McIntyre!""I know you do""you know Lee we really need to set a date"" a date for what""a wedding date..seriously""leave me alone coffee hasn't kicked in yet!" He laughed " well I think it should be a date that means something to both of us""agreed." " what about August 1st the day we first said I love you to eachother?""I love it, but just saying I knew I loved you before that!""awe Babe it's perfect" I go to lean over and kiss his, Just then his phone rings intrupting us" hold that thought" he walked into the office, must have been a business call. I grab my coffee and walk over to the back door to let the pups out, as I sit looking at the fresh blanket of snow and Brooklyn's memorial I stop and wonder what it would be like if she was here and if she was with my mom. Joey comes up behind and wraps his arms around me "whatcha thinking about?""Brookie, my mom""you ok?""yeah I'm fine"" you sure""yeah" I look up at him " babe what do you got planned for today?""why""I want to take the drive to go see my mom"" ok well I'll go with you""I'd like that""great, I'll book a hotel room fast we will stay overnight"" thank you Babe""no problem, I'll go book the room if you wanna pack us a bag and we will get on the road, we will stop in and drop Chanel and Gucci off at moms.""alright" so Joey went into the office to book our room and I packed up, and we got on the road about a hour later to make the 5 and a half hour drive. We got to Ma's at about 9 and dropped the dogs and popped in to make sure Ma was good, I ran as soon as we got in to the bathroom, you know that lovely joy of not 1 but 2 babies laying on my bladder. I was unaware of the Conversation going on between Kay and Joey. " Joesph do you think this trip is a good idea""honestly mama I don't know""this is seriously mind altering stuff and she is tough but I don't know how well she is going to handle it, it's not just her I'm worrying about"" I know why do you think I'm going with her but I cannot tell her no you can't go see your mom.""I know son I just worry""I know you do I...." I came down and they both shut up. "Did I interrupt something? " no baby, you ready?""yeah let's go"" ok you two be safe I'll see you tomorrow""we will thanks Ma, love you!""Love you too be safe""we will" we both hugged her and gave her a kiss and headed out on the road. I was about 2 hours in when Joey got that I'm up to something look in his eyes and looked at me and said " hey baby, I know you love this song, come on sing it with me""are you on drugs""come on it will be fun""Joey your trippin""I'm serious, please for me, it will be fun!" And then he did it those damn blue eyes he shot me the puppy dog eyes, fuck I'm done! "Fine turn it up""really""yes, I'm going to cut you off you will never have sex with me again if you laugh"" wow why would you think I would laugh?""umm let's see your like a fucking pop idol and I'm me""I love you but that's beside the point come on""fine turn it up" Joey started to sing

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