Wedding bells

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The next few months flew bye in a flash and the wedding is in two weeks. I hit a unexpected snag with my dress after I went and had my boobs done and it wouldn't fit after, it was close I went to LA a couple of day ago to pick it up. Everything has fell into place. The twins are just over a year now and are literally in everything. School has been going well I opted to not take a break over summer and I officially have just 18 more months til I graduate and take the bar. Joey has been working on solo stuff recently since after the tour ended everyone felt that maybe a break to recharge should happen, nothing tragic or anything just then been at it non stop 6 years everyone just needed time off.

As the wedding creeps closer and everything is ready with the exception of figuring out who would walk me down the isle. It's really between Big Dan, Harley and Marky (him and Joey finally mended Fences). I sat long and hard thinking about and the obvious choice turned out to be clear...Harley. I decided to call in the morning and ask Harley if he do it. It was turning out to be another long night of Joey recording and me having a date with a Corporate Law textbook. That seems like that has been the norm recently. I was trying my hardest to graduate early and I'm on my way and even with planning the wedding, the twins and Joey I still managed a 3.75 GPA.

I was about midnight when Joey came out of the studio and I was just finishing up my assignment, both of us exhausted we didn't have to say a word we both just looked at eachother, Joey grabbed my hand and we headed upstairs. Normally Joey would be trying to rip my clothes off just for GP but with going full speed non stop lately, the only action the bedroom has seen is the action of us changing and falling asleep because we both are just to exhausted. We woke up early that next morning and we both cleared our schedules and we headed to the one place I've looking forward to the most, city hall. We dropped the kids off to Ma and headed over first thing. I reached over and clicked on the radio to hear Disturia playing I felt Joey reach over and grab my hand "You ready sweetbaby""absolutely I've been waiting so long and now we are about to go get our marriage license""umm sweetbaby don't you think it was official when I proposed""you know what I mean." A few seconds later he pulled into the drive thru of Starbucks "Babe""now you know damn well you would've asked to stop here on the way, everytime we make this trip we stop""you know me too well" I would hope so after 6 years" he let out a little laugh. A hour later we pulled into the parking lot and I instantly had butterflies. Joey squeezed my And and leaned in kissing my softly on my lips "let's go get our marriage license""Alright". It only took 15 minutes but it felt like I waited a lifetime for. In a matter of days I will officially be Mrs. Leesa Renee McIntyre.

The next 2 weeks flew in the blink of a eye and here we are the night before the biggest day of my life. I sit at my suite at Hotel Commonwealth with Rae, Kate waiting on Jess for her flight to land so we can head out to dinner before we settle in for tommorow.  The guys are all back at the house doing their own thing, I'll miss falling asleep next to Joey but I truly wanted to make this as traditional as possible and not have him see me before I walk down the isle. The girls were both on the balcony having a drink and talking and Jess texted that her plane landed and she was on the way, I grabbed my phone and walked into the bedroom and closed the door all I wanted was to be able to talk to Joey
Me: Hey baby
Joey: Hi sweetbaby, what's up
Me: Waiting on Jess so we can go to dinner
Joey: That all y'all got planned
Me: Yea, just one last dinner together as me being a single woman
Joey: Have fun, just not to much fun
Me:😆 I'll behave
Joey: Good Girl, So you ready for tommorow
Me: yes, you nervous
Joey: No I knew that this day was coming from the first time I seen you!💋❤️
Me: baby!!❤️❤️
Joey: What about you
Me: excited all I ever wanted was to be Mrs Joey freakin McIntyre
Joey: ❤️💋
Me: Hey Jess just walked in I'm gonna go get ready for dinner
Joey: Alright sweetbaby Have fun and I love you
Me: I love you My Joey Joe
Joey: I love when you call me that
Me: I know 💋💋💋
Just then I hear Jess yell threw the room " Lee get you bride to be booty out here"
I walked out the bathroom, "Jess""Lee" I walked out and threw my arms around her, I missed her I haven't seen her since Rae and My trip to LA. "Look at you, and where did these come from" and she grabs my boobs"Dr Nasir and a Couple months ago""why didn't you tell me you came all the way to LA to get your tits done and didn't even tell me you were there""that's because you were in Texas"" they look gorgeous if you weren't hot before, I bet Joey can keep his hands off them""He had some fun with them after I healed but he hasn't much fun lately it's just been to crazy""shut up you two really, y'all do it like 3 times a day""not recently try like I think maybe once this week"" shut up""seriously he is in the studio and I'm always studying when I get a free moment. The twins are a handful now so there is never a down moment""damn well think of it this way after tommorow night you and him will be on a beach in the Cayman Islands for a week, no books and no recording""I know I'm gonna miss the kids but we need this""sweetheart they are fine with me and Nick""I know, come on let's get ready and turn up""I can't turn up I can't be a hungover bride""I'm kidding come on." We all got ready and headed off to Morton's to have some girl time before the biggest day of my life. I was  11 when we got back from Morton's and we were all ready to just get changed for bed and just hang out, my nerves at this point were starting to kick in my stomach was in knots. I wasn't having any kind of doubt because I would marry Joey a million times over just nervous if I'm going to look ok, is the wedding going to go off without a hitch, Raeanne must have noticed I was a little gone and flops down next to me " Hey what's up""nothing""Yea ok what's wrong""nervous""about what, you not having cold feet are you""god no just what if the wedding somehow turns into a disaster or what if I don't look good in my dress""listen to me your ready everything is set to go off without a hitch and that man over there loves you so much it doesn't matter to him what you wear as long as he gets to marry you.""really""yes, I want to say thank you Rae for always having my back""always" I lean in and hug her, she always knows what to say. The rest of the evening was spent with giggles and fun but soon we all needed to crash Hair and makeup would be getting to the hotel by 8 and it was already 2. I grabbed my phone and called Joey wanting to hear his voice one last time before I went to bed. The phone rang twice before he picked up
"Hello""Hi""hey sweetbaby""I'm going to bed and I wanted to hear you voice before I fall asleep, I miss you""I miss you too, did you guys have fun tonight""Yea what about y'all""Yea we had a couple beers and played cards we all are about to crash out too""Yea girls are already in bed, but I had to talk to you before I went to sleep""I'm glad you called I was actually going to text you to see if you were still awake I wanted to hear your voice before I went to bed too""I wish I was home with you""I wish you were here too""I can't believe in 12 hours we are going to be married though""I know""well I better go get some sleep hair and makeup will be here in a few hours""ok baby, I love you""I love you My Joey Joe, I can't wait for tommorow""me either, I'll see you tomorrow Sweetbaby""ok bye""Love you baby bye". I hung up and put my phone on the charger and crawled into bed in 12 hours my life will be changing forever.

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