Trying so hard for normal

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It's been 3 weeks since he had went to be with my mother and it's been a pain like no other, everything is a reminder of him. I haven't brought myself to go back home and go through the house, Joey asked me a few times what I wanted to do with it but that is a conversation neither of us I think are ready for. Kay stayed like promise til last night when We took her back home she has done so much that I couldn't keep tying her down. Joey has made every effort to be home with me and when he wasn't Harley general stood over with me. On a few occasions one of the guys would hang out but they were far and few between with the tour starting in 6 weeks. Marlene, Alma and Betty and Kay all alternated making meals for us and that was the biggest help. The babies even with all the turmoil are doing well And thriving.  I've have had Harley training me mostly to help me forget even for a moment and also to get ready for the wedding.
I had to run to pick up my books from U Mass so I had Jordan yes I said it right Jordan babysitting the twins well I went up to campus and Joey and a appointment. It is so hard to leave the twins but at the same point things needed to be done. Life is trying to shift back to normal just to have it turned back upside when Joey leaves and then we follow and join him on the tour a week later. We finally have the twins on some semblance of a routine so hopefully they will be ok well we go out with Joey and the guys on tour because it's 10 weeks and if I have to fly back home with the twins I will but I want to keep us together if possible. Just as I pull into campus I get a text from Joey
Joey: Hey sweetbaby what are you doing
Me: Just pulled into U Mass
Joey: What the babies doing
Me: Dunno they are at the house with J
Joey: You left our babies with a overgrown child
Me: Seriously relax Marlene is on the way
Joey: Oh thank god, So I was thinking you
Up to date night
Me: Yea but what about the babies
Joey: Mom offered to keep them overnight
Me: ummm why do we need her to keep them overnight
Joey: Well I was kinda thinking We haven't had any alone time
Me: What are you implying Mr. McIntyre
Joey: What do you think I'm implying ❤️🍆🐱💦
Me: subtle babe
Joey: Is that a no
Me: It's I don't know why it's taken you this long😂😝
Joey: Damn Ok well wear something easy to get out of 😊😊
Me: seriously your so romantic
Joey: Do you want romance or do you want wanna get fucked
Me: Really
Joey: Whaaa
Me: That was just a lil ummm not classy
Joey: Classy really which do you prefer it can go either way
Me: lot to be said for romantic sex
Joey: true I love either but which is more fun
Me: Weeelllll
Joey: Say it
Me: NO
Joey: cum on
Me: Fucking alright I was trying to get around saying I want you to slam my ass down and fuck the ever loving shit outta me ok!!!
Joey: Damn I can meet you now if it's all that
Me: Joey I'm in the U Mass parking lot
Joey: So how long that going to take because I'm done here
Me: Dunno I gotta get my books
Joey: I'm coming down I'm 5 mins from there
Me: Joey
Joey: Not Listen I'm on the way
Me: Joesph McIntyre your not serious
And before there could be a response his Jag swings into the parking spot next to me, He jumps out and my jaw hit the ground I forgot that appointment was a appointment for his new headshots. That's it fuck the books I'm done his curls were all slicked back and he had on the Versace suit he wore for the pictures and those blue eyes omg I just couldn't. He stepped forward backing me up against the Escalade, his lips crash on mine his  tongue explores my mouth for a second and he pulls back, " what were you just saying" I feel his hand slide up my skirt " shit Joey""yea baby?""Oh my god as I feel his fingers teasing me," shit Joey""I want to hear you say it!""Fuck! Fuck me now""good girl get in the backseat." We climb in the backseat and he slammed in, he didn't stop til he had me scream.
After our little sexcapade At U Mass I went in and Got my books and Joey headed home to get the babies ready and bring them to Kay, before he left he insisted on me getting my nails done before I got home. $1800 dollars worth of books later I got all my books done and headed to the nail salon to get my fingers and toes done. it is just so relaxing but with everything going on I have neglected things like the weekly trips to the nail and hair salon but I miss it. I finished up about a hour and a half later and headed home. I got home and the house was empty so I headed upstairs and started the bath I figured I relax and then start to get ready since Joey already ran the twins to moms he was going to be gone at least another hour. I really wish I had any idea what he has planned other than the obvious because I have no Idea what to wear. I threw my hair up on top of my head, turned on Tragic Kingdom and slide into the tub. I must have zoned out because I find myself getting into Gwen Stefani mode and start belting out

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