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It's been two weeks since we had made our relationship public for the most part the response has been positive. I start school in a week and in two weeks I would be leaving to tour with Joey, they leave next week but I need to do some school stuff before I can head out. The babies are finally on a set schedule which I can't tell you how much of a relief that is. They both are ahead on their milestones. Their personalities now showing full force JJ is very sweet, gentle happy baby who has a smile that can stop your heart, he is literally Joey's twin with my eyes. Lil Miss Victoria is a spitfire, she will make it known if she is not happy. Her moods are very dramatic if she is happy she is the happiest baby you will ever see but if she is upset you better watch out. She is my mini me if you put our baby pictures side by side you wouldn't be able to tell us apart except the eye color she has Joey baby blues. Life has been pretty damn good. Rae is going to be staying at the house with Izzy well we are gone to take care of the puppies. The only thing that I have to say is ever since Joey and I went public I've been getting some emails Anonymously and I really don't know how to handle it. I don't want to bother Joey with it because he is so busy getting ready to leave next week.

The emails started off just more a little weird but as time went on they progressively gotten worse

Listen carefully bitch,
I would be careful if I was you
I know things and it would be a shame
If something was to happen because
You didn't listen to my warning

It shook me to the core. As I sit in the office reading this over and over again, Joey in the next room with our children I wonder If I should say something to him about it. I got up away from the desk and check out the door to make sure where he was and I close the door and grab the phone. The phone rings a couple times "hello""Rae""what's up""girl I don't know what to do""what what's going on""after we did the record release and my coming out so to speak I've been getting these emails""what kind of emails""at first they started out just a little weird I didn't think to much of it but now I just got one that said Listen carefully bitch,I would be careful if I was you I know things and it would be a shame if something was to happen because  You didn't listen to my warning" " girl you need to say something""I can't they are so geared up and excited for tour I can't ruin that."" It's really gonna ruin your if something was to happen and you didn't say anything""I know I would go talk to my dad but I can't anymore""you need to do something"I know I just don't know what." Just them my email beeped another email
Listen I know where you live, I know
Where the babies doctors are and I know
Where and how to get to his mom
It would be smart of you to just
Leave him alone

"Rae I just got another one saying whoever it is knows where I live where the babies doctor is and they know how to get at Kay and that I need to leave Joey.""That's it if you don't at least call and talk to Vic or Biscuit I am, this is serious""I know, girl I am getting scared" just then Joey walks in, I close the laptop  quick " hey baby what you doing in here?""umm just talking to Rae""Rae hey let me call you back""fine call or I will""I hear you bye""ok I love you girl""love ya back." "What was that about?""what that nothing just wedding talk""somehow I'm doubting that""really, what my babies doing""sleeping, you wanna hope in the pool well they are sleeping""Yea let me just go change into my suit""ok""I'll be right out" I pushed away from the desk and headed up to change, it might be a good distraction from the whole email thing. I walked through the back door to find Joey already in the pool, his red swim shorts sitting low on his hips that accentuates his V cut and his abs, he looked absolutely yummy there are some days I still can't believe he is mine and this is our life. I got into the pool and horsed around for a little bit with Joey just having fun not thinking about emails,tours,school or wedding plans. It was short lived because soon enough we had to get out to go get ready to go meet with the wedding planner to start looking at venues.
20 minutes later we headed in to shower and get ready soon enough the babies woke up so we could feed them and get on the road. I had narrowed the wedding venues down to four places and now Joey is coming to look at them in the hopes we can agree on a location before he leaves next week.

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