It finally happened

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Joey has been gone for a week and it just never gets easier, the guys should be home Monday for a few days before heading back to the studio. I've actually managed to finish all my classes so this girl right here is now considered a graduate, I haven't got a chance to tell Joey yet I figured I would when we FaceTimed later in the day. I also received a envelope from University of Massachusetts but I've been too nervous to open it, I want Joey with me when I did it. I sat waiting on Rae to show up with her little brother RJ so we can go Christmas shopping, she has had RJ for a week because mom and dad went out of town. I really don't mind having RJ here he is like a little brother and my house is like Disney to a kid especially since Joey is like a overgrown man child at times. I let Gucci and Chanel out in the backyard and grabbed some coffee. Chanel is my new Frenchie I got after Joey left, I got her to keep Gucci company well I was gone, they turned out to help me not feel so alone with Joey being gone. I grabbed the remote and curled up on the couch and turned on Long Island Medium and waited for Raeanna and RJ to get here.
My door flung open about a hour later and RJ came running in " Auntie Leesa" he said as he ran and Jumped into my lap giving me a hug, as Rae flings her purse on the counter and flops on the couch next to me. " Auntie Leesa where is Uncle Joey?""buddy boy he is in the studio he won't be back for 3 whole days""aw poop""RJ mouth"" Auntie Leesa can I play with Gucci and Chanel""of course they been waiting for you""he wraps his arms around my neck in a hug then jumps up and runs into the back to play with the dogs. "You know sometimes I think my little brother loves you more than me" and we both giggle." Naw it's just my house is like Disney land and I have the dogs""maybe, so what's been up?""Well your best friend is officially a high school graduate, I got the email this morning." Rae reaches over and hugs me "congrats I'm so proud of you, I bet Joey is too""he doesn't know yet only you and dad know""Lee that's so awesome""there is something else""do I even want to know""I got a envelope from U Mass""oh my god what is say?"" Dunno I don't want to open without Joey, if I'm accepted I will officially be a law student"" that's so exciting did you tell dad""no don't want to get his hopes up, all he wanted was for me to follow in his footsteps and I know I've let him down a bunch I don't want to do it again.""Listen you made some mistakes but everyone does look at you you are engaged to as you put it Joey freakin McIntyre, bought the worlds most insane house and you mangaged to even graduate High School 7 months early, you are in no way a disappointment and on top of it all you are really not just my best friend your my fucking sister, even RJ thinks the world of you!""Rae I love you thank you." I lean over and hug her. " so what we gonna do today?""figure mall for Christmas shopping""Ok but I need to give RJ lunch first""ok no biggie"
We sat and finished the episode of Long Island Medium that was on TV when Rae's Phone went off, " Hey that was a text from Donnie can I borrow the computer in Joeys office I have so something for Donnie it may only take me like 15 minutes, so you mind?""girl this house is just like your own you know where it is, just don't tell me if you find porn on his computer" and I die laughing. "Thanks you mind keeping a eye on RJ""of course. She headed down the hall into the office and I went and opened the back door " hey RJ come here buddy," " yes Auntie""time to have lunch""ok, come on puppies" Gucci and Chanel came trotting in. " ok first off go into Uncle Joey's bathroom and wash your hands and then come to the kitchen ok buddy?""ok, where is Raeanna?""She is in Uncle Joeys office doing something for Donnie buddy""oh ok" he runs down the hall to Joeys bathroom and Chanel follows,Chanel loves RJ to pieces that is her human when he is here. He came back a minute later and I lifted him putting on the stool at the kitchen island " so buddy boy what do you want to eat?""candy""well that's not gonna happen""umm grilled cheese??""we can do that do you want regular bread or Uncle Joeys funky bread?""regular bread but can I have orange cheese and Uncle Joeys mouse cheese""you got it!" I turn around and start to make RJs grilled cheese, mouse cheese is Swiss cheese by the way, Joey told RJ that magic baby mice put the holes in the cheese. The sandwich was ready in a couple minutes and I started to make his plate totally unaware that Rae just found this entire thing adorable when she came out of the office that she FaceTimed Joey so he could see it. " Ok Buddy you want a apple or a banana with it""apple please""juice or milk""soda""nope""but why Uncle Joey gives me soda""I'm gonna thump Uncle Joey in the head next time he does it""milk please" I assemble his plate and cut his sandwich into a dinosaur and hand it to him,"thank you Auntie Leesa, I love you!""I love you too buddy" and he reaches up and gives me a huge hug. Next thing I hear was a  simultaneous aww coming from Rae and Joey as she walks out " so big bad gangster bitch""Sissy potty words""sorry RJ, so big bad gangster girl has a soft side""Really Rae""and look who happens to be watching it on FaceTime" and she turned the screen to show Joey on FaceTime, the minute RJ noticed he screamed "Uncle Joey, Uncle Joey!!" RJ grabs Rae's Phone out her hand "Uncle Joey""Hey Buddy""UncleJoey Auntie Leesa made me Dinosaur grilled cheese with your mouse cheese and I got got to play with Gucci and Chanel""that's great buddy""when you coming back Uncle Joey?""3days, let me talk to Auntie Leesa bud""okay!!" RJ hands me the phone "hey baby""hey""who's Chanel?""Well""Lee""I had to get Gucci a playmate for when I was gone""really another dog""yea""if it Makes you happy, it's fine. So what kinda dog is it?""a frenchie""ok, well anyways dinosaur grilled cheese really""yup that's what he wanted""you know you are going make a awesome mommy""it's not that hard RJ is fun""ok well I gotta go Babe we are about to go in to record Funny Feeling""ok call me later love you""love you too" and with that we disconnected.
We headed to the mall about a hour later and started shopping. I've grown used to this type of "lifestyle" where I literally have to shop for everyone and their sister for me and Joey because it's the "standard" but this is all new to Rae having to buy for assistants,producers and everyone else so our shopping trip turned into more like a learning experience for her because now she has to do it for Donnie. Well we were shopping Rae had to run to Alma's to go get some Donnie needed faxed to him immediately leaving me with RJ at the mall til she was able to meet us back at the house. After 20 minutes I'm the mall with the worlds most adorable 4 year old I think I spent $2000 on stuff for him, Joey is sooo gonna kill me. It was about 5 when RJ and I left the mall and headed to Friendlys for dinner, this was always my favorite place to go to eat as a kid so I wanted to take RJ there. We were halfway through our meal when Rae texted
Rae: Where you at
Me: having dinner at Friendlys with RJ
Rae: I should be at your house in like a hour, thanks for keeping him
Me: No problem it's been fun
Rae: alright be back soon
Me: see ya in a bit
We finished our meal and grabbed some take out for Rae for when she got back to the house and we headed out. I strapped RJ in the car seat and started the 2o minute drive home. At some point on the way home RJ fell asleep and was letting out the cutest lil snore, I look back to see him sleeping so peaceful and I know kids that's what I really do want. When I pulled into my driveway Rae's Mustang wasn't there so I knew she wasn't back yet, so picked up RJ careful and unlocked the door. The dogs rushed over jumping on my legs I whispered "will you two get down!" I tossed my keys on the island and noticed the lights over the island were on and I thought "I swear I shut those before we left." I turned to walk through the living room to go bring RJ upstairs to put him to bed in one of the guest rooms and when I turn the corner I damn near had a stroke, there sitting on the arm of the couch looking all yummy and shit was Joey. " holy fuck""surprise baby""what are you doing here, you weren't supposed to be home til Monday!"" Well funny thing is the sound equipment went down in the studio and it would be a a couple days to get it fixed and running again, so I thought instead of waiting to fly out Sunday with the guys I come home and be with you instead of in a stuff hotel FaceTiming you.""Babe but how you get back so fast I was just on FaceTime with you I seen you in the studio." And I lean in and kiss him RJ still asleep in my arms. " well did you know from Miami to Boston is only takes 3 hours on a private Jet.""baby""So did you come alone?""and I cock my eyebrow at him." If you mean did Donnie fly back too and surprise Rae, yes. I told her we would keep RJ so she had some time with him.""Awe Babe that so sweet of you""I know" and he laughs "besides it gives us practice." I giggled " Now what you say we bring him upstairs and put him in bed and I can show you how much I missed you since I been gone.""Well Mr. McIntyre the offer is intriguing"
So Joey grabbed RJ from my arms and carried in to the spare room down the hall from us and was laying him in the bed when RJ wakes up "Uncle Joey""Hi lil buddy""your here""yes I am""where is sissy""Rae's at Donnie's house and you get to have a sleep over here""yay!""but first you need to go back to sleep and when you wake up you and me will play legos""thanks Uncle Joey" and he wrapped in arms around Joey in a big hug. "Uncle Joey""yes lil buddy""will you sing me a song so I can fall asleep""sure, how about"

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