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*Anna's POV*

I woke up in a bright, pale room. There were things attached to my arms and I realized that I was in a hospital room. My head hurt and there was a pain in my neck. I tried to sit up but fell back down, groaning in pain.

"Holy shit. Anna you're awake!" Shawn explained loudly.

"What? Was I out for long?" I asked him, while trying to adjust my eyes to the light.

"Three days. You lost a lot of blood and were really weak."

"Where are the others?"

"Matt, Ella, Ryan, Hayes, and Cam are still here. I should tell them you're awake!" Shawn exclaimed, pulling out his phone and calling them. Within a few minutes they were all here.

"How do you feel? Are you good? Oh my god, babe." Matt said, rushing over to me and hugging me hard. I groaned and he moved away.

"Oh shit, sorry." Matt said, kissing me on the forehead.

"Don't worry, it's cool. I'm still really sore, but I think I'm okay. I might be able to even go home today." I laughed, and they all smiled.

"Glad to see you're feeling better!" Cameron smiled.

"So what did I miss?"

"Well we've all been here, waiting for you to get better. Taylor and Aaron had to go back for family things, the Jacks and Carter had to go to go finish some things up at school, and Jacob had a concert."

"What about Nash?"

"Well, uh, he's um." Hayes stuttered.

"He's what?" I asked.

"He's still in the city here, but he's sorta been hanging out with someone else." Hayes said, and I gave him a confused look.

"Who?" I asked, and Hayes was about to answer when the door opened and Nash walked in, but not alone.

There was a bleached blonde girl hanging on his arm. Her makeup was caked on and she was barely wearing any clothes, just enough to be socially acceptable.

"You okay?" Nash asked, as the girl gave me a glare. I suddenly got frustrated and wished that I wasn't hooked up to machines so that I could hit her.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for asking." I said, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

"That's good." Nash managed to say just as his girlfriend pulled him into an obnoxious kiss. I rolled my eyes and motioned to Ella like I was going to puke. She laughed and the couple broke their kiss.

"Oh! This is Stacey. She's coming to Magcon with us tomorrow." Nash said, smiling. He didn't look completely happy but I said nothing.

"Tomorrow?!" Cameron exclaimed, surprised. Wait. Oh great. What if I didn't get out by tomorrow?

"Tomorrow, as in the day after today? What if I don't get out?!" I exclaimed loudly, sitting up and ignoring the slight pain that it caused.

"Sucks." Stacey laughed, earning a glare from me and the rest of the guys except for Nash.

"No need to be rude." I said, rolling my eyes. She was about to say something back when the doctor walked in.

"I'm sorry but you guys will have to leave now." She said, and the guys unwillingly left. Once they left she turned to me and started asking questions.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Better, but still sore."

"Are you feeling faint at all? Light headed?"


"Okay, I just have to check your your pulse and blood pressure, then I believe that you will be able to leave today." The doctor said. I smiled widely as she checked them.

"You're good to go. Come back if you feel anything wrong again." She smiled.

"Thank you." I said, as I got up and left the room. I walked out into the hall and saw the boys all sitting by the door.

"Guess who gets to go home!" I exclaimed happily. The guys got up and Matt pulled me into him.

"I'm so glad you're okay, did you know that?" He said, kissing me.

"I knew, I love you." I told him, and he smiled.

"I love you too." I smiled, and kissed him again. There was an obnoxious cough, but I ignored it.

"Don't need to be such a whore." Stacey said obnoxiously behind me. I moved away from Matt and laughed.

"Funny that you'd be the one to say that. Now I have to go pack, bye." I said, as me and the others left Nash and Stacey behind us.

"So the plane leaves at what time tomorrow?" I asked as we walked onto the street.

"Tonight, at 8 actually." Cam replied.

"And now it's?"


"SHIT." I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I packed a bit for you." Matt winked.

"So I guess it's just bikinis and underwear for me, then. Hope we're going somewhere warm." I laughed.

"Miami, actually." Shawn said, smiling.

"YAS." I said a little too loudly, causing the guys to burst out laughing. We walked in silence for a bit of the way and I started to get tired since I was still weak.

"You want me to carry you?" Matt whispered to me.

"That'd be great." I smiled, and he leaned down so that I could hop onto his back. We walked the rest of the way like that, and the guys took a few pictures of us too. Once we got home I pulled out my phone.

My notifications were blowing up with people asking about the pictures, and I decided to clear it up by posting a picture myself.

"Yo Ella, send me a picture that you haven't posted yet." I yelled to her, even though she was only on the opposite side of the couch.

She nodded and sent me one of me and Matt laughing. I put a filter on the picture then posted it onto instagram with the caption: The cutest bae on the planet😘 #Manna.

"So I'm the cutest?" Matt asked, looking at me just as I posted it.

"Of course." I told him, and he kissed me on the cheek.

"Now to check what you packed." I said, walking up the stairs to my room. Matt ran after me.

"Model some for me?" He smirked.

"In your dreams! I don't want to be an aunt yet!" Ella yelled from the couch, causing me to turn bright red.

"Actually, I just might." I winked to Matt, who perked up.

"But not today." I said, as I continued up the stairs to finish packing, since we only had about half an hour before we had to be at the airport.

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