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I woke up to the pleasant sound of my alarm clock going off. My hand slammed down on to the button turning it off. I let out a groan and sat up in my bed. Everything looked blurry since my eyes were still sleepy.

My feet touched the cold floor as I stood up. I walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water on to my face, waking me up instantly. I brushed my hair and put on some light makeup. I put on my favorite jeans and a sweatshirt and went down stairs to the living room.

"Good morning honey!" My mom happily exclaimed.

"Morning mom." I said, sitting down on the couch. I took out my phone and checked twitter. My notifications were blowing up with responses from fans. They all seemed genuinely happy that I was going to be at Magcon. Just then there was a knock on the door and Ella ran in.

"Are you ready?" She yelled to me. I looked at her in shock.

"I just woke up! Why are you here so early?" I exclaimed in shock.

"What are you talking about? It's already ten!" Ella told me, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. She pulled me out the door as I quickly yelled good bye to my mom. Once we got down to the street we walked to the nearest stores and went in.

"What about this?" I asked, holding up a pair of light wash shorts.

"Yes! Get them!" She exclaimed to me happily. I nodded and went over to the register to buy the items that I had chosen.

"Who's also going to be at Magcon?" Ella asked, walking after me.

"I'm not sure, they didn't exactly tell me. I think this one guy named Matt is going, because he dm'ed me yesterday about it." I told her as I finished paying for my stuff.

"Is he cute?" She asked.

"Oh Ella, is that all that's ever on your mind? Whether or not a boy is cute?"

"No, it's not just that. But boys do seem to be the main thing ever on my mind." She said. I laughed at that. She had always been boy crazy. I proceeded to pay for the clothes that I had gotten and we left the store out onto the busy street. Just as we got out onto the street my phone rang.

"Oh you did not change your ringtone to that," Ella said as the doctor who theme song played from my phone.

"Oh yes I did, I couldn't help myself." I told her while picking up my phone. I pressed the button and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Is this Anna Roberts?"

"Yes this is her, who's speaking?"

"I'm one of the directors of Magcon. I am calling to inform you that instead of your flight to Dallas leaving in a few days, you will have to leave tomorrow. I hope that this does not cause any inconveniences by this."

"It's completely fine. When does the flight leave?"

"Ten in the morning."

"Okay, see you then." I said, ending the call and putting my phone in my pocket.

"Who was that?" Ella asked.

"A Magcon director. He said that I have to leave tomorrow ten instead." I told her.

"WHAT! Why?" She exclaimed loudly.

"They didn't give me a reason, but I should be heading home. I haven't even started packing! Do you want to come over and help me?" I offered to her.

"Yeah, let's go." Ella said while we walked over to a taxi. We got in and I gave the driver my buildings address. As we sat in the car I checked my vine notifications. One comment caught my attention.

'Nash Grier: Can't wait to see you at Magcon! I'm a HUGE fan!'

I smiled to myself. Now I knew two guys out of the many that were going to Magcon and they were both insanely attractive. This was going to be an interesting trip. The taxi stopped and I saw that we were at the building already. I payed the man as Ella and I got out of the car and walked into the building.

"I'm home!" I yelled to my mom as I opened the door to my apartment.

"Isn't this a little early?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, but a guy from Magcon called and said that the flight got moved to tomorrow." I told her.

"Go get packing! You haven't even started!" Mom yelled as I ran up the stairs to my room. Ella came up after me and went into the room. I grabbed my suitcase and book bag out of my closet. The book bag was thrown onto my desk and the suitcase on my bed. I grabbed all of the new clothes that I got and placed them in the suitcase while Ella picked stuff out of my closet.

"Are you taking this?" She asked showing me a blue shirt.

"Yes definitely!" I said. Ella tossed the shirt at me and I put it into the bag. It continued like this until late in the night, when we finally went to sleep at one in the morning.

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