Girl Like You

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The next day, I arrived on set bright and early. I sat down to a lively breakfast with Jessie. I enjoyed my morning meals with her. She always seemed to set the mood for the day. And that day, it was needed! We were filming a bizarre marathon scene. We had gone to a decommissioned aircraft hangar in Kent, which was closer to home for me, however we would be heading back to Cornwall for more filming on the bus.

The marathon scene was crazy! I don't think any of us had any idea what we were doing really, it was fun regardless. But exhausting. There was a lot of running, bag races, tug of war and anything else we could fit. By the time we'd arrived back in Cornwall, it was hard to keep the energy up for filming on the bus. We would be wrapping up filming on the bus the next day from what I knew, then heading back to the air hanger for interior scenes and such. That evening after a rollicking game of football with a few cast mates, I sat alone with Paul again. We talked and smoked together. This was always enjoyable for me, it seemed he was flirting more, which I'll admit...after years of living in my sister's shadow, it felt amazing!

"Ah Tilly love," Paul said after laughing at something I'd said "I love these moments with ya'. It's nice to unwind during filming"

"Well, I'm glad. This has all been too much fun" I smiled. He smiled back at me warmly. A decision had been made during that break, to resume filming the next day, the cast was tired and unable to focus. Everyone had called their cabs and left for the evening. Paul and I sat together as the sun set beyond the hills. He was laying back, propped up on his elbows. Neither of us said anything for a while, he just smiled at me.

"What are ya' smilin' at Paulie?" I teased nudging him slightly. He sat up again.

"Tilly, what would ya' think if I started fancyin' ya'?" he asked. I was taken aback by this, but answered in true sarcastic fashion.

"I'd think ya' were crazy" I laughed.

"I could've told ya that love," he said. He sighed "But I think I am fancyin' ya's...And it worries me a bit"

"Why?" was all I could think of in response.

"I just ended things with Jane, who was also an actress, I'm a bit sceptical to be involved with another actress" he admitted. I was a little insulted to be honest.

"Well, to be fair...I'm a bit sceptical of becoming involved with any other guy with dark hair and gorgeous eyes after how easily my lovely sister can persuade them" I said looking down at the grass in front of me.

"I'm sorry Tilly love, it really wasn't fair of me to say that" Paul admitted realizing it had stung "I'm just scared"

"I am too love" I said quietly. I saw a sly smile creep across his face.

"Are ya' saying ya' feel the same way?" he asked.

"I never said that!" I countered.

"Ya' didn't have to" he said putting his arm around me, pulling me close to him. My mind was racing; did I feel the same as he did? Of course I did! What a silly thought...he was warm, I remember my heart racing, but feeling relaxed...more so then I had been in a while as we sat together. We sat in silence for what seemed to be several minutes, just hearing him breath quietly, breathing him in was beyond any expectation I'd had going into this film. Paul then gently lifted my chin, so that I was looking directly at him, he smiled at me and I thought my heart was going to burst. Just as I was thinking out what to do next, he kissed me. I melted, I'm not one to be hopelessly romantic and believe all the paperback mush...far from it really, but there ya' have it, I melted (Sam would get quite a laugh if she heard me say that!). His kiss was soft and I didn't want to stop.

I don't know how long we kissed, but as we both got up I noticed the sun had gone down.

The next thing I knew, we were alone on the empty bus, sitting on the long seat at the very back, I was sitting on Paul's lap facing him. His kisses became deeper, needier. My hands were tangled in his hair, while his hands were well below my waist, one slowly inching up my thigh, this sent chills down my spine, and I was beside myself really. Not that I wasn't enjoying it, however I had a sudden pang of nerves over it all. As I thought this, Paul began kissing my neck and fidgeting with the buttons on the shirt I was wearing, my eyes rolled back, I couldn't deny I was enjoying this. He moaned quietly as he pressed himself against me forcing me closer to him. At that moment, logic finally kicked in loud and clear (bloody logic has poor timing in my mind).

"Paul..." I said softly, trying to get his attention and trying to get myself down from the clouds.

"Mmmm...Tilly" He said huskily as he continued. Bloody hell! He was almost impossible to deny!

"Paul," I said a bit more firm "I think we need to slow down" I pushed myself away from him slightly,

"What?" he said coming out of the heat of the moment. He still held me close. His eyes focused on me.

"I mean, we're both coming out of serious relationships....I don't think it's a good idea to rush into all this" I explained. He stared a moment longer, a bit confused I suppose that a girl was turning him down....believe me, it wasn't easy.

"I just don't want to look back on this whole experience and regret it" I admitted quietly. I must've said something right, his expression changed, he no longer looked confused. He laughed slightly as he threw his head back, resting on the seat back.

"Get me all worked up..." he said softly "Just to tell me no. clever girl" I smiled slightly. He pulled me close to him, I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Never had a bird tell me she'd regret me," he laughed softly as we both calmed down.

"It's not's jus—" I protested, he cut me off before I could finish.

"I understand luv, no need to explain." He said stroking my hair "You're right. Can't believe I'm tellin' ya' that, after getting all worked up over ya's. Do ya' still want to pursue any of this then?" he asked. I thought for a moment before finally saying "Yes"

I could tell he smiled, then kissed me softly on the forehead before saying "Thank you"

Eventually, we parted ways. I went back to my hotel, the night was late, but I was flying high and couldn't wait for the next morning of shooting, and admittedly seeing him again. I looked to the clock in my room...2am. "Bloody hell," I said to myself as I started packing my belongings...we would be heading to Kent the next day for the next leg of filming. I noticed a small white folded sheet of paper under the door, I must've missed it when I walked in.

It was written to me in very fancy script it read "The lovely Tilly". I unfolded it and began reading

Tilly Lovey,

I stopped by earlier, about 8pm to see if you'd like to join me for dinner. Seems you were out, it also seems you're out now and it's nearing 11pm! Where could the lovely Miss Tilly be? Last I saw, you were sitting by a tree talking with a certain Beatle. I'd better hear about this at breakfast tomorrow morning!



I smiled and laughed to myself at the note...I knew there was no way I'd get out of this. I folded it back up and tucked it in my suit case before showering and going to bed. I was beginning to dread the end of this project.


moving things along, I seriously blushed at some of the chapters when I wrote them!

I tend to sound track things (some are Beatles songs obviously, others diverge a bit)...soundtrack for this chapter: Edwin Collins - Girl Like You.  Thanks for reading, I love comments and will be adding more daily!

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