Silent All These Years

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Sam handled the news exactly how I had expected ("stop larkin' with me Tilly!") which amused me to no end. The next morning I sat down to breakfast with my usual crew. Mandy of course, needling me for information, however she was excited and preoccupied at the fact Victor Spinetti would be joining us on set that morning. Admittedly I was excited at the news as well, long had I respected his work on stage and in film. I knew he'd been in the previous Beatle movies, but had no idea he'd appear in this one as well.

Just as Mandy took a sip of her tea, her eyes went wide and she looked as though she would choke. I laughed, she only nodded behind me. Naturally, I glanced behind me...only to find Paul already in costume for the day. He was dressed in an old British army uniform, I can honestly say my jaw dropped. He gave a playful smirk before telling us "right then. Everyone into wardrobe, we'll be starting soon" he said this sternly, trying to play up the uniform before giving us a salute (and me a wink).

We made our way back to wardrobe, just before I made it to the door a hand reached out and grabbed me by the arm pulling me into a secluded hallway. Before I could say or do anything, a familiar pair of lips were firmly planted on mine. Instinctively I reached up tangling my fingers in his hair. His arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. Somehow, that morning, it seemed like all my senses felt more alert. I remember it seeming like everything had disappeared except us. The warmth of his body pressed against mine, his hands at my waist, fingertips gently digging into me as if he were trying to pull me closer then I already was. I was falling for him, but didn't want to admit it.

"Hey" he said finally smiling down at me.

"Morning.." was all I could utter as I came down from the clouds.

"So, what do ya' think of all this?" Paul asked pulling at the brim of his general's hat lightly.

"Ya' surprised the lot of us at breakfast, didn't ya'?" I laughed "confidentially, there's a reason my jaw dropped"

The look on his face became playful, he grinned at me and pulled me closer.

"Really?" he said. He bent close to my ear and whispered "Tell me why that would be Tilly luv"

"Really! The two of you are no better than a couple school children" Mandy laughed peering round the hallway. Paul laughed, I blushed.

"Can't help meself Mandy luv," Paul said still holding onto me. "She's too gorgeous for me to resist!" I laughed.

"Paul McCartney!" Mandy laughed as she put her hands on her hips "I'll not have you destroying our lovely Tilly with your wanton ways!"

"Alright, alright. 'sides the sooner we get done filming, the sooner..." he said before Mandy cut him off.

"Stop that thought right there luv!" she laughed.

"Do I get a say in any of this?" I laughed as she tugged at my arm.

"No, you get wardrobe and make up!" she said

I was then rushed into wardrobe. I changed into my outfit for the movie and did my make up with Mandy as she playfully chided me about my behaviour. It made me a little sad to think all this would be over soon, I loved the people I'd met and could only hope we'd remain close.

Meeting Victor was fantastic! He was charming and funny and kept us all on our toes. He was playing an army sergeant, the scene had to be done many times over as he kept making the lot of us laugh. He was very into the character, I remember distinctly, the first time he ran through the scene he had Paul doubled over laughing. The rest of us were prone to fits of giggles throughout the scene.

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