I want the world to stop

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  Time had passed, the rest of the fab four returned home from India (there seemed to be a change amongst all of them, even a strain), my own birthday had come and gone. We'd had a small gathering which of course meant half of London's in-crowd showed up to give their birthday wishes. Lessons picked up and I had more students to teach, however, things were slow on the acting front. It was May and I hadn't had many acting jobs since December, Malcolm was being picky about any role he agreed to for me, needless to say, he turned down countless plays, movies, and commercials, I was growing a bit tired of it and Paul heard my rants on the matter.

"I'm just so frustrated about it all, I'm afraid I'm going to get stale in my acting at this rate," I said as I washed a plate after lunch one afternoon. We were preparing for mum and Thomas to come over to help Lucy with wedding planning (admittedly, I wasn't excited over having Thomas in our home, but it wasn't about me).
"Talk to him again luv, maybe it's time to find a new agent or go it alone" Paul advised. I shrugged
"I'll suss it out," I said.
"We're here" I heard my mum's voice call over the intercom. I took a deep breath, preparing myself to face Thomas for the first time since Christmas and since his threat over the phone.
"It'll be fine luv" Paul whispered placing his hands on my shoulders.
Lucy answered the door.
"What's she doing here?" I heard her say. I looked up to see none other than Daphne.
"Oh fuckin hell!" I said frustrated. She was the last person I wanted in our home and I'd thought Lucy had made that clear.
"Tilly don't start!" Thomas yelled.
"Don't tell me how to act in MY own home Thomas!" I yelled back.
"Need I remind you both, Daphne is your sister," Thomas said.
I scoffed.
"And I'm here for Lucy," Daphne smiled "Lucy lovey, I know you don't want me in the ceremony, but I want to help with your special day"
"I thought we'd been quite clear about WHO was allowed here," I said crossing my arms. It was one thing facing her in public, but now she was in the home I shared with Paul.
"I did tell you we'd allow you to come with mum Thomas, but I did say Tilly and Paul didn't want Daphne in the house," Lucy said trying to remain calm.
"Lucy! I'm surprised at you!" Thomas said "I'd expect this kind of behavior from her," he said pointing at me "but we expect more from you"
"That's it!" I yelled grabbing my pack of cigarettes "Paul, I'll be outside with the dogs...if you need me let me know"
I stormed out into the garden taking Angus and Martha along with me.

I sat in the grass, it was a fairly warm spring day. I smoked a cigarette as I watched Martha and Angus play together.
"'lo gorgeous," Paul said warmly, a cup of tea in hand. He sat next to me and handed me the tea. I smiled weakly at him.
"I'm sorry you had to see that" I sighed.
"It's alright luv, believe me, I understand," he said putting an arm around me. I immediately buried my face in his chest. I couldn't hold back the tears.
"I feel like I was kicked out of my own home," I said trying not to sob.
"I haven't kicked you out yet, have I?" Paul said warmly "And confidentially, I don't intend to ever"
I sniffled slightly.
"Hey, it'll be ok" he soothed "After they're gone, we'll get some lagers and have our own little bash tonight, me, you, Lucy, Ollie and you can invite Sam and Ginny"
"You don't have to do that," I said quietly
"I don't have to do a lot of things luv, but I have a feeling after today...we'll need it" he laughed. "I'll call the lads over as well"
"Alright," I smiled finally
"Ok then, I'm going back inside to make sure the house doesn't fall apart," he said. He then kissed me softly.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry" we heard a timid voice say "I didn't mean to interrupt"
We both looked up to see my mum.
"Ya' didn't interrupt at all Mrs. Wadsworth," Paul said amiably.
"Please, call me Moira dearie" my mother smiled. Paul returned the smile.
"Alright Tilly luv," he said as he stood up "I'll see you inside whenever ya' decide..or for that matter, whenever the dogs decide it's time to come in"
With that, he disappeared back inside leaving my mum and me alone. She sat down next to me.
"You really have a lovely home here lovey," she said trying to start a conversation.
"Thanks, mum," I said still looking out over the garden. Angus came bounding up to me with a ball I'd given him, he played a small game of tug of war with me before letting me have the ball so I could again throw it for him to chase.
"He's too precious," my mum laughed "reminds me of when you were a little girl, you begged your father for a puppy"
I nodded silently. I always had a hard time responding when mum would talk about dad. I knew she missed him terribly still but tried to hide it. She sighed heavily.
"I wish I knew what to do Tilly," she said finally. I looked to her, a bit puzzled.
"I just wish there was a way for all of us to be happy," she said sadly, she procured a small hanky from her purse and dabbed at her eyes. "I've been such a terrible mother...I just wanted you girls to grow up with a man in the house and the kind of life your father and I wanted for you after your he died"
"But did you really want a man in the house who fucks one of your daughters and lets another be continually abused?" I retorted.
"I'm not going to scold you for your language, but I was doing what I thought was best....and I was wrong..." she sighed again. "I wish I could fix it"
"Then fix it! This isn't so difficult...Accept the fact that Thomas isn't dad, he's never been dad, he never will be dad and I will NEVER forgive Daphne for all she's done!" I said matter of factly. She then did something I didn't expect, she sobbed. My mother sobbed. I felt horrible.
"I'm sorry mum," I said putting a hand warmly on her shoulder "It's just...well, nothing has been easy for me with Daphne and I want nothing more than to forget her. I love you and Lucy dearly, but it feels like there's no way for this family to work anymore"
I hated that realization. I hated it more than anything...which caused me to hate my older sister more than I already did. Mum sniffled a bit trying to regain herself, she looked to me and smiled weakly through her tear stained face.
"Chantilly luv," she said pushing a strand of hair from my face "you're so much like him it's hard sometimes"
I raised an eyebrow inquisitively.
"Even that," she laughed "he used to do that. I miss your dad so much sometimes and it's hard seeing you at times, you look so much like him, you're just as talented, your personality...your stubbornness...I wish things had been different for you Tilly, you never deserved any of what's happened. Your dad would be so disappointed in me"
I never realized just how much she beat herself up about everything. Mum had always been very quiet, I knew she always wanted the best for us, I also knew she wasn't happy with Thomas, but I knew she didn't know any life outside of him really. Paul called the dogs inside, most likely as a distraction from whatever was happening inside the house. I watched as they both ran back inside the house excitedly.
"He wouldn't be disappointed in you mum," I said finally "he'd be disappointed and appalled by Daphne"
"I'm just glad you don't hate me," she said as I extended a hand to help her up from the grass.

Once we were back inside the house, I spotted Daphne trying to play with the dogs...Martha walked the other way as Angus hid behind Lucy. I smirked at the sight.
"Even the dogs don't like you Daph" I commented as I poured myself a glass of water.
"Tilly..." Thomas bit thinking he still had control. Daphne laughed.
"It's ok Thomas, Tilly always had the best sense of humor" she smiled "Didn't you Tilly?"
"I've had to put up with 24 years of seeing your face, I'd say I have an exceptional sense of humour," I said coldly (ha! Set and match!). I saw Paul stifle a laugh.
"Well then, Lucy...everything should be in order. We will see you again in 3 days for the rehearsal" Thomas said, he was becoming cold and calculated even to Lucy "Moira, Daphne...let's be on our way"
"In a moment Thomas, I want to talk with my lovely sisters," Daphne said. What was she playing at? I immediately stood closer to Paul, who'd tensed up. Daphne smiled what I knew was a fake smile as Thomas and my mum made their way out the door. Just when she was sure they were out of sight the smile faded.
"You think just because you're so high and mighty now you can make those sarcastic remarks and get away with it?" she said angrily.
"I've been making them at your expense for years!" I laughed "why should that change?"
"You've become such a little snot since dating him," Daphne said making her way closer to us "But what Paulie doesn't know, is what he's really missing" she moved closer to him running a finger along his chest. My face went hot with anger.
"Leave." Paul bit through clenched teeth.
"I don't think you want me to..." Daphne cooed inching herself closer to him. I was furious! Before I could do anything a hand reached her from behind pulling her off of him by her hair.
"Get out!" Lucy said angrily "Leave Tilly alone and stop trying to take Paul from her, she deserves him. You don't!"
"Lucy, I'm surprised at you...I thought we were close" Daphne grinned as Lucy let go of her.
"We've never been close, not when I was living at home, not now. I won't forgive you for what you've done" Lucy hissed.
"I said I was sorry about hitting you lovey," Daphne said "But you have to admit, you were being irrational"
"I didn't mean about that. I meant everything else I had to deal with...from you. The fights, you shagging Thomas every night and the fact you nearly killed my sister!" Lucy said coldly "Now, leave. And if you even dare to ruin my wedding, I'll...I'll.."
"Lucy, it's not worth it...Daphne...go home." I said with finality.
"Fine then. I'll see you both in a few days...and Paul I'll see you after the ceremony, alone" she winked. Soon after, she was gone.
"I hate her..." Lucy said finally.
"You and me both luv," I said "you were brilliant"
"Tilly, Lucy...c'mere" Paul said. We both made our way the short distance to him. He took each of us under an arm "You both are brilliant."
I smiled at him, he was always amazing. He suddenly smiled a mischevious smile, which I'd learned meant he had something planned.
"Get dressed," he said to both of us "I'm taking you both to Sybilla's...my treat"
Lucy began to protest.
"C'mon Luce...it's one of your last nights as a bachelorette" I grinned.
"And you're letting your boyfriend take me out?" she laughed back.
"I'm going along aren't I?" I asked.
"Perfect!" Paul said happily "Call Sam and Ginny, have them meet us there"
"Just trying to have as many girls at your feet as possible?" I laughed.
"Gotta' give the press somethin' to write about don't I?" he winked as he headed for the stairs. 


A/N:  For as much as I don't even like Daphne (and I created her!), the chapters where Tilly and Lucy stand up to her were some of my favourites to write!  As always, thanks for reading :D

Soundtrack: I want the world to stop - Belle and Sebastian  

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