Christmas Time (Is Here Again)

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  It was early December, which meant Christmas, snow and jewelry ads.
Things had been pretty slow on the acting front, until Christmas when Malcolm came through with the ever classic engagement ring/why-are-you-not-buying-her-jewellery-for-Christmas? adverts. Needless to say, I was cast in a couple. I wasn't overly fond of the concept really, but it gave me some extra money for the holidays. Malcolm had been ecstatic as he'd been contacted by the companies specifically asking for me.
"Ha!" Sam laughed "I love that one! Your surprised look is priceless!"
She sat on the couch watching our telly as one of the adverts wrapped up.
"Sod off!" I laughed "Are you going to get ready so we can get this bloody shopping done?" I wasn't big on shopping, especially during the holidays.
"Yeah, come on Sam!" Ginny said impatiently. Ginny, on the other hand, loved shopping of every sort. Our plan was to do some gift shopping and gather supplies for the usual sweets night we planned. Each year, the three of us would get together and bake, then host a holiday party to get rid of all the sweets we'd made.
"Alright, alright.." Sam said finally getting her shoes on "Let's get this over with"

A few hours later the three of us returned home.
"Do you think your jewelry commercials will drop a hint to Paul?" Ginny asked giddily
"I hope not!" I laughed.
"What do you mean, you're in love with him aren't you?" Ginny asked cocking her head slightly.
"Very much so. I just don't need any bloody jewelry, plus it all seems a bit cliché" I said as I took off my boots.
Before Ginny could rebuttal the phone rang.
"I'll get that," I said.
"It's probably for you anyway" Sam laughed.
I answered to a very loud, off key chorus of Auld Lang Syne from Paul, John, George, and Ringo.
"What'dya' think luv?" Paul asked as they finished.
"Sounded terrible!" I laughed.
"Aw, really? We practiced all day for that"
"I think ya' need more rehearsal luv" I laughed.
"Fair enough" he laughed "You should come to the studio, we're recording the Christmas album for the fan club. It's very festive here"
"I just got in!" I argued.
"Don't make me beg...really, John would have a ball with that. Pattie is here, she wants to see ya'! Plus I want to see ya'!" he said, his enthusiasm was infectious! Christmas time might actually turn out to
"Alright, alright. I'll be there in a half hour" I finally gave in.
I advised Sam and Ginny I would be out for awhile but would be back in time to start the bake.

"Tilly luv," I was greeted at the back door of Abbey Road Studios by Mal "How are ya'?"
"I'm fantastic Mal, yourself?" I asked. I had a soft spot for Mal, his size made him incredibly intimidating, but his demeanor made him very approachable.
"I'm great," he smiled "You're comin' in on a good day"
I had wondered what he meant. Mal led me through the hallways into the famous Studio 2. I heard laughter as I entered.
"Tilly luv!" Paul exclaimed getting up from the piano. He reached me and picked me up into a hug and kissed me.
"Bloody hell Macca!" John exclaimed. "We're right here!"
"And some of us have just eaten" Ringo laughed.
"Leave them alone!" Pattie scolded the other men. Finally, we were able to break away from each other.
"Welcome to the studio luv" Paul said.
"Alright boys," George Martin called over the talkback "Can we take it again?"
I had a blast watching them sing together, Ringo and his distinctive drumming style, Paul hammering out tunes on the piano, the harmonies they created together and the constant joking. Pattie and I joined in a few times and in general, tried making them laugh.
I normally hated the holidays but had a feeling this year would be enjoyable.

"I need another cup of sugar Til," Sam said to me. I was in the middle of rolling dough flat
"Sugar luv" Paul said handing her a cup of sugar. I'd invited Paul back for our tradition, neither Sam or Ginny minded the extra help.
"Tilly, how do you always manage to get flour in your hair?" Ginny laughed as she licked a spoon clean.
"I don't know, seems we have a perpetual dusting of it each year around this time" I retorted.
"So you throw a party for this each year?" Paul asked.
"Yeah, just our gift to our friends" Sam explained.
"It's fun to cram everyone in here" I laughed.
"That's silly," Paul added "Why not tell them to come to my home this year, invite more people that way"
"I couldn't ask you to do that luv" I said.
"Nonsense, I'm volunteering it," he said, "We'll make a big bash of it!"
"Oh, Tilly!" Ginny exclaimed "Let him! It'll be fun!"
"Fine then, we'll probably need to make more cookies" I added.
The party itself went off without problems. Our friends and Paul's friends got on well and everyone had a fabulous time! For once, we ran out of sweets early in the night and there was no worry of left over snacks.

The month had flown by and it was Christmas Eve. Paul and I arrived in Liverpool early afternoon, I was beside myself! I was meeting his family for the first time, I could only hope I'd leave a good impression. Paul immediately picked up on my nerves.
"Don't worry yourself so much baby girl," he said as we drove through his old neighborhood "I know my family, they'll love you"
"I hope so" I sighed as I rested against his shoulder.
We arrived soon after. Paul let himself in, holding tightly to my hand.
"Paul!" his father exclaimed, "So good to have ya' home!"
He approached us and embraced Paul.
"Hi Da'," Paul said warmly he then pulled me closer to him "Dad, this is Tilly. The girl I've been seeing for awhile now"
James McCartney smiled at me.
"It's a pleasure luv" he shook my hand "Welcome to McCartney manor" he laughed.
Almost immediately I felt more at ease.
"Glad to be here sir," I said.
"Cor...would ya' look at that? So proper," he laughed again "Definitely a Londoner, don't worry about the formalities luv, you're in Liverpool now"
I laughed, I was relieved to spend a Christmas dinner without having to worry about proper etiquette for once. Paul squeezed my hand and smiled at me, leading me into the house.
As we made our way to the living room where many more of the McCartney clan sat, a young man came up next to Paul, wrapped an arm around him and messed his hair.
"Bloody hell Mikey!" Paul laughed "Ya' know better than to sneak up on me like that! Ya' know pay back will be hell!"
"Hey, I saw an opportunity and seized it!" Mike laughed "How long ya' spendin' on that mop now? 1 hour? 2?"
"Sod off, ya' tosser!" Paul laughed.
"Ah,'s good ta' have ya' home" Mike smiled. "Who's this then?"
"Well, since ya' shut your gob for a moment, I can introduce her" Paul grinned "Mikey, this is Tilly. My girlfriend"
"Always go for the ones that'll make me jealous, don't ya'?" Mike laughed. He shook my hand "Pleasure to meet ya' Tilly luv," he leaned into me but spoke loud enough for Paul to hear "Confidentially, I'm more young and spry, so if ya' get bored with our boy Paulie here, I'll be 'round"
With that, Paul dropped my hand and put his brother in a headlock, messing Mike's hair. The two laughing loudly.
"Some things never change" Jim sighed "Can I get ya' some tea Tilly?"
"Tea sounds fantastic" I smiled.
"Paulie!" a female voice called before I could even think an older woman hugged Paul with the force of a bear.
"Good ta' see ya' as well Auntie Gin" he laughed.
"Good ta' have ya' home luv," she said warmly "Where's this new girl of yours? everyone is talking about her?"
He reached for my hand. The look he gave me at that moment, said so much. His smile was so warm and I could see the love in his face. He wasn't just showing me off, he genuinely wanted the rest of the family to know, I was part of them.
"Aunty Gin," he said "This is my lovely Tilly"
Aunty Gin looked me over.
"She is very lovely Paulie," she then pulled me into a warm hug "Welcome deary, you'll get used to the hugs"
I laughed "If I wasn't by this point, it'd be an awkward evening!"

Normally, the holidays weren't a time I enjoyed. However, being around Paul's family, watching them interact with each other and being completely included in everything, made me feel a warmth I hadn't felt since my father died. It was a bit overwhelming to be honest, at one point I did excuse myself for a cigarette.
I sat on the front step of the house, I couldn't believe I was meeting Paul's family. I couldn't believe they accepted me. As I was lost in my thoughts a familiar voice broke through.
"'Ello gorgeous," Paul said as he sat next to me, lighting his own cigarette.
I smiled "'lo yourself"
"So what do ya' think of the fam?" he asked "I know there's a lot of us and we're a bit loud and boisterous, however, they mean well"
"I adore your family luv," I smiled as he wrapped an arm around me "I'm glad they like me as well"
"Like you? They're ecstatic about you!" he laughed.
"Stop larkin' with me Paulie" I laughed.
"I'm not, just after you stepped out. They began talkin' 'she's lovely!' 'what a sweet girl!' 'charming!' 'gorgeous!'...that last one was Mikey by the way, he got a thump from his fiancé who then said I should hold onto you" he smiled.
I smiled up at him.
"God I love you, Tilly," he said suddenly
"I love you too Paul," I smiled "You've made this the best holiday season in a long time"
"Good. I hope to keep sharing this time of the year with ya'" he said before kissing me.
"Alright love birds," Mike said as he threw the door open "Everyone's startin' to wonder where ya' are. Ya' can have yer snoggin' time when ya' go home"
Paul rolled his eyes at his little brother's antics, helped me up and we made our way inside.

Unfortunately, we had to leave that night in order to be back in time for my family's Christmas the next day, something I admittedly wasn't horribly excited about. We said our goodbyes and were on our way.
"By the way," Paul said as we drove on "I've got a Christmas present for ya' when we get back to my place"
"I have a feeling I know what it is" I teased.
"That's only part of it luv," he laughed "Just wait til we get home"
The drive back to London didn't take long, I'd brought my change of clothes and necessities to Paul's home as we would be heading to my family's home the next afternoon.
The plus side about it being Christmas eve; was many of the gate bird's parents must've told them they needed to be home for the holidays and not hanging about Paul's house. It was quiet when we arrived, there were a few random gifts, cards and flowers sitting about the gate.
"Aren't you going to open your gifts?" I asked amused at it all.
"Maybe," Paul said "They tend to send me their least that's what a lot of them did last year, I had more women's underwear then most birds I know!"
I laughed and turned red.
As we entered the front door I heard Martha come bounding down the stairs, Paul turned on the light to see a large dog running at us. I heard another sound following her, I looked to Paul who was grinning. There running to catch up to Martha, was a little black puppy...its small tail wagging, one ear flopped over while the other stood erect...a little black cairn terrier puppy. I bent down and picked the puppy up, Martha huffed at me indignantly. The little black ball of fur licked at my face excitedly. I saw there was a small card on his collar.

To: Tilly

He's all yours luv
Happy Christmas

Love Paul

"Merry Christmas Luv" he said pulling me close to him.
"Thank you, he's absolutely perfect!" I said. I was trying not to seemed silly to cry.
"What's his name then?" Paul asked as the little puppy wriggled and licked one of us whenever he could.
"Well, he's a Scottish I suppose a proper Scottish name would do" I thought "How about Angus?"
"Angus?" He looked at the puppy "What do you think? Are you an Angus?"
The puppy answered him by trying to leap into his arms and give him more puppy kisses.
"I'd say that's a yes!" Paul laughed before setting Angus back on the ground with Martha. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, his arms wrapped themselves around me.
"I love you so much!" I said finally. He smiled at me warmly and kissed me again.
"What do ya' say we go upstairs for the second part of your Christmas present?" He smirked.
"Alright, I have a feeling you'll be getting a few more yourself" I laughed as he led me upstairs.

We lay together after making love, I was cozy in his arms, it was snowing out and the two dogs resting at the foot of the bed...everything was perfect.
"How did you get him here today?" I asked.
"Well, he's been staying at John's for a few days," Paul explained "I got him about 3 days ago...I'd been thinking a lot about how you said you always wanted a little cairn terrier, your own Toto, but never got one because...well...
anyway, I picked out Angus. He had the best personality and looked like Toto. I asked John to keep him for me for a few days, I made up the card last night when I was at John's before I picked you up. John then, brought him over while we were in Liverpool"
I smiled at him and kissed him again.
"There is a problem," I said.
"What's that?"
"I don't think I can keep him in my flat," I said sadly.
"That's fine..." Paul said. He smiled sheepishly at me "Angus comes with a stipulation"
I cocked my head.
"Move in with me luv," he asked warmly "I want to wake up to you every morning, be there when you've had a nightmare...I promise I'd make you happy"
I smiled. I was shocked honestly. I was a little nervous at the prospect, we hadn't known each other terribly long, I did know I loved him...More so than I'd loved anyone else.
"Give me a little time to sort things out," I said finally "I don't want to leave Sam on her own"
He smiled and kissed me warmly before we were back under the covers.

The next morning, I woke early and made my way into the shower. I had a lot on my mind in preparation for the visit with my family. As I lost myself in thought, I felt a warm pair of hands on me.
"Morning luv" Paul smiled at me as I turned to face him "Mind if I join you?"
"Not at all" I smiled. Within moments, he pulled me to him, kissed me deeply. I'd forgotten my worries in that moment. I was amazed at how easily he could calm me down, more so how he knew when it was needed. Needless to say, my shower was much longer than intended...neither of us complained.

All the fun I'd had the night before, the little puppy I'd gotten, even the morning surprise couldn't prepare me for the disaster we were about to face.   


A/N: I am a big dork over Christmas...I usually listen to the music that inspires the chapters while I'm loading them onto Wattpad.  bad idea!  Its only September lol.  as always, thank you for reading, voting and generally being awesome!

Soundtrack:  Christmas Time (Is here Again) - The Beatles

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