With a Little Help From My Friends

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  The next day, We slept in. We really didn't have to be anywhere until the premiere party for Magical Mystery Tour that evening...granted I had to run back to my flat and get my outfit, but that wouldn't take long. I woke to Angus gnawing on my finger; I smiled and picked him up
"Not everyone wants to be awake this early little one" I whispered to him, he excitedly licked my face. Martha had hopped off the bed and was nosing the door open, Angus always had to be a part of everything Martha did and instantly became curious and hopped off the bed to join her. I rolled over to see Paul still asleep. I often was in disbelief seeing him there, not simply because of who he was, but because of how much he cared for me.
I caressed his cheek softly, he smiled in his sleep. I knew then, I wanted him.
I made myself a bit more obvious, kissing his chest, he moaned softly, I worked my way up to his neck, I was on top of him now, his arms resting around my waist.
"Morning luv" he smiled as he woke up. He was even more irresistible when he was just waking up, his hair was always a mess and he had a slight hint of stubble.
"Morning," I said kissing him. He kissed back and pulled me even closer, his hands moving over me, I smiled at him
"Love you," I said simply
"I love you to—" I lowered myself onto him before he could finish, he moaned and pulled me closer "God I love you!".

"Christ...if I had you for an alarm clock luv, I'd never leave me house" Paul laughed as he came down from his high. Apparently, my plan had worked.
"That'd be ok with me" I laughed.
"I dunno' about that," he smiled "We'd get no recording done, the papers would have a riot 'Paul and his wanton girlfriend break up The Beatles'"
"Can't have that then..." I sighed "It'd kill my acting career"
He kissed me again.
"Ya' know...I've had plenty of birds," he started "too many for most people's likings. It's always been just sex with them"
"Really...what am I then?" I laughed
"Addictive. That's for bloody sure!" he laughed. He became serious "It's never been 'just sex' with you luv. It's always been something more....which is why I can't bloody well get enough" He laughed again pulling me close to him. He kissed me again; I was feeling much better about everything.
"Do ya' want some Breakie?" he asked.
"Sounds marvelous"
"Great, I'll go make some," he said happily. He got up and threw on his robe. "Make yourself at home luv"
"Think I'll do just that," I said getting up "I could use a shower"

I stood in the mirror after my shower looking at my face. Daphne had left me a nice black eye, some Christmas present. I looked horrible. It wasn't too swollen, but it was bruised pretty bad and was sore to touch. I wrapped myself in my dressing gown and made my way downstairs where the smells of breakfast were enticing me.
I laughed as Paul made eggs while talking to Martha and Angus telling them they weren't allowed any...yet sneaking a couple bites their way.
"I look bloody terrible," I said as I entered the kitchen
"What do ya' mean luv?" Paul asked.
"Oh I don't know, this bloody thing," I said pointing to my eye.
"I still think you're gorgeous" he smiled. I couldn't help smile back.
"That's all well and good, but we've got the premiere tonight..." I reminded him.
"I'll invite Pattie over, she's a whiz with makeup," he said.
"Alright, sounds good...I need to stop by my flat after breakfast and pick up my outfi—"I said sitting down, I stopped mid sentence, there was a note sitting on my plate. I saw Paul smile to himself as he continued cooking. I opened the piece of paper and read its contents;


After everything that's happened, I just want you to know what exactly I feel for you.

I love you. I know you know this, it honestly surprises me what I feel for you. I love you more than I have loved anyone. I wouldn't ask you to move in with me if I didn't.
I realize yesterday was hell on you, I can promise you, from this day forward I'll make the holidays a time you'll enjoy.

I know being with me won't always be easy. Things do get pretty mad for us, I just hope you're willing to put up with my life; I'll make it worth the while.

You deserve so much more than what's been handed to you in the past. I know things aren't always going to be easy, I'll be there whenever you need me luv. Don't be afraid to talk to me.

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