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A week later, I was in John's house wrapping up Julian's lesson.

"Fantastic job today Jules!" I said after he completed Piano Sonata 15 in C major (another piece I heard constantly, however, I was always impressed when kids learned it quickly).

"Ta Tilly" he smiled at me.

"Christ, I don't even think I could play that," John said from the doorway causing me to jump "Yer Paulie probably could, however"

"He's not mine yet luv," I smirked "It's been a week and I'm going slightly mental"

"Hey Jules, run along and play for daddy yeah?" John said.

Jules happily did what his father said.

"Believe me luv, you're his...he's as frustrated as you are over the publicity shite. I keep tellin' him not to worry and just bloody do what he wants, but he worries about our fans and such. It's how he's always been, I know he's meeting with the publicist today. And you've met with your agent?" John asked.

"Not yet. I was able to move our meeting to tomorrow after my lesson from hell" I laughed. John cocked his head "bad me, any temper tantrum Julian may have, pales in comparison to tomorrow's student"

John laughed slightly then got back on topic "Right then, stop worryin' yerself luv!" he put an arm around my shoulder "I know Paulie pretty well. I'm sure you'll hear from him soon"

"I know. I just don't like this middle ground and not knowing what's going on, I just want to know either way" I admitted.

"You will. And I've a feeling you'll like the result" he winked.

Soon after I was on my way out and heading to my next student, Vivian for her weekly voice lessons.

My lesson with Vivian went a bit longer than I'd expected.

"Remember Vivian, sing from your tummy...not the throat, you don't want to sound like a frog" I teased.

"Eeew! No!" she giggled.

"Vivian darling, you know it's improper to say such things!" a scratchy old voice came, one from my childhood "Of course, given your teacher I should expect no less"

There she stood, Mrs. Eddlesworth. She looked ancient, her white hair pulled into a tight bun...not much had changed about her since I was younger.

"Ah yes, but isn't it quite rude to make nasty remarks about others hidden under sarcasm" I grinned.

"I see you haven't changed a bit since you were a child, one would have hoped you'd have grown up since then, suppose all wishes can't come true. Especially in your case Miss Beckham" She said scrunching her nose up in disapproval.

"I see you've grown more age spots since I was your student. Hopefully, I caused those. Besides, my students seem to like me just fine the way I am" I smirked.

"Yeah, I like Miss Beckham" Vivian piped in. "She's fun" I smiled to myself

"Vivian, it's impolite to interrupt adult conversations" Mrs. Eddlesworth scolded.

"Ha! There's nothing adult about this!" I laughed "Anyway, I do need to be on my way, more students to teach. Good day to you Mrs. Eddlesworth" I said doing an overly dramatic bow to her before I left the room.

I smiled to myself.

"Your behavior is questionable Miss Beckham" a man's voice said. My heart leapt into my throat, I hadn't realized anyone had seen my behavior.

"Mr. Chattsworth, I..." I started.

"However, our little Vivian adores you." He said. He then leaned into me "Plus, ya' remind me of my wife at that age" he smiled. I smiled and bit the edge of my lip trying to keep from laughing.

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