Here, There, and Everywhere

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A/N:  Well, this is the final chapter :(  However, I currently have 2 more I'm working on (including the follow-up to this fic).  Thanks for reading, voting and shout outs :)  More soon! 


 I made my way up the familiar path, it was calm and quiet that morning. It was also the day before Lucy's wedding, I'd have to be at the rehearsal soon enough, but not until a much needed stop to visit dad. It had rained the night before, the cuffs of my jeans were soaked! I tightened the belt on my jacket as I walked, it looked like more rain would be on its way soon. Finally, I arrived at his burial site, flowers in hand. Just as I arrived I noticed a single red rose sat nearby his gravestone, I cocked my seemed curious that anyone else would've stopped by recently, given how busy we were getting ready for Lucy's wedding.

However, I filed it away and set my own flowers down as I crouched nearby the stone.
"Lucy is getting married tomorrow dad," I began "She's so happy. I'm happy for her too. I know you'll be there watching." I thought another moment "On the topic of being happy, I have to admit, it's been an emotion I've felt quite often these past few months...and love. I wish you could've met Paul dad, he's everything I could've hoped for".

After I'd finished my conversation with dad, I was on my way to the church.

"Ok, when he gets here don't make a big fuss alright?" I could hear Lucy tell her friends through a doorway in the church.
"Are you kidding Lucy?" one giggled "You have a Beatle singing in your wedding! How am I not to make a big deal"
"Just don't do it!" she said sternly "That's really all my sister asked, they've been recording a new album...she says he's pretty tired from it all"
I listened in on the conversation, amused.
"A new album?!?" a girl squealed "Maybe your sister will tell us what's on it!"
"Perhaps her sister doesn't even know all they're putting on it yet," I said as I entered the room finally.
"Tilly luv!" Lucy said happily "Where have you been?"
"Visiting Dad," I answered, "Did you visit him earlier this week?"
"Ug...I wish I could...been so busy with this wedding. Why?" Lucy asked.
"Odd...there was a rose at his grave when I arrived...thought maybe you left it," I said. We both shrugged thinking little on it. Her friends remained a bit restrained.
"Oh Bloody hell," one finally said, "Tilly luv, when is he getting here?"
The others giggled as Lucy tried to gain control of them.
"I would think soon," I said "I don't honestly know, the last I saw him was earlier this afternoon before he headed to the studio"
"And you were still waking up," a familiar voice said as two arms wrapped around me from behind "sorry I'm late"
I could've sworn they'd stopped breathing. I laughed.
"Paul, I'd like you to meet Lucy's bridesmaids; Tabitha, Molly, and Michelle" I introduced. They all gave their proper 'hellos'.
"Could you sing it?" Michelle asked.
"Sing what luv?" Paul smiled.
"My song, could you sing it for me? I would just die!" she said with wide eyes.
"Perhaps later," he winked. I watched Michelle turn red as the others laughed.

The rehearsal had gone of remarkably smooth, only a few snags (and Paul did sing Michelle for Michelle...she nearly fainted much to our amusement). Later that night after the bachelorette festivities, Lucy and I returned home. Paul had gone back to the studio after the rehearsal, I assumed he had been long asleep as we talked in Lucy's room.
"Can ya' believe it Til? I'm getting married tomorrow" she slurred.
"Hard to believe isn't it? Feels like we were just kids only yesterday" I laughed.
"Yeah, I just wish it had been a happier childhood," she said sadly
"There were good moments; remember stealing those bloody awful yard decorations from Mrs. Abernathy's lawn?" I grinned.
"I think that was the most fun I remember, we threw them in the pond didn't we?" she asked laughing.
"That's right! So they'd stop scaring you when you went outside" I recalled. We both laughed.
"Am I doing the right thing Tilly?" she asked suddenly.
"What do ya' mean? You love Ollie!" I said.
"I do, but we are young, his parents are are mum and Thomas" she admitted.
"Bollocks to them all! What do you feel?" I asked simply.
"Honestly, free." She said "I can start a new life...raise our children how they SHOULD be"
"Then you'll be fine," I said simply. "Anyway, get some rest, you do have a big day ahead of you luv, I should get some rest as well"
I shut her door behind me and climbed the stairs to my own bedroom. I was surprised to find Paul awake at the piano he had in our room, smoking a cigarette.
"Thought you'd be asleep," I said as I entered "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, things are fine" he smiled at me "Just thinking really"
"About what?" I asked as I sat next to him on the bench.
"Everything and nothing I suppose" he shrugged. He was never usually that cryptic with me.
"Are you sure you're alright luv?" I asked again. He smiled warmly and kissed me.
"I'm fine, let's get some sleep huh?" he smiled again. If I had any doubts about his odd behavior, they all seemed to disappear that night as he made love to me and held me the entire night.


The morning came faster than any of us anticipated, I helped Lucy gather all that she might need for the day (we'd only had to make 3 trips back to get things we forgot) and the three of us drove to the church. Lucy's dress along with the rest of the bridesmaids' dresses stayed safely in the dressing room at the church the night before. I began the arduous task of putting curlers in my hair and helping Lucy with her own.
"I have to admit, I'm happy with the dresses you picked for us Lucy," I said as I set her hair. What she picked, was a very simple design, long black dresses, sleeveless with blue sashes that tied around the waist.
"Thank you, you should see what Daphne picked for her wedding party....ech...yellow and pink, hideous if you ask me," Lucy said.
"She's still getting married?!" I asked astonished. "Moreover, you're still in the ceremony?"
"I won't be...after all this, I'm done. I'm not dealing with her more than absolutely necessary" Lucy said.
"Good for you," I said smiling at her.
"I have to admit Tilly," Tabitha said as she applied her makeup "I always thought you were the bad sister, then I read your article earlier this year. I feel like a bloody fool for ever thinking that"
"It's alright luv," I said finishing Lucy's hair.  The door had been left open ever so slightly.
"Oh, beg your pardon" a rather embarrassed male voice came from the door. There were shrieks and screams and a flock of girls flying to cover up at the sound. I glanced to see Paul standing nearby rather red. I hurriedly went to him, closing the door behind me.
"Sorry about that luv," he said feeling even more embarrassed. Not that I could blame him as I stood before him in nothing more than a dress slip and knickers.
"It's alright, I think you just shocked everyone" I laughed "What do you need?"
"Nothing really, just wanted to see you" he smiled.
"Like this?" I laughed "Wait until I'm dressed luv"
"I think yer still gorgeous like you are now" he grinned. "Reminds me of the knickers table during Magical Mystery Tour"
"Thanks, I should get back in and tell them they can come out of hiding," I said. He kissed me before leaving me to tend to my sister again.

The ceremony was perfect. I entered with the best man, who luckily was just as improper as I was (needless to say, when I had a slight stumble over my dress, we were able to laugh it off). I waved a small hello to Sam and Ginny in the crowd. I immediately went to the piano as the rest of the wedding party filed in, just as Lucy had requested I played the slow section from "Rhapsody in Blue" as she entered, it was surreal watching her, watching my mother tear up, trying my hardest not to. Paul stood nearby as I played and, as rehearsed, escorted me back to my position in the ceremony before he himself returned to the piano...I could hear a lot of hushed whispers about his presence in the crowd.
Lucy...she was beautiful. She glowed the entire time, seeing the love in both her and Ollie's faces made me smile continuously. Soon, Paul began his song;

"To lead a better life; I need my love to be here"

His voice was perfect. I couldn't stop watching him, which didn't go unnoticed as he'd look up from the piano and smile warmly at me. He was singing for Lucy, however, he was singing to me. I didn't realize how much love I had for him until that moment.
Before I knew it, Lucy and Ollie shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present you with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Willingston"
The crowd clapped politely...except for Sam and Ginny who were louder than everyone there. I laughed, it had all gone by in a flash.

"How does it feel to be married, little sis?" I asked as I sat at the bridal party's table and relaxed.
"I don't know yet, this is all very surreal" she smiled "Did I really just have Paul McCartney sing at my wedding?"
"As far as I'm concerned, ya' did" Paul laughed. He sat next to me, which was usually unheard of as he wasn't part of the wedding party, however...we were all concerned about what might happen if he sat amongst anyone else...especially Daphne.
"Thank you so much," she said to him.
"You're quite welcome" he smiled "just don't go rushin' to the papers about it, yeah?"

There was a dance following dinner, I watched happily as Lucy and Ollie shared their first dance to Etta James' "At Last". I was barely phased by Daphne and Cedric's presence at that point. Lucy's friend from school, Niles, acted as the deejay for the evening.
"Ok, then," he said as their dance finished "Let's pick it up a bit. The bride made a special request for this little tune, dedicated to her sister"

"Helloooo Baby.." the Big Bopper's voice boomed over the room. I laughed as Lucy hugged me.
"Don't think you're getting away without dancing to this luv" Paul laughed.
"Give me a moment to get out of these bloody heels!" I laughed. Paul and I danced and had far too much fun.
"Oh Baby that's what I like" he sang along, pulling me close to him as the song ended.
"I'm cutting in!" Lucy said as Elvis' Little Sister began. I laughed and found willing dance partners in Sam and Ginny.
Much of the evening went on like that as girls from everywhere flocked in for a dance with Paul, I wasn't without, however, I danced with Ollie's friends in the wedding party and always found Sam and Ginny.
"Alright, I think for the sake of a certain lad out there...we're going to slow it down a bit" Niles said.
"Thanks mate!" Paul called over the dance floor. Niles then put on a classic, Unchained Melody, I excitedly made my way to Paul as I hadn't had a dance with him in what seemed like ages! I was cut off by Daphne...
"Surely you'll have plenty of dances with him, little sis," she smiled at me "Let me have this one"
I wasn't happy, to say the least. I knew she was false in her attitude toward me.
"Hey Tilly, I'll have a dance with ya'" Ollie said "haven't gotten the chance yet"
I smiled at him "Thank you Ollie"
Ollie and I danced together.
"You're happy for us yeah?" he asked trying to distract me. Daphne was laying it on thick, pressing against Paul as close as she could.
"Pardon?" I asked.
"You're happy I married Lucy, yeah?" he asked again.
"Of course I am!" I said surprised "Why are you asking me?"
"Because I'd actually care if you said you weren't" he admitted.
"Well, I'm happy for the two of you luv," I assured him "however if you hurt her...just remember you'll have me to reckon with"
he laughed. I glanced at Paul and Daphne again, she was whispering something in his ear as she ran her hands through his blood boiled at the sight! Paul only seemed to be tolerating her, it still made me want to throw her from the stairway. The song ended. Ollie whispered to me
"I know there's another slow song, go get him"
I winked at him and quickly made my way to Paul.
"Oh Tilly," Daphne laughed "Paul and I were having a lovely time"
I smirked, not even saying a word to her. Just then the familiar chords of Procol Harum's Whiter Shade of Pale sounded through the room. Daphne put her arms around his neck for another dance.
"Sorry luv, Tilly gets this one," Paul said as cordially as possible.
"Just one more dance, I promise I'll make it worth your while" she cooed. I clenched my teeth, she wasn't taking my song!
"No." he said sternly "Tilly gets this dance"
he gently moved out of her arms and into mine. It had never felt so good to be in his embrace!
"Finally I get to hold you again" he smiled.
"Seems like it's been awhile, doesn't it?" I laughed. I'd all but forgotten about Daphne seeing how he looked at me. It was no wonder girls flocked to him all night! I don't know if it was the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, the formal vest and tie or the smell of his cologne, he seemed even more irresistible!
"Yer gorgeous tonight luv," he said finally.
"Thanks" was all I could muster, I'm sure I'd blushed horribly!
"You know I love you, don't you?" he asked. I smiled at him.
"Of course I do," I said.
"Well, good. That's a start," he laughed. I wondered what he was getting at. He continued.
"I thought I'd have more to say to ya's once I was able to dance with ya' again. Or at least that I'd pick a better moment for this since I don't want to take attention away from Lucy's day"
I felt my heart leap into my throat at those words, was what I thought was happening really happening? I could feel his heart racing, he smiled warmly and continued again.
"Tilly, I know we've only been together a short time...but I don't want it to end. Ever."
He reached into his pocket, extracted a small velvet box...I bit my lip in an attempt not to cry (I bloody hated when girls did that! Now here I was, about to do the same!). He opened the small box revealing a silver ring with a decent sized diamond set in the middle of the band. Without thinking I gasped.
"Will you—" before he could finish the question I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him, I felt his arms go around me, pulling me closer to him as he smiled into the kiss.
"Is that a yes then?" he asked.
"Of course," I said softly. He smiled wide and kissed me again.
"You've no idea how happy you've made me luv," he said as he took my hand and placed the ring on my finger.
"Believe me, I have an idea" I smiled. The music had been over for awhile.
"Did what I think just happen, really happen?" I heard Lucy ask as she sidled up next to me.
I laughed as Lucy hugged me, Sam and Ginny were there within moments.

Paul and I sat together outside on a small swing, our friends still inside celebrating and dancing the night away.
"So how long had you planned this?" I asked as he laced his fingers in mine.
"Awhile...I had the ring months ago, I wanted it to be the right time. I even went so far as to ask your father's permission" he said softly.
" you're the one who left the rose at his grave?" I asked suddenly realizing the events of the day.
"Guilty" Paul laughed. We sat in silence awhile.
"So when do you want to marry?" I asked.
"Tomorrow," he said without skipping a beat
"I'm going to need a bit more time than that!" I laughed.
"Alright then, when would you like?" he asked. I thought a moment.
"December" I answered finally
"December? Isn't that a bit long?" he laughed.
"Perhaps, but something about winter always makes me happy. I love the idea of a small wedding, just a few close to us, as the snow is falling...the scent of pine around...and a big party in the evening!" I said.
"sounds perfect," he said kissing my forehead "I really do love you, Tilly. I know family life hasn't been easy on ya', but we're starting our own soon, I promise it will be filled with love. Never doubt that."
I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair like I'd done so many times before.
"I never have," I said.
I never would. I had him, I had a new life to look forward to.
Everything would be alright. 


A/N:  Thanks for reading!  There will be more very soon :)

Soundtrack:  Here, There, and Everywhere - The Beatles 

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