Whiter Shade of Pale

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  I wasn't able to schedule an interview until after the New Year, which was quite alright by me. In the short few days between Christmas, the premiere and New Years, I had very few lessons, most students were heading out on a brief holiday before school resumed. I didn't mind as it was a nice time for me to relax with my friends and go on a few more dates with Paul.

It was New Year's Eve day, later that evening there would be a large party...bigger than anything Sam or I had thrown, I sat on a couch playing tug of war with Angus.
"Sure you're ready to host all this then?" I asked as Paul sat next to me.
"Of course!" he grinned "I love hosting a good bash now and then"
"I still have to figure out what I'll be wearing," I said as Angus growled loudly. I figured with it being a party and such, only the best of mod attire would be required.
"Don't worry about it, just wear what you're wearing now" Paul said warmly. What I was wearing was a pair of flared jeans and a blue plaid button down shirt. Granted, it was a fashion I was glad was coming about considering my love for all things comfy, however, it didn't seem appropriate for a party.
"What I'm wearing now HARDLY seems appropriate for a New Year's Eve party hosted and attended by London's elite" I laughed as I leaned into Paul's arms.
"I like your tomboy side, it's cute. 'sides, if I had my way you wouldn't be wearing anything" he said tugging playfully at a button on my shirt.
"Right, then half of London would see your girlfriend nude" I laughed.
"On second thought, I'd rather you wear a frock the rest of the evening" he laughed before kissing me.
"I'll find a middle ground" I kissed him back.
He smiled and pulled me onto his lap. He kissed me deeper and pulled me close to him, I heard Angus hop off the couch realizing he was no longer the center of attention. Paul ran a hand through my hair as the other slowly crept under my shirt, his touch was always warm and incredibly addictive, without realizing it I moaned into his kiss, he pressed me against him more.
"What about getting ready for this bash?" I said trying to break away from him and regain some focus.
"mmmm...It can wait luv," he said in a low voice (admittedly one that drove me wild) as he began unbuttoning my shirt "I can get ready in a pinch"
With that, he pulled me close to him and kissed me deeply, his hands running over me, I knew there was no arguing, not that I really wanted to argue.
"Tilly lovey," I heard over the intercom "We're here!"
Both Paul and I jumped.
"What the bloody hell?" he laughed.
"They weren't supposed to be here until 6!" I said trying to hurriedly re-button my shirt. "Which given Ginny's time keeping, meant they should've been here by 7!"
"Um, you'd better answer that luv" Paul smiled "Need a moment to meself to um...calm down a bit"
I laughed.
I took a deep breath to calm myself down and made my way to the intercom.
"It's 5:30!" I laughed
"We know, Ginny thought she'd need extra time to get ready" Sam explained. I heard Ginny protest and Sam laugh.
I let them in the gate, I could hear gate birds in the background.
A few moments later I was letting Sam and Ginny in the house. They had asked if It'd be alright to get ready at Paul's, rather than trying to stuff themselves in the small bathroom of our apartment.
Sam began laughing "Troubles getting dressed Tilly bean?" she asked.
"What do ya' mean?" I asked, I had buttoned everything up hadn't I? She pointed at my shirt. It was uneven, I'd managed to completely give myself away.
Both Ginny and Sam laughed.
"Blimey!" Sam laughed "Could ya' be any more obvious??"
"Should we come back later then?" Ginny laughed "When you're not...busy?"
"Sod off!" I laughed as I turned red.
"Evening girls" Paul called from the kitchen.
"'Ello Paul" Sam called.
"Thanks for letting us get ready here" Ginny added.
"The way I figure, I've got three girls getting ready in me bedroom" he smirked "gives me some braggin' rights to John and the lads"

"Thanks for letting me borrow some clothes" Ginny whispered as we walked from the kitchen to the living room. For a new year's party with the rockers, the mods and the posh of London, the dress code was casual....still trendy, but comfortable. Ginny had brought her finest and for once felt out of place. Turns out, Paul enjoyed being able to relax during the winter holidays.
"It's no trouble luv" I smiled. The house was busy that night, but happy. music filled the air, drinks were in everyone's hand and there seemed to be an endless supply of food.
"Ah, Tilly lassie" a Scottish accent called. I had met Donovan for the first time that night, I instantly realized why he and Paul were friends.
I smiled at him as he approached, he seemed a bit tipsy...we all were, he hugged me warmly "How are ya'?" he asked as he draped an arm around my shoulder
"Fine luv, at least since the last time I saw ya'....15 minutes ago" I laughed.
"It's only been 15 minutes? How does McCartney ever leave your side for more than 5?" he flattered. "Ginny, dinnea' think yer escapin' me" he motioned to his other side. Ginny giggled and obliged.
"Can't leave ya' alone for a few minutes can I Donovan?" Paul laughed from behind us
"Sorry mate," Donovan laughed "Ya' know how it is at these parties, find a girl...or two.."
"Not mine" Paul laughed pulling me close to him. Donovan simply laughed.
"Where's Sam?" Ginny asked
"I think she's in a debate with John about American politics" Paul advised
"Is that the Scottish lass?" Donovan asked hopefully
"Yeah...that'd be Sam" I laughed.
"Ach! C'mon Ginny, let's find 'er fer ya'" Donovan said as they walked off to another room in search of Sam.
"Having a good time luv?" Paul smiled at me
"It's perfect"
There was lots of happy chatter and the music, much as I was classically trained, I was happy to be living in a time where the music took on such a different turn. Psychedelia was in full force and I loved it all! Over the noise, we heard the intercom buzz.
"Who's there?" Mal asked
"Tilly's sister" a voice came. Mal was only slightly aware of my situation, he knew I didn't get on well with my sister. I saw Paul immediately take interest in what was happening and we made our way to him quickly, my nerves slightly on edge.
"I'm terribly sorry miss, but you aren't invited," Mal said plainly
"Her good sister!" Lucy's voice cut through.
"Lucy?" I said excited and confused at the same time. Mal looked to me, I simply nodded to let her in. I looked to Paul, he must've seen the mix of excitement and confusion in my face.
"Looks like you'll be seein' your sister sooner than ya' though" he smiled.
It sounds terrible, especially with all the joy I'd been feeling, but I could only hope it was a visit that wouldn't bare bad news. If I knew Thomas, he would forbid her from seeing me, therefore, any reason she might be seeing me might have a terrible reason behind it in my mind.

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