Please, please, please, let me get what I want

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  "You'll be meeting my grandmother today," Sam said as she absentmindedly applied another coat of eyeliner.
"Sam luv, I've already met her" I laughed. Me showing up for dinner wasn't unheard of.
"No, my other Grandmother," Sam said "on me dad's side, she's flown in from America"
"Anything you need to prepare me for?" I asked sarcastically.
"Not really no, just wanted to let you know" she grinned. We finished getting ready and were soon out the door.

"Samantha!" a woman with a thick Scottish accent answered the door "Good ta' have ya' home"
Sam's mum, short...maybe an inch or 2 taller than Sam (Sam herself being about my height), she had bright red hair and a very welcoming disposition.
"There's my girl," an American accent said. Sam's dad hugged her, he was tall with dark brown hair and a smile never seemed to leave his face.
"And Tilly!" the small Scottish woman said hugging me, "Dinnea think I'd forget you. It's good to see ya' as well"
"Thanks, Mrs. Williams" I smiled.
"Welcome home Tilly," he said as he embraced me. I'm sure he knew, it meant the world to me whenever he said that.
"Where's my lovely granddaughter?" an elderly voice called as she entered the room.
A short white haired woman entered, her glasses nearly as big as her head.
"Hullo, Grandma Williams," Sam said warmly. Sam's family was extremely important to her, their home was always light and full of love. I was always a bit envious of that, but couldn't be too much as they accepted me as their own.
"Look at you!" Grandma Williams said excitedly "So grown up from the last time I saw you"
"Well, reaching my 20s might have something to do with that" Sam laughed. She then turned to me "Grandma Williams, this is my flat mate...and my best mate; Tilly Beckham"
"She's one of our own ma" Mr. Williams smiled. The old woman looked me over, then smiled.
"It's great to meet you, Tilly," she said "I've heard so much about you already. Don't think you're getting away without a hug"

"So Tilly, I hear you were in a film recently," Sam's father asked before passing me the mashed potatoes
"Oh! Yeah. It was a lot of fun, very different from anything else I've done" I explained.
"Yeah, on her last commercial...she came home with mouthwash, this time she came home with a Beatle!" Sam laughed. I shot her a look and blushed. She and her parents laughed. I laughed as well, realizing it didn't really matter to them who I was dating.
"You'll have to forgive me, but are we talking about a bug?" Sam's grandmother asked.
Both Sam and I laughed.
"No, Grandma," Sam said finally "The Beatles are a very popular band from Liverpool"
"Strange things these kids call themselves nowadays I tell ya'," Grandma Williams laughed "So, Tilly what do you do for a living?"
"I'm a music teacher, voice, and piano," I said as I passed food to Sam.
"How nice!" her grandmother said excitedly.
The meal continued on in much of the same fashion, getting re-acquainted, laughter and a large meal.
After, Sam and I sat in the living room with the rest of her family.
Sam's dad entered with a paper, he flipped it to a particular page and handed it to his mother. I glanced over and knew exactly what he was showing.
"See mom?" he said "That's the young lad Tilly is dating"
I shook my head and blushed.
"Come now Tilly, ya' dinnea think we wouldna' save somethin' like that?" Mrs. Williams laughed. I just sipped my tea and laughed.
"Well Tilly, he is handsome. I'll give ya' that" Grandma Williams said as she looked at the photo "But his hair is a bit long, don't you think?"
"That's the style ma" Mr. Williams laughed.
"Oh, my. Things have changed haven't they?" she laughed.

The rest of the evening was spent playing a few board games and chatting. I always enjoyed my time with Sam's family. By the time we arrived home, we were both too tired and too full to go out. I rang Paul to say a quick "hello".
The phone rang only moments after I hung up. Sam shook her head thinking it was Paul again. "Can't get enough of each other can ya'?" she teased.
"'Ello?" I laughed into the phone.
"Hello, Tilly luv" a female voice answered. One I was surprised but happy to hear.
"Mum!" I said excitedly "Hi... how are you?"
Unfortunately, the bad blood between Daphne and I, and Thomas and I put a strain on my relationship with my mother.
"Oh I'm fine lovey," she said "I was calling to invite you to Christmas dinner"
I wasn't surprised. This was really the only family function I was invited to during the year...I think more on Mum and Lucy's insistance.
"Oh. Yeah. I'll be there." I answered.
"Wonderful!" she said happily "We really do miss our little Tilly" (sure, she and Lucy did)
"Bring your young gentleman along as well" she continued.
"Oh! Ok. I'll see what he's doing, I know he wants to go to Liverpool to see his family, I'll see if he wants to stop by as well" I said.
"We really are excited to see you, and to meet him," Mum said. (again, SHE and LUCY were excited...they were the only reason I even thought of saying yes).
"Tilly luv," she said seriously "Why won't you be in your sister's wedding?"
I was silent a moment.
"I think you know the answer to that mum...," I said quietly.
"I know lovey," she said "But can't you bury the hatchet? You've found someone"
"It isn't just about bloody Cedric mum!" I said before she could finish "Daph and I are sisters only by blood. Mum, I love ya'. I'm coming back for you and Lucy alright?"
"Alright Tilly," she sighed "We'll see you at Christmas. Perhaps you'll change your mind then"
I rang off. I loved my mother, I admired that she wanted nothing more than peace in her family...but I knew deep down, she knew it would never be achieved. I sighed.
"Christmas with the fam?" Sam asked leaning on the kitchen counter
"Yeah..." I said quietly.
"Should I call in the fire brigade?" She teased. I laughed softly.
"Perhaps." I said "I think I'm going to bed"
"Til...are you alright?" she asked seriously.
"I'll be fine," I said already heading down the hall to my room.

The hallways were cold and unwelcoming. The walls a disgusting color of green. It made dad's hospital bed seem like a summer's day. I was happy if, for only a moment, I wasn't in those halls...although I could hear other people who were...crying...talking to themselves...screaming. I shuddered as I sat on the large couch. I pulled my dressing gown around me.
"You don't belong here" he finally said
"I beg your pardon?" I asked. I was 11 years old...clad in ill fitting pajama pants, a tshirt, and a big blue dressing gown. Hand me downs. From who? I wasn't was better than the hospital gowns others had to wear.
"You don't belong here Tilly" Dr. Moritz reiterated.
I stared out a best I could, I hated the bars on all the windows.
"What do you mean 'I don't belong here'? my family seems to think I do" I spat sarcastically. It was just a few weeks after my so called "accident", namely my sister impaling me...the stitches were out, however, Thomas made the decision I was no longer safe, I presented a danger to my sisters and family.
"Well, as your psychiatrist...I'm telling you. You. Don't. Belong. Here." He said. He got up from his desk and sat with me on the couch
"You are one of the few patients here who I am confident saying doesn't belong here and hasn't from the start" Dr. Moritz explained "I'm calling your parents in this afternoon for a meeting to talk with them about your status. In the meantime, lunch is ready ask one of the nurses to open the music room for you later."
"I think I'll ask now..." I said "I hate the food here"
"Confidentially, so do I," he said as he led me out the door.

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