Dream a Little Dream of Me

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Unfortunately, all things must come to an end, so they say. Filming wrapped up shortly after. Mandy practically tackled me to get my contact info, Jessie gave me a simple note and a kiss on the cheek saying "Take care deary".

That day, saying goodbye was hard. Even though I was sure I'd see Paul again it didn't make it any easier. He held me close as I stood waiting for a taxi to take me back to London, telling me he wished he could take me to France with him (they were finishing the last bit of filming in Nice), we both agreed the press would have a ball with that, I also needed to get back home and back to work.

I stood in the small bathroom mirror brushing my teeth getting ready for the day, Sam and I shoulder to shoulder battling for mirror space as we'd both needed to get to work, it was good to be around my flat mate again.

Much as being an actress is fun and what I want to do, it doesn't always provide the financial stability one needs. Granted, Magical Mystery Tour left me sitting pretty for a bit. However, I did enjoy my day job. I worked as a piano and voice teacher, I travelled to people's homes and taught children the art of music. Most of my students were from rich families, so my usual attire of t-shirt and jeans or even my trendy Carnaby finest were unsuitable. No, on days I had to work, it was normally a white button down blouse, black pencil skirt and sensible shoes...I wasn't overly fond of dressing like this, especially since Sam made a point of making fun of it.

"It pays the bills luv" I said pulling my hair into a conservative ponytail.

"Right. Suppose I can't fault ya' for that!" she laughed. It had been a couple weeks since filming ended, Paul was still in France, I knew at some point when he returned he had a memorial service for their manager Brian who'd passed (bloody sad thing too, he'd mentioned how much Brian's death had hit him)...he warned me he would be busy but was going to be in touch soon. I had been keeping extremely busy with my work.

I said my farewell to Sam, picked up my keys and left for the day.

I knocked on the large chestnut door I had become familiar with. My final student of the day, admittedly one of my favourites; Vivian Chatsworth.

Vivian was a sweet little 8 year old, blond hair that curled perfectly at the ends, sweet as could be and a much needed relief from Eugene Pennington the third. As I got lost in my own thoughts, thoughts on the terror named Eugene, thoughts on Vivian's current lessons, thoughts on what Sam and I might cook for dinner and most of all thoughts of Paul, a middle aged woman answered the door.

"Good afternoon Miss Beckham, I trust you're well?" Mrs. Chatsworth said. She was always very kind and welcoming.

"Oh yeah, Mrs. Chatsworth, doing very well indeed. Yourself?" I asked, realizing that may not have been proper etiquette. She smiled.

"Oh, I'm very well. Vivian is in our music room awaiting you" She smiled.

"Thank you Mrs. Chatsworth" I smiled as I walked across the marble floors. Upon entering the lavish music room, I heard the familiar melody of Moonlight Sonata filling the room. While I was happy it was a break from hearing Fur Elise (believe me, when you teach piano to children, you hear that piece constantly)...it also hit me hard. That was the song I played at my father's funeral. I wasn't much older than Vivian when I played it that day. When asked why I wanted to play that song (mum wanted me to sing), I simply said "it's what I feel".

Vivian, playing it beautifully brought back the memories, I'd played it many times since that day, but seeing a young girl, not even 10 years old play it again hit me. I stood and listened. Before I knew it, I was wiping a tear away from my face as Vivian finished.

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