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  A/N:  Okay, usually I do my notes after and maybe I still will.  but really, I need to take a 

second to say a huge thank you to @Xpen7777! For reals (okay, I go between scotch dialect, proper English and this mix of millennial crap in my real'll learn to love it), the comments make me giddy and if you haven't, read their story The Girl Who Changed Everything, the writing is superb, the characters are well written and I constantly want to read more!  Anyway, as always, the comments, votes, and love don't go unnoticed!  Thanks as always.  Magical Mystery Tour will be wrapping up in a few chapters, BUT...I am in the midst of continuing with a second part AND writing something totally new :)


The next morning, after finally getting out of bed (I was never a morning person, and nights, when I'd had a flashback, were always difficult anyway), I called Mandy and Ginny.  We agreed to meet at a local cafe, I was excited for Mandy and Ginny to meet each other, I had a feeling they would get along fabulously and I wasn't disappointed.

I picked up Ginny first, she was ready in record time.  Leave it to Ginny to get excited over shopping!
"So, are you excited for your date tonight Gin?" I asked as we drove on.
"Yeah, he's really nice, I think we're going to Bag O' Nails," Ginny said excitedly. "What about you Til? Are you excited?"

"A bit, I mean Paul doesn't have to do stuff like this....but I'm not going to complain" I laughed.

"Tilly!" I was greeted at the cafe we'd chosen by a very excited Mandy.
"Mandy luv!" I hugged her "It's been too long!"
"Very true luv," she smiled "How was India?"
"It was fantastic!" I said excitedly "It's also good to be back home"
"Well, I'm glad you're back! Sam and I didn't know what to do without you!" Ginny laughed.
"By the way, Mandy, this is one of my best mates; Ginny," I said introducing the two "Hopefully between the two of you we can find something for tonight," 
"Of course we will!" Mandy said excitedly

As expected, Ginny and Mandy hit it off perfectly!  And loved every second of making me pretty for my date with Paul.
"Ok, isn't your color" Mandy laughed as I stood in front of a mirror sampling yet another dress.

"Let me get this straight" I laughed "Green isn't my told me red made me look like a hussy, Ginny thinks black is too this rate, I'll be goin' to dinner in my knickers!"

"I'm sure Paul wouldn't mind that" Ginny grinned as she searched the clothing racks for another dress.
"Is there anything I can help you with Miss Beckham?" a store clerk asked. I admired the fact that despite the three of us cracking inappropriate jokes and being far too loud for a formal shop, she remained extremely cheerful, we may have been loud but we weren't rude to her.
"Tilly!" Ginny said excitedly "I think I found something!"
She came running at me with yet another dress, this one was a deep blue satin with a paisley pattern woven in. It was indeed very pretty, now the question remained; would it be the right one?
I slipped into the dressing room for what seemed like the hundredth time and tried on Ginny's new pick.
"Wow..Tilly lovey," Mandy said as I came out to get an opinion "If Paulie isn't breathless when he sees ya' in that, find a new man!"
Ginny giggled. I laughed and threw a stocking at her before I looked in the mirror, Ginny had outdone herself. The dress hugged me in all the right places, it was low cut, but not distastefully.
"The color brings out your eyes too" Ginny nodded.
It was settled finally, I had the to go home and relax for a couple hours.

I decided after putting curlers in my hair (a task I LOATHED, however, loved the results), to take a bath. One thing I adored about Paul, he not only had an amazing bath in his home, he also knew how to spoil himself (for that matter, whatever girls he may have had over)...needless to say, there were plenty of bath oils and the like and I intended to test some out that night.
I was completely relaxed as the smell of vanilla and lavender filled my senses. Soon after I dozed off.

"You know you're gorgeous, yeah?" he said softly.
"How do I know that's not just some line you use on girls?" I asked. He kissed me, I didn't want to admit it, but I was falling in love with him fast.
"You'll just have to trust me" he smiled.

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