She's Leaving Home

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  "I think that's the last box," I said helping Sam carry a box through the door.
"Alright then, it's official. You are the lightest mover I know" Sam teased.
"Don't complain" I laughed. I had finished moving my things to Paul's home and would be spending my last night in my old flat with Sam and Ginny. It was a little bittersweet...while I was excited to live with Paul at Cavendish; I would also miss living with Sam. Paul helped set the box down while Ginny played with Angus and Martha.
I wrapped my arms around Paul's waist and his found their way around me.
"Alright, I'm going out with Sam and Ginny for the night luv...and I'll be back home tomorrow afternoon" I smiled. Paul instantly grinned.
"Perfect. I've got plans with John anyway" he said before kissing me "Love you"
"You too" I smiled
"Aw c'mon Til!" Sam laughed "We're right here!"

The three of us made our way out the gate. The fans seemed to have a love/hate relationship with the moment, they were in hate with me as I was moving in with their Paulie. Signs adorned the gates, begging Paul to change his mind. They'd made several chants telling me to go back to my old flat.
"Bloody hell, how does it not even affect you Til?" Ginny asked as we piled into my car.
"I don't let it. Give it a few days, they'll get over it" I laughed.

Our night out consisted of a jaunt in Carnaby, a nice dinner, and a stop to say hello to Sylvia. Later in the evening, we were back at the flat.
"You don't mind if I stay in my old room tonight?" I asked Ginny.
"Not at all, I can take the'll be just like it's always been" she laughed drunkenly.
Sam grabbed a couple lagers from the kitchen and brought them back to us.
"Thanks, luv," I grinned as she sat on the couch
"So Tilly" Ginny said finally "Now that we have you alone..."
"Uh oh...that's never a good start to a sentence" I laughed
"What's he like?" She asked without skipping a beat.
"What's who like?" I said taking a drink knowing full well what she meant.
"Stop larkin' Tilly," Ginny said tossing a pillow at me "You know exactly who I mean!"
"Oh, Paul," I said calmly. Sam laughed as Ginny became more agitated.
"Fine Ginny, I'm feelin' in a mood...ask away" I laughed.
"Well, I mean..." Ginny blushed "you know what I mean..."
"No, I don't really" I shook my head.
"You know..." she said waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
"I think ya' got somethin' in your eye Gin" I laughed.
"Bloody hell! What's he like in bed?!?" she exclaimed and immediately cupped her hands over her mouth as she turned red. Both Sam and I broke into hysterics.
"Well?" Sam asked as her laughter died out.
"You too Sam?" I laughed. Sam wasn't one to usually care about such things.
"C'mon Tilly bean!" She laughed "Our best friend is dating a Beatle, we should be able to get the inside scoop on such things"
"Alright then..." I said taking another drink, thinking on the many nights I'd had with Paul, the mornings. Each touch, every kiss, every movement. I smiled.
"He's amazing! Really, that's all I can say, just..." I pretended to faint into Sam's lap.

Eventually, we all became too tired to chat. Sam went into her room for the evening and I made my way into my old room for one final night, part of me would miss the small room. I smiled as I fell asleep, happy in the life I was living.

I sat in a small pub at the counter, counting my change to see if I had enough for a drink. I'd set my duffle bag nearby me. I had no idea where I'd be spending the night, I'd spent the night on a couple couches of strangers...not something I was happy about, but I couldn't afford a place yet. I couldn't find a job either.
"Anything I can get ya' miss?" the barman asked. I was 18, just left home. I'd packed my bags in the middle of the night after a particularly brutal fight with my sister, written a note for my mum and left. Now I sat, bruises on my cheek, a cut on my lip and a black eye, counting the change I stole from my step dad.
"You tell me," I said sliding the change toward him. He frowned sympathetically.
"I'm afraid not luv"
I sighed. "Mind if I just sit here awhile?" I asked.
"Sure," he said warmly.  I'm sure he felt sorry for me in my sad state.
"Oh, get 'er a stout Max," a female voice said as she sat next to me "Looks like she's had a rough go of it" she turned to me "I'll buy, don't worry yerself"
"Alright Sam" the barman, now known as Max, said to the young girl. The girl, now known as Sam, was my age; she had reddish brown hair that she kept pulled back loosely.
"I'm Sam Williams," she said introducing herself "And your name?"
"Tilly," I said finally, still baffled at her "Tilly Beckham"
"Pleasure to meet ya' Tilly," she smiled as our drinks were handed to us "looks like ya' had a bit of a fight? Did ya' win?" she laughed. I laughed as well.
"I think so...I'm away from my sister, so I'd say I won," I said suddenly feeling I'd said too much. It wasn't something I spoke about often, why was I talking it over with a random girl in a pub?
"Blimey! Your sister did that to ya?" she said "Makes me glad I'm an only child!
I laughed at the remark.
"So, where are ya' staying then?" she asked noting the large bag sitting at my feet.
"I don't know," I said looking into my glass "I figured I'd just sleep in a transit station tonight...figure the rest out in the morning"
"That's silly." She said bluntly "Why not just stay with me?"
"I couldn't do that," I said taking another drink
"Course ya' can! And you will" she said. "No arguments, I'm ringing my family now"

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