Her Morning Elegance

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  Another week or so had passed, I'd lost track of time while in India. One morning, I was still half asleep as Paul sat drinking tea and reading a book we'd each gotten upon arrival at the Ashram. Already, it was hot that day. I must not have been fully covered by the sheet because the next thing I knew, in my half-awake state, there was a warm hand on my breast and a pair of lips against mine coaxing me awake.
"I swear, you stay in bed like this just to entice me back" Paul smiled as he broke away from the kiss.
"It works doesn't it?" I laughed "'sides, it's not my fault if you're easily distracted"
"Yes it is...you're the only thing that distracts me so easily," he said as he kissed my neck. I sighed happily, he picking up on my sigh, smiled and moved down, kissing along my stomach softly.
I ran my fingers through his hair, every moment with him was bliss. His kisses moved along my stomach, closer to me again, he slid a hand between my legs which caused me to moan (how could it not?!?). I felt him smile against my skin as he kissed my neck
"mmm...Tilly," he said huskily "Do you want me?"
"You know I do luv" I sighed.
"I want to hear you say it.." he whispered softly. Bloody hell! How he could always make me want more of him was beyond me!
I looked to him, ran my fingers through his hair
"I want you, Paul," I said. He smiled warmly, then kissed my nose softly as he moved over me.
"I love ya' Tilly," he said before kissing me.
I smiled, ran my fingers through his hair again and kissed him. I pulled him close and moved against him. He moaned softly and kissed me deeper as he thrust inside of me.
I couldn't ever get enough of him, his body against my own felt like a perfect match.
Sweat plastered his hair to his face, I wrapped my legs around him commanding him closer.

"You're too much," I said kissing his neck softly before resting my head on his shoulder again.
"You are to luv" he smiled. "Ciggie?"
I nodded and moved from my spot slightly as he sat up slightly to reach for his pack of cigarettes, still keeping an arm around me.
He lit his own cigarette and mine almost at the same time. There were times, admittedly, it would suddenly dawn on me who he was. I'd gotten so used to him just being Paul, not a Beatle, but there was that part of him as well. I had gotten caught up in thinking that and was instantly jarred from it all by him
"Ya' keep starin' at me, I might get full of meself" Paul laughed.
"Sorry luv," I laughed "I just sometimes forget who you are I guess."
"Well, I'm Paul...glad ya' didn't forget that a few moments ago" he teased. I laughed.
"I mean, I guess I just forget...you're a Beatle" I said finally. He grimaced a bit.
"Did I say something wrong?" I asked. Shite! Had I offended him?
"No." he sighed "I love being a Beatle, don't get me wrong....I just hope that's not what's keeping us together"
I was amazed at the side he never let the public see, the side I saw every day. Yes, he was confident, he practically oozed confidence...However, at the core, he was also human. I don't think many fans realized, they all were. All of them had their doubts and insecurities and this was one of the few times Paul would let down his PR façade, was in the very intimate moments we shared.
"I'd hope you know me better than that luv," I said finally "Fine. You're a Beatle...That's all well and good, but I love you for who you really are"
"You're sure about that?" he asked. He then grinned "because other girls have said that just to get in my bed"
I laughed "I think we're well past that stage! I'm serious though, even if you weren't a Beatle...I'd still want to be with you"
He smiled then kissed me again.
There was a knock on the door. We both jumped.
"Oi! Macca! Are ya' dressed?" John called through the door. Paul shook his head laughing softly.
"Wouldn't you like to find out lad" he called back.
"I would, but I don't think Tilly would take too kindly to it" John laughed.
"I dunno' John, why don't you find out?" I called. Paul laughed and hushed me.
"Don't let him on, he'll do it!" he laughed.
"Ah! That's what yer playin' at then...trying to shag more than one of us at a time" John laughed "Really, Macca...I'm beginning to question what the two of you do when no one is looking"
"Orgies!" I said laughing. Paul laughed and hushed me again.
"What did you want Johnny?" he asked.
"Well, weren't we going to work on some songs? At least ya' said ya' had some ya' wanted to show me...However, seems yer composin' a right nice one alone" John teased.
"Shite!" Paul said realizing he'd forgotten "Um...give me a mo John, I'll be out in a bit"

Paul had gotten dressed in record time, gave me a quick kiss and was on his way out the door.
I stayed back, took my time in getting dressed and met with Pattie and Cyn in the afternoon. We had taken a belly dancing lesson from a local woman, which was even more fun than I'd imagined, and sat down for a small lunch together.
"It's a shame Mo and Ringo had to leave," I said. I had just started getting to know Mo better and missed Ringo's jokes.
"Poor lad's stomach, hope he's alright" Cyn added.
"If George had his way, I think we'd stay here forever!" Pattie laughed.
I wasn't sure how long Paul and I had planned on staying, I was enjoying my stay quite a bit and would hate to leave, however, I did miss my friends, our home, and the dogs. Paul was also itching to start recording again. However, I think we both were hoping to spend a couple more weeks in India.

Later that afternoon, I was sitting near the tree I'd normally relaxed under. I had just finished a brief meditation and was feeling slightly tired.
"Afternoon baby girl," Paul said as he sat against the tree close to me.
"Afternoon luv" I yawned.
"Tired?" he laughed.
"Yeah, suppose I'd be more awake if somebody had let me get enough sleep this morning" I teased
"Didn't hear you complaining" he smiled "Why don't you relax a bit, have a nice kip"
"Think I might just do that" I smiled, I laid down next to him on the blanket I'd set out, he stroked my hair softly as I fell asleep.

I woke to a soft melody on a guitar, it was a perfect way to wake. Paul was softly playing a new melody, he'd been writing a lot during our stay in India. He smiled as he noticed me awake next to him as he continued playing

"Born a poor young country boy
Mother Nature's Son
All day long I'm sitting singing songs for everyone..."

He sang lightly, I loved his voice and all the dynamics it could take on.
"Do you ever tire of 'singing songs for everyone'?" I asked. I'd always been curious about that, he seemed tired of the fans at times, but he never seemed tired of his music and sharing it.
"Not really," he smiled "I figure I should be sharing it, I just get tired when the fans think they somehow own us because they've bought our LPs"
"Understandable," I said
"So what do ya' think luv?" he asked. He always was asking my opinions on his music, which was an incredible honor to me.
"I like it," I admitted "Very calming, seems very you as well"
"C'mere" he smiled. I smiled back and leaned against his chest.
"Feel like learning a bit of guitar?" he asked.
"Really?" I said. I had wanted to for awhile, the opportunity just never presented itself
"Of course" he laughed.
"Alright, take this hand and place it like so..." he said holding my right and placing it on the on the neck of the guitar.

"Hopefully you're alright learning left-handed" he laughed
"Fine by me luv" I smiled.

"Right then, that's your 'fretting hand', take this hand and place it here," he said taking my left hand and placing it over the body of the guitar. He ran his hands down my arms as he moved to show me a chord, his touch still managed to send chills throughout my body. He kissed my neck softly.
"I don't think I'll learn anything if ya' keep doin' that" I laughed.

"Sure you will...just not guitar" he said.

"I think you've already taught me a few things about that," I said pressing my nose to his

"I could teach you more," he said with his lips brushing mine as he spoke before kissing me.
We were interrupted by Mal
"Paul, Tilly," he said. We both looked up instinctively

"Sorry to interrupt, however, Tilly you've a call waiting...from your sister" he added.

"My sister?" I asked concerned. I looked to Paul.

"Perhaps it's just something about your lesson plans," Paul said hopefully. I knew Lucy; I knew that she'd figure something out about lessons; if she was calling it had to be something else.

"Hello?" I said picking up the phone.
"Tilly?" Lucy said, she sounded upset.
"Yeah Luce, it's me...what's wrong?" I asked. I knew something was amiss.
"I'm so sorry!" she sobbed "I missed the lessons for today...I..."
"Lucy, what's going on?" I asked.
"Thomas found out where I'd been going, that I'd been substituting for you while you were in India..." she stammered
"Christ...is everything alright?" I asked.
"No, it's not!" she sobbed "Daphne she...she..."
"What'd that fuckin' cunt do?" I blurted out.
"She got upset, to say the least...I stood up for you Tilly, I screamed at her for everything she's done...she hit me, Tilly, not nearly as bad as you've gotten...but I didn't want to give her that chance...I ran" Lucy cried
"Where are you now?" I asked worriedly and fighting back tears. I felt Paul place a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
"I'm at Sam and Ginny's...caught a bus..." Lucy answered. "I can't go back home..."
Sam was suddenly on the phone "Tilly luv, Daph did a number on Lucy...she's ok, we're taking care of her, don't know what it is about Daphne and shiners...but you and Lucy could've been twins" 
"Thanks, Sam," I said, I appreciated her humour in the situation "Seriously, thanks for taking care of her..mind if I speak with her again?
"Tilly?" Lucy said as she took the phone back

"Hold on Lucy," I said cupping my hand over the receiver. I turned to Paul, who already had an answer for me. He simply nodded.

"Lucy luv," I said as calmly as I could "Tell Sam to drive you to our neighbor's house, they have a key to our house, I'll call them and tell them to let you in...you can stay with us as long as you need to"

"Thanks, Tilly," she said before ringing off. I turned to Paul, who simply wrapped his arms around me as I buried my face into his chest; I couldn't help but cry over the situation. I was so infuriated by it!

He held me close and tried calming me before saying to Mal
"We'll need a flight to take us home as soon as possible Mal"

"Alright Paulie," Mal said before leaving to book our flight.

"I'm sorry Paul, I know we'd planned on staying longer" I apologized

"It's alright luv," he smiled wiping the tears from my cheek "This is important. Besides, we can meditate at home just as much as we can here"


A/N:  Right...so I forgot I got a little risque in writing some chapters lol.  Hope everyone is enjoying!  Thanks for reading :D

Soundtrack: Her Morning Elegance - Oren Lavie

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