Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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A few days had gone by. I was getting ready for my first lesson of the day with Eugene. I got into my dull conservative piano teacher's clothes. Paul and I had talked just before I'd hopped in the shower, he asked me to call him after my lessons for the day were done so he could see me again. It gave me the courage and hope I needed to get through a day with Eugene.

I arrived 15 minutes before the scheduled lesson time. I knocked on the large door and waited patiently for The Pennington's to answer. The door opened revealing both Mr. and Mrs. Pennington, they looked at me disapprovingly. I'd grown used to this as I wasn't an average teacher by most standards.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Pennington," I smiled as I greeted them "I trust Eugene is in the music room?"

Mr. Pennington made a grunting sound.

"We are finding a new piano teacher for our little Eugene" Mrs. Pennington advised. I was shocked! No one had put up with...let alone been able to teach the first few bars of Fur Elise to him aside from me.

"Pardon?" I asked warmly.

Mr. Pennington shoved a newspaper in front of me. There was a photo of Paul and I, along with the interview from his party. I was still confused, my face must've said so.

"We aren't comfortable with someone who associates with such...people...being around our little Eugene" Mrs. Pennington stated.

"I'm afraid I don't understand," I said finally.

"It's all right there in the paper," she said firmly crossing her arms

"No, what I don't understand is why my choice of friends...for that matter my partner, should have anything to do with my ability to teach" I countered.

"You're dating a bleeding rocker!" Mr. Pennington finally said. They both stood staring at me as if I were a horrible person. I knew I couldn't argue, or reason with them.

"Fine then." I said simply "I'll be on my way"

and I left. I got into my car, took a deep breath and decided I'd go to a small café I frequented.

Once I got to the café, I asked to use a phone. I waited as the phone rang hoping for an answer.

"Hullo?" the voice I'd come to adore said into the phone. I smiled automatically.

"'Ello Paulie" I chimed

"Tilly luv!" he said excitedly, "I thought ya' had a lesson right now"

"Things change, I suppose" I sighed "I'm actually about to have lunch and thought I'd see if you'd join me...I could use the company right now"

"Is everything alright?" he asked

"It will be," I said "If I can see you"

There was a small pause.

"Of course," he said warmly "I'll be there in 15 luv"

I smiled. I had been upset over losing a student, even if it was Eugene, over such ridiculous reasoning. I went to the café's owner and requested a more secluded table, I knew Paul's arrival would bring about excitement and much as it was all well and good, I needed him to myself for a bit.

"Sure thing Miss Beckham," the owner said warmly. I saw a few people look up, some with their papers with my photo in their hands.

He began leading me to a different area, I was stopped by a young girl...I'd say no more than 12.

"You're her..." she gushed "Tilly"

I glanced down at the paper in her hands. I hushed her as well.

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