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  Unfortunately, Magical Mystery Tour didn't go over as well with the critics as it did with us. "Blatant Rubbish" they called it. It was all a blow to Paul's confidence, it was hard to see him so shaken, the interviews following the movie's debut didn't show that part of him...he never let them see that. I was spending most of my nights with him trying to brighten his spirits, I worked during the day and attempted to pack my things when I could. Sam, took the news of me moving well, she was happy for me...Ginny planned on moving in. I still planned to hit the pubs with them on a regular basis. We hadn't been out in quite some time and I felt bad the night I had to cancel on them...
I'd finished my lessons for the day and decided to surprise Paul that afternoon. As I pulled up to the gate I saw John's car parked outside. This wasn't unheard of, so I thought nothing of it.
However, as I walked to the gate to let myself in...the gate birds had a very different reaction to me. Silence. Usually, they'd make comments or the nicer ones would ask for an autograph.
Suddenly, one started crying. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
"Tilly," she sobbed "Say it isn't true! Not our Paulie! He couldn't!"
I was shocked. What did they know that I didn't?
"What of him?" I asked. She handed me a paper. There, on the front page...was a photo of Paul and myself from the premiere party...the reporter made a point of pointing out my black eye. I read the headline "Trouble in paradise? Paul and Tilly not as in love as they seem. Has The Beatle been striking his new girlfriend? Details inside!" My heart sank as I read the first paragraph while a gaggle of pre-teen girls watched me.
I handed the paper back to the young blond on the brink of tears.
"It's not true," I said firmly.
"'s in the papers..." she said biting back a sob.
"Yeah? Don't believe all you read" I said to her as I made my way through the gate.

I entered the very familiar house, slid out of my boots and hung up my coat.
"Just hasn't been your week has it mate?" I heard John tease in the kitchen.
"No, it really hasn't...I can't bloody well believe this, what am I going to do John?" Paul's voice was shaky. He had been upset after the reviews for the film came back, but this, this was a new tone to me. I entered the kitchen. Paul and John sat at the table. Paul rested his elbows on the table, his fingers tangled in his hair.
"Tilly luv," John said as I entered "Just in time"
"'Ello John" I smiled. I went to Paul's side, he wrapped an arm around me from his seat, not even looking up.
"I'm going to take the dogs out Macca, you discuss what you need to," John said as he got up from the table.
"Thanks, John" Paul said weakly.
I sat on Paul's lap, he wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my shoulder, I stroked his hair. I felt horrible for the week he'd had.
"I'm so sorry luv" he whispered.
"Sorry? Why? What have you to be sorry for?" I asked "If anyone should be sorry, it should be the photographer or newspaper man who were paid off to print such rubbish. If anyone should be sorry it should be my bloody sister who caused all this. You have no reason, Paul"
"I never wanted any bad press written about you and I.." he sighed.
"You can't stop that luv, they'll try to turn up anything they can on all of you...I understood that going into this"
"I know...which is one of the many reasons I love you. I just want my personal life, personal. They can say what they want about our movie...but when they touch my life with you, it really hurts. I have no idea what to do"
"We'll sort it out; do you want me to stay with you tonight?" I asked.
"You're going out with Sam and shoul—" he began. I cut him off.
"Paul, do you want me to stay with you tonight?" I asked again. He sighed heavily; I felt a release of tension run through him.
"Yes." He whispered.
"Alright then," I said, I pressed my forehead to his and smiled "You just had to ask luv"
He smiled slightly. I hopped off his lap to ring Sam, however, almost immediately he reached for me again.
"You know I would never do that to you, yeah?" He asked nervously.
"Beg your pardon?" I asked. He pulled me back down to his lap and rested his hands on my waist.
"You know I would never hit you, I just don't want you worryin' about that because of some bloody paper, I promise it won't happen" he explained. I cut him off before he could say anything more.
"I know. The paper that printed it is rubbish," I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair. "You've never given me any reason to think you'd do such a thing luv"
He smiled at me, finally the smile I was hoping for. He kissed me, it was at that point (it seemed it would almost always develop into something more...), very sweet, very tender. I was completely in love with him; I knew things would work themselves out.
"Chrissakes! Ya' think the two of ya's could at least go to the bedroom before ya' start in on it in front of yer guest?" John teased. Paul instantly laughed.
"Good to see ya' in better spirits, Macca" John laughed as he unleashed Martha and Angus.
"Getting better all the time" Paul laughed.
"Can't get no worse!" John grinned back.

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